If I'm New, Can I Be A Superaffiliate?

Last Update: September 20, 2010

Hello WA Buddies!

Mondays are the days where I write much of my published content so hang tight with me. 

I published 1 post dedicated to you this morning:

1)  Millionaire Minds Think With Numbers, WA Promotions

Solid business people don't delve into the unknown without assessing risks first.  In fact, they spell out as much detail as they can ahead-of-time so they can truly know what's needed to make a solid go of things.

They look for ways to minimize their risks.  One solid way to do that is to carefully assess all of your business opportunities.  Don't let anyone use guilt to pull you into their joint venture.  I've actually had this happen...but it is what it is.  I didn't go for the deal, as you may have guessed.

Millionaire thinkers choose the right-minded strategies and are very sensible.  They're really not in a hurry to do anything until they know, "NOW it's time to act"!  Then they're moving...moving without blinking one eyelid.

By defining the most powerful actions you can potentially take, I will share more about operations and online strategies you can use to minimize all risks.

Today's Second Post

The second post shares Kyle's a mini-active campaign.  It's important for you to see this in action because it will shave off another 2 years of major stress.

What you have to kick out of your head is the idea that it takes years to move into profit when it really doesn't.  The Internet has changed old realities for the better!   To find this information..., look for Kyle's Data Entry Case Study.  You should find it listed in the top resources you don't want to miss...probably located on the right-hand side of your screen anytime you access Kyle or Carson's best tutorials.  This tutorial will appear in related content when you're looking at WA hosting, for example.

  2) 10 Days to Profit, Case Study of Data Entry

*** Click on the article to highlight Kyle's active resource link. You'll see it inside of the post....halfway or so down the page.

Why it was important to share Kyle's resource with you -- it had more to do with making sure you didn't miss this resource.

The learning resource shows you how to create a website full with complete keywords and adgroups moving 3 specific products.  That's important.  NOTE:  The careful alignment of how everything fits together.  This is extremely important for you as you are optimizing your blog + related website + articles targeting one niche.

Kyle shows you how much was spent and how much was earned, and he tells you precisely what was lost.  The most successful business people work the numbers.

This article will also tell you what Kyle used to set the site up software-wise and how he formed screen capture images. VERY IMPORTANT.

Document...and save in notepad.

Document the learning resource for your personal business use.

Notice how Kyle forms his ad groups. The title changes with each passing day as he alters the ad presentation...testing it in the live environment  

He constructs the website in 1 lean hour before going live with the campaign..., in 1 day.  By day 2, there is a small profit! You will see a few days where there is no profit, but this is realism at it's best!

SO...If I'm New, Can I Be A Superaffiliate?"


Purpose of this 3rd post today is to accelerate your learning and profits sooner by giving you immediate access to the "high powered help".

Superaffiliate marketing is only an extension of the content you're already learning.  It pulls in article marketing first...and expands into ppc later...but it shows you keyword lists available for immediate downloads (also important). Grab a major advantage here and outside of WA by downloading...8 or so keyword lists. Keep in mind -- test those keywords inside of your WA keyword tool to update findings.  Some of the keywords are a bit outdated but that should not slow you down.

Don't fear the process of writing. 

You can't be injured or lose money.  It will cost you time. 

You must begin to build a supportive base some marketers call a "FAN CLUB".

In my networks, I am sharing intensive information designed to create a grouping of superaffiliates.  It's what I live for and enjoy.   In a few day's time or maybe even tommorrow, I will identify the companies you can target!  

When you are working a full-time job, focus only on the small accomplishments you make.  If it's only 1 post/day..., that's ok. 

Take everything in stride and know that  "This isn't a race".  I'll cite my wondrous personal marketing coach... Mr. Terry Duff.  I care about him immeasurably because he's the 1 person who has always been there for me...even when others were not.  I pass his teachings onto you with care...and of course...I also share Kyle & Carson's help often found in the simpliest of places -- inside your very own email in-box.

Inside of the Superaffiliate Program --

You want to click on "affiliate stats" to see banners, links, and promotional materials.  When I was first new to WA, I stared at this stuff and wondered...now what?  Keep going back to everything, no matter how often you have to repeat anything.  More will make sense.

  • Turnkey systems are included -- specifically -- the WA blog & funnel system...
  • I have had delays sharing LIVE WA Blog & Funnel updates...resulting in a change of domain to optimize my own blogs...but I am setting up 2 to test one blog with the other and I will publish posts on each blog to separate content into beginner (1 blog) to intermediate and advanced marketing (on blog 2).
  • I strongly recommend you pull in the WA blog and funnel to reduce your time spent "hassling it out the tough way".
  • The turnkey system won't take away the work, but it will help you obtain high indexing faster online even when you use article marketing and pay-per-click combinations at $200/month and $1,000/month levels.  
  • This system will put you vastly ahead of a major marketing crowd!  No kidding.
  • When you are new, you DO NOT have to step immediately into pay-per-click.  It's a choice of advertising you can access now or later.
  • PPC can be very stable once you've identified your most popular ad groups and tweaked your full campaign.

What you get in return for participating --

Active access to the best marketers here.

A chance to go to Vegas.

The ability to get personal training from Kyle & Carson!  Man -- I wish I knew these guys 4 years ago...and the $30,000 I might have saved..., but they're here now and I'll make that $$ back and more.

Toasting Your Success,






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bkb2012 Premium
Hi Gals! I appreciate your posts so very much. Please stay tuned for more. I have some massive content prepped these past 4 years...and much of it targets a very amazing group.
reefswimmer Premium
Generosity with focus! Thx, Barbara
Diane, reeswimmer
jatdebeaune Premium
Very informative Barbara. My head is spinning.