LIVE Update WA Blog & Funnel System, Part 2

Last Update: July 16, 2010

Welcome Fellow WA Buddies,

Happy Friday at the time of this writing!  How's it going for you today?  

Today's post shares something I experienced last night.  One of the WA Buddies in this circle asked me to call him.  Dave was having trouