Intuitive Marketing Of Your WA Blog & Funnel (Or Anything Else)

Last Update: October 12, 2010

Welcome WA Buddies...Guys & Gals!

Welcome New WA Buddies.   Every post offered here is for you -- new or seasoned!

When you're learning, there's a tendency to be mesmorized by your learning process without actually taking the concrete steps that move you into profit.  This has more to do with how we were programmed as children so take the old programming in stride.

The purpose of the funnel system is to get you moving so you can generate early profits.  

  • This is the fun part so for those of you who have been hard at work on your blog & funnel system, so you must be congratulated!
  • Have you read all of the content appearing inside of your funnel?

Why The Funnel System Is Valuable

The clever part about your funnel system (or any other WA element you're using -- it really doesn't matter)... -- is this:

  1. You have the first, valuable addition included in your marketing "arsenal"... and it's your first piece of real estate...,
  2. You also have your embedded affiliate links attached to the funnel system...,
  3. If you are using Site Rubix to build your own website, be sure to embed your affiliate links (for WA products and outside of WA) into your campaign but look at Kyle & Carson's work to see how they do this!  I use the WA site for lots of examples.  It's business in action and I will tell you that the WA site is valuable, not only from the $$ it has generated for others but from the standpoint that it will help more!

Intuitive Marketing 901, Master's Series

Here's what I've been doing online these past 4 years and it's been driving my private coaches crazy.  They think I'm not doing much.  Think again.  As a master in the martial arts, I learned 1 thing.

Work...and do.

Connect..and care for others.

Don't talk.  Do.

That's it.

If you can do those few things, you will hit your mark.  You can't miss!

When You Are New Online

Seemingly first steps seem like it  adds up to nothing, when the opposite is true.

What Is Real and Translates Into $$ Is  --

  • Every small post you make, every forum step you take, every article you write and publish adds up to a webwork of marketing stuff you own! 
  • Everything you write and publish should always be written under your name because that's when you'll develop your following.  That's when people will be ready to follow and act on your recommendations!

Your baby steps should tackle these things:

1) Setting up 1 or 2 blogs --

  • The WA blog and a (FREE) blog...,
  • The blogger blog protects your independence (no one can say yes or no to what you publish but be responsible for your content...,
  • Try to stay away from heated issues people cannot publically resolve like topics about religion, belief systems, politics, or even social differences...,
  • And please try not to cuss online. This is very unprofessional.  What this does is attract people who do what you do online!

2)  When you have 2 blogs, you can drive people to your blogs as you begin to attract small numbers at first...and the more people over time --

  • You first want to build up the content on your blogs before people will see what you're about, but I've learned that one 1 blog per major niche helps you test smaller niches within each blog.
  • Even though I have blogs that talk to network marketers and affiliate marketers, I'm pulling in Internet marketing slowly into the MLM blog. 
  • It's somewhat tricky because network marketers sometimes have challenges making the leap from MLM thinking right into online work so kindly keep that in mind.  It's not their fault.  This thinking has more to do with the way they were taught -- to focus on the self-improvement (a good thing) but to struggle with the business concepts (the stuff they weren't taught or really got).

If you're using WA promos to target network marketers, please lead only with the benefits and values of your products and services.  This will keep you out of hot water with Google. 

If you lead with your business opportunity or send far traffic to "raw affiliiate links" without offering helpful content, you'll have trouble with your blogger blog account being closed.  So keep that fact in close mind.

Understanding MLM Minds

  • Network marketers are taught to use the phone and to work their warm market (friends and family, aunts and uncles)....,
  • Internet marketers aren't asked to work the warm market so you shouldn't have to emphasize "make a list of friends and family".  It's about helping them overcome early fears which often are unreal so do it with patience and care.
  • Offer your insights into what you already know 

Seasoned Marketers

If you know how to generate highly targeted, qualified leads, you are working your way through massive numbers to develop your own affiliate force.  To do this, you must be willing to offer decent payouts.  Be willing to offer 50% commissions.  If you have to call your first commissions loss leaders, you can reap higher profits on the back end but don't get greedy.  People are very sensitive at this time in our economy, and they don't want to be messed with online too.  Take your business growth seriously and take it slow.

If you are very new, in time you will see how powerful Internet marketing is. That's because you're the 1 in about 2,000 who will learn how to build your own database of willing clients!   You will become a list generator and list owner.

You have the power to step into any MLM without sponsorship.  As an affiliate, you will have the power to step into superaffiliate marketing sooner than you'd expect.

To promote WA well, you want to know a little bit more about how network marketers (MLM'ers) think.

MLM'ers Like the Phone

Network Marketers are big about using the phone, and it can be a powerful medium when you are trained in what to say, where to speak certain words, and know how to say things...kind of like a living advertisement! 

Internet marketers are about automation.  You can pull telemarketing together with automation for some very powerful results, but know that it takes network marketers and even Internet marketers time to make online adjustments so keep this fact in mind when you're writing your messages/articles/posts.

3) Working your WA funnel --

  • You can pull content out of the funnel system in snip-its to peak peoples' interest outside of WA, and you can pull those simple messages over to the social networks to see who your webwork of marketing will attract...

  • If you're very, very new -- your (what will be) webwork works just like a spider web.  It's connected from all points.  Keep thinking spider web as you build your first campaign.
  • You will have different sites positioned on the Internet to snare interested people by pulling them into your compelling messages (appearing on blogs, websites, inside forums, etc.).
  • The funnel is valuable because it's your FREE giveaway !  It embeds your affiliate you will get paid as you move people through your funnel.
  • Focus on building relationships.  It takes time.  It means you're putting forth effort ahead-of-time to get paid better later on, over and over again.

4) Monetize every small to large tool you use yourself online to build your business

  • Get affiliate links from A-Weber and Get Response
  • Be careful to store all affiliate links on 1 worksheet so you don't lose sales
  • Marketers lose sales because they had trouble finding the autoresponder links and other affiliate links
  • Store all affiliate links in a safe place
  • Make backups of your computer documents, PDF's, samples of other websites you like most, affiliate links, etc onto a remove-able hard-drive
  • Consider storing some business data off-site (safety deposit box) because your business is extremely valuable, before you reap steady profits.

Article Marketing

I have been holding off a bit on publishing 30-Day Article Marketing updates...not to hold you back but to honor Kyle & Carson's work.

Be patient.  It is coming! 

No one will be rule out of  the ppc club or the article club!  Those of us who have been working these clubs have fallen a bit behind, but we are steadily working.

On Your Articles

One of the best sources for content is a magazine speaking to a particular niche audience. See if you can find a magazine that talks directly to some groups you'd like to market.  Notice how content is split into categories? These are your sub-niche markets!  See if you can spot a small market that is not being served and that will most likely be one of your bigger solutions.  Always test.

If you're moving WA education, form an article or two talking about what the big marketers know but may not teach:

  • Talk about how the top dogs build their lists (as an old industry secret...people like INSIDER SECRETS!)
  • Talk about the importance of owning one's own list (because the $$ is made repeatedly on the back end)...
  • Talk about splitting the list (segmenting it) up into 4 or 5 lists
  • Each list within a market segment identifies repeat buyers that you'll use to eventually build a golden clientelle list.
  • The golden list is your exclusive list of buyers who qualify for ad specials others don't get, applicable discounts, and more.
How To Move Your Affiliate Links

This part has to be more subtle. In prior posts, I mentioned that you could use a 3-in-1 rule -- your autoresponder, pull in 3 rich, helpful content articles..and in the 4th email -- pull in your embedded affiliate links...1 or 2 by choice...then ask people to "pick one".  Your 3 articles lead up to the 4th.  You can do the same for article marketing too! 

  • If you're moving A-Weber, for example, present 2 of your affiliate links as 1 solution.  Let the client choose 1.  Either way, you win...;
  • Be sure to follow up with help on using the autoresponder.  Pull in A-Weber's help guide..., pull in Get Response's help guide...ask that person who bought your autoresponder to get their own affiliate link...,
  • 1 autoresponder sale is worth about $52 or so dollars/year..paid monthly or paid at the end of the year
  • If that person renews in year 2, it's worth about double
  • If they renew the 3rd year, you have reaped about $201 roughly!
  • Multiply your autoresponder sales by 10 or 20 people/year and what do you get?  A small but decent income stream! 
  • Autoresponder sales are simple and necessary for marketers, so I want to emphasize the importance of moving something this important...,
  • When you blend offers, you will build your profits..,
  • Roboform is another small but helpful addition to your marketing arsenal..,
  • costs about $26..., but the value in offering something like this is that you can help people encrypt their log-in information.  This tool allows people to move safely through the net without too much worry.  Moving we address WA promos outside of WA next.
  • New folks -- all you need is proper Internet marketing education, your own domain, maybe your own web hosting, and an autoresponder. That's about it.  Everything is provided here for you to save you  thousands of dollars and major frustration.

