Is Writing Required For Internet Marketing Success?

Last Update: November 13, 2009

Hello Fellow Buddies and WA'ers!

May this day find you well.

Let's address the most common questions people pose when it comes to writing content online. If you pick your favorite websites, you'll usually see a host of articles connected to these sites. That's because people usually like to research content before they make a purchase. The larger the purchase, the more content they'll require.

Much of my earliest blog content is geared towards beginners, but that doesn't mean intermediate or advanced marketers aren't welcome here and I'll tell you why. 

There's heavy need online to protect individual business interests. In my future posts and future learning resources,  I share decades of personal business experience with you... by infusing mastered business information meeting business needs at financial, legal, organizational and operational levels. This is essential your own CEO,  you wear a lot of different hats so questions will be varied and numerous.

Miscellaneous Points Before Answering Article Marketing

Allow me to cover a few finer points before answering article marketing needs. This is to embed key concepts leading you into article marketing from sound places. Kindly keep in mind...the Internet is still evolving and we don't have enough affiliates online meeting corporate demand (so that  companies can more readily move their products). Again..., that's good news I've talked about in prior posts.

Is there room for you online to profit? Absolutely! You are very needed and you are also very important -- more than you will know.

Can this industry be lucrative? Yes -- if you work it correctly. You want to begin by taking your education very seriously. Truth-be-told, Internet marketing is as specialized legal and medical fields..., but it's not necessarily rocket science.

Best news of all -- once you figure out how a complete marketing campaign works online, you're then repeating your steps while moving into other markets. That's also true if you're a network marketer.  So...marketers tend to specialize in one skill or another so that they may consistently offer very needed expertise. With the miscellaneous information offer, this brings us to the real big question -- what do I specialize in? This question first tackles writing as a skill, in the event you don't savor writing.

Do I Have to Write Well To Be A Successful Internet Marketer?

It depends what you want to accomplish as a business owner. There's no one set way to proceed in the world. Your business becomes YOU but there are skills you'll want to identify to then match your working preferences to the things you'll be able to deliver. I call this alignment of purpose, function and know-how. When you align your natural talents to meet any job at hand, you're much more productive, assured and happy. It is that simple.

Successful business is about a few things. It's about being a good human being first and foremost, asking people what they want, and problem-solving thoroughly to meet their needs. Deliver with high-quality results, reliability, and consistently and you'll do well.

With that much stated, the next common question I get from new WA'ers and/or new marketers online is....

Do I Have To Write Often for My Business?

Yes and no. When you're launching your business, it's common for marketers to use sweat equity so they'll often write their own content. The biggest reasons for doing so are clear. It gives the business owner a solid chance to develop their own targeted leads leading to greater quality and it gives the business owner a chance to then reinvest earliest business profits earned from article marketing (free advertising) back into the business to later pay for help. 

Repeating myself here a bit to emphasis what's needed. Because of what internet marketers do online, there is a lot of writing required. This is true because there are 3 ways to advertise yourself online:  1) through free means (article writing)..., 2) through paid means (pay-per-click advertising)...and 3) through a combination of points 1 and 2. However, that's not all. There's lots of room to offer your services in endless ways. Read on.

How Do I Meet My Primary Advertising Needs If I Don't Write Well?

You can outsource work to those who will write for you at a bid price you both agree per article.  If you're the one getting paid, make sure you get paid up front as you deliver each article. PayPal is a quick and easy way to get your pay in hand. If you're not the writer, check out the WA job board listings. You'll see people offering their writing expertise there.

You can also trade services with others who don't yet have a steady business cash flow. I would say that this last important reality is something many new marketers miss, just because they may not yet understand that marketers form tight working groups of trusted workers. That's why you want to form your own buddy network and get picky! Don't choose people who are out to make a fast buck because that approach will take everyone involved nowhere. Buddy networks are about identifying skills you can pool at the work table, thereby helping one another launch business on a budget. It's also important that you find people you can trust. This is true because you'll be checking each other's site links (and more) long before you go live. Buddies form potential future joint partners, if you work the business right.

Here's A Post Just Offered To Another WA Buddy

You can generate money for your business doing things other than writing.
There are several types of services many Internet marketers need, to name only a few without including copywriting you write yourself:

1) flash animation

2) website creation and graphics design

3) pay-per-click advertising help (working as a certified consultant)

4) audio/video recordings

5) camtasia screenshots

6) researching keywords

7) optimizing site content (so that other people can find Internet marketers)

8) offering blogging expertise

9) conducting marketing analysis

This is an overly-simplified answer because there are endless ways to offer your services for pay, for trade, or both.

You can find the certification coursework in pay-per-click advertising located within WA! The site rubix builder gives you a chance to approach businesses requiring these skills once you have more marketing under your belt. Be patient with this process. It takes time to figure out what you like to do and don't do, but if you need to write some articles to get your business launched, all you require is the ability to research content, find other authors you like who are already published, cut and paste indirectly by rewording and submitting ideas (infused with your own personality and life experiences). You want to shy away from direct cutting and pasting because heavily duplicated content can eventually get you banned(by the major search engines). More realistically speaking as a business owner, when you write from your own memory..., you can then answer any client question easily. If you're copying other peoples content without offering due credit, you'll never be able to remember what you said. Makes sense?

Please feel free to offer your comments, questions and suggestions anytime. As with all blog posts and learning resources, this is content in progress. The best marketers are always developing their content to address needs effectively.

Traveling This Journey With You Using Proven Marketing Means,








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StorminNorman Premium
Good content and advice :-)
DrMarie Premium
Superb information! Thank you so much! This is only my 2nd day and I am in no hurry. (I just blogged about that!). I intend to take my time, do the work, and LEARN. I am a true Newbie to Internet Marketing, but I want to learn. Your Blog just helped!