Leading People to 1st and Repeat Sales

Last Update: September 08, 2010

Leading People to 1st and Repeat Sales

Welcome WA Buddies!

Let's tackle a big challenge.

When people come online, they are naturally in need of revenue.

Here's what has to happen before you get to your 1st sale. 

I cite 2 ways:

1)  Most of us luck out during our first few sales.  We are able to find someone who has a pressing need and then they'll buy.  But.., that's not how it is online.

2)  What we quickly find out is this reality --

People don't buy from you until they know who you are.

So there is a gap between a few early sales and consistent sales until you master these steps.

High Quality Marketing Is Not Sales Driven All The Time

Sure.  This is the outcome we all want, and we should be offering 3 content e-mails + 1 e-mail offer..and insert your landing pages into that 1 offer...

but what the most successful marketers do (when they are accepted and supported by the public) is that they invest in your emotional bank account first.   We put content and help into you first.  That's help you can really use.

Then we build the relationship and trust.   Then we see what you're trying to solve.  Then we offer affordable starters and emphasize great value.  When problems persist, all of us have to move into paid content and paid Internet aids (like a domain, web hosting), and time intensive work.

Elegant marketing is very, very subtle.

Paid content must always satisfy this rule --

Major Rule --  Every marketing action in the best of circles has tobe consumer driven.  Miss this boat and people will see you're "just in it for the money" and you don't care how they feel.  There's no faster way to wreck your name.  I call it, "trying to predict what people want long before they tell you".   It's a recipe for disaster.

Reverse Your Thinking

So here's what has to happen.  People really dislike the research phase because they naturally want to step into the fun stuff.  We all do.  But what happens is this --

...If we pick a crowded fishing pond and do not know what line up of products/services people demand and will pay for, then the work is a wash...zero profit...and trouble.

Reverse your thinking because your intuition will not lead you into profitable realms until you view the purchasing cycle clearly.   I'll tell you why a bit more because knowing this stuff supports your success.  Trying to use your intuition totally will not support your success.

In Internet marketing, the top marketers know the full gammit of your problems before you get there.., but we don't rely on this knowledge entirely because the Internet is changing.  So if we know what you need as you share your trials and triumphs, we're better empowered to truly help.  We know what you'll basically need, and we know how you'll buy more of the time than not, but we still don't make assumptions.

This knowledge appears when we study your purchasing and we see firsthand precisely what you buy when you buy it.  We know how to sculpt demand, but it's only done well when it is decided by you.  

There's a big difference between picking out a product beforehand and then trying to match a market to that product VS. finding out which markets prefer specific solutions.

Getting People to Your Pay Buttons

Step 1)  Study your markets

I'll cite Internet marketing as one prime example.  Know by specific words how IM problems are broken down into smaller, more exclusive challenges.  Then...align those challenges to test need.  Then...align the need to the proposed solution.  You don't always hit major pay dirt the first time.

To know what I'm talking about ..., go back to your local store and study magazines.  They tell you exactly who's buying what.  They tell you how people think, and they show you what people want, and they tell you precisely what people pay for any one item.

See if you can find a way to apply this knowledge to your first campaign.

Pick a direction inside of WA, use the WA guided materials, and go for it. In time, you will isolate the market that is most responsive to you!

In Internet marketing, I know generally what you buy before you know it but...again...I NEVER ASSUME THAT I AM CORRECT.  I always ask.

Here's more repetitious content but it has to be embedded into your mind thoroughly.

Step 2)  Establish A Connection

Step 3)  Repeat Your Connections

Step 4)  Build Real Trust and Sincere Rapport

Step 5)  Never Take Shortcuts...Ever...But Offer Tremendous Value At A Decent Price...Try Not To Shortcut Yourself!

Step 6)  Be Totally Transparent In Business and Be Fair

Tell people what you are doing so they will have choices.  That way, they are in control. If you try to force the market, this is a fatal business error happening across more industries than one cares to admit.   It's one major reason why we're sitting in a huge economic squall, but it's not the only one.  I cite secrecy, preservation of a few, and more.

Step 7)  Share Everything You Know But Protect Proprietary Information Nurturing Your Success

Step 8)  Ask people what they want often and just deliver

This is the part where you have to spend your energy to get the return. There's nothing more unnerving than receiving a landing page with a pay button from a top marketer anytime I'm asking a question.  That pushes me elsewhere...like in the direction of Kyle & Carson. That's how it happened.

It's not easy building your relationships, long enough to get to the real sale.  I'll tell you more.  People don't open their wallets if you're in it for a fast buck.  They can sense it right over the net, and I don't care how smooth a campaign looks.

Step 9)  Build People Up Honesty And Serve Them Well

This part is very important.

I've studied under a handful of great marketers.  Some were so hungry for my wallet that I eventually let them go.  Some were far more patient so they were readily trusted.  I cite flamingo...as one wonderful marketer.  He's here at WA!

Pull him up.  Ask him for help.  He'll blow your socks off.  Both of us enjoy learning from Kyle & Carson because these guys are top notch. They don't give you guff for learning at the pace you need.  They don't push you to do things you absolutely don't want, and they don't heckle you for asking any small or large question.  In my book, these people are extremely rare.

Kyle & Carson work like dogs to serve you well, long before they toss in other affiliate offers. They' are there on the back end of WA if you look for them. But they're not hitting you over the head with these offers every time you hit a snag.

Step 10) You Must Be Patient

Even if you have to work some crummy job for the time being, that's okay.  You have something far better evolving in your back pocket, and you know that with diligent effort..., you will get there. You cannot miss. 

I'll tell you something else.  Internet marketing truly is a profound career choice, when you see how your business and this industry can work.

Step 11)  Align Your Affiliate Products/Services With What People Demand

This is the most imporatant part.  Inside of WA, they're continually asking you, "How are we doing and what do you want, and how can we do better"?

These are sterling questions you must also master with the public if you're going to be a sterling performer.  I'm not just talking about moving affiliate products. That's okay but it's not where you want to finally be.

Step 12)  Truth Is -- If You Keep Going, You Will Challenge The Gurus That Are Already Out There

They don't know it, but we're putting "quiet, competitive pressure on these folks...slowly and surely".  Sure, some are light years ahead of us.  That's ok.  There will be a time where we won't have to compete with them.  It won't be necessary.   That's because you'll be standing in an extraordinary group very few other marketers will know.   This is also said with care.  This isn't about being #1.  It's about being the absolute best marketer you can ever be.

Think like a doctor or an attorney (whether you like these professions or not) because that's where you can potentially go. 

As a final note:  I am encouraging new folks to step right into superaffiliate marketing.  It's high level content you want. 

You don't have to be rich.  You do have to be smart about applying yourself, use free and low-cost means, identify what you really need to grow your business, tap into article marketing, spend very wisely (but try to save more for the real power -- ppc). Above all, keep your overhead as low as you possibly can.

Toasting Your Success Online!





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BradB Premium
Nice one Barbara.