Forum Participation

  • When I was new, I had no idea what the forums meant
  • At first, it seemed like a a waste of time...but not so...,
  • When you sift and sort through people, you will get sales from forum interaction
  • These are the best places to find WA members, but if you are promoting to a niche other than Internet  and network marketing, there are specialized forums in different markets
  • You may have to check out the back of a trade journal to find other communication channels 
  • People are looking for active guidance in these places.

Forums By Mention

5) Go into Warrior Forum, Home-Based Business Forum, and  Mark Joyner's Atomic Mind Bomb Forum attracts both MLM'ers and affiliates. 

  • As people complain (for a fairly common approach), that's OK.  That means they're in pain so they're ripe for your offer!
  • Provide people with help first. 
  • Don't present a link that's glaringly obvious. 
  • Tell Mr. Joyner what you like about something he posted, offer your name, offer an idea or two, and present your course link (the funnel system).

Getting Qualified Traffic That Counts

Have you ever noticed that sterling businesses always ask you when you enter a store, can I help you?  The best ones do.  They take a mellow approach... but they are always there. 

  • As a business owner, you must do the same.

You are an entrpreneur... when you always think about the other person's need before your own, you will succeed.

  • If you focus too much on "I gotta get X, Y, Z or I'm out of this industry (before you really help others), you will hit brick walls and you will lose a majority of those you originally intended to help...

Repeat business is always about quiet and steady persistence, dedication, and being there for others when many might not have been there for them (or you).

For new folks who are weeks old -- 

A)  Internet marketing at intuitive levels is really all about getting targeted qualified leads (people who already have an interest in what you offer, and it's often the power of your system that will draw people to you + your leadership.

B)  Keep your messages going...going...going...

C)  Persistence is the key when you're first in draw #'s to you, to sift and sort through numbers to get to the ones who really want to work with you in whatever way you'll offer your best

D)  To then obtain pay, offer your affiliate links, make solid commissioned payouts, and identify those top guns who will market you.

We're giving you major background information designed to move you from "being an average marketer" to "being a superb marketer" so please stay tuned for more help! 

As with all of my fellow marketing associates, I strive to answer your comments.  If I miss 1 comment, I will apologize in advance. Sometimes this happens when we're working with a lot of people all at once.

Toasting Your Internet Sucess!


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jatdebeaune Premium
Wow Barbara, This is like a rich 9 course Thanksgiving dinner with three desserts and 4 different wines. Thank you for all the great information. I am focused now on supply solid content in articles and building. Making sales is great, but I want to build a fortress on the Internet. I use blogs to get more personal. I feel they are a more informal venue and can accommodate a friendly approach. I feel overwhelmed with everything I should be doing, so I'm limiting it. I love automation to take over some of the boring tasks. I want to make a folder of all your wonderful information. Yes, you deserve lots of gold, dear Barbara.
Old Mizer Premium
I agree with you Larry. Barbara puts a lot of time into her blogs. There is always valuable information and ideas. I haven't thrown any Gold Barbara's way in a while and am overdue.
katydid78 Premium
What a great post... especially about the funnel and in the beginning. Thank you.
Labman_1 Premium
I think FamousPlumber has the right of it. I didn't follow your entire thread but there's good information there for every level of IMer. Thanks. Passing on the yellow stuff too.
famousplumber Premium
Wow! I bookmarked this one. You are amazing in the aspect of the help you so freely offer. I, for one, appreciate it immensely. Have a couple Gold on me as a small token of my gratitude. I really like the part about giving and giving. That's what I'm trying to do on my in-progress DIY plumbing site and I really believe it will payoff down the road. You are an inspiration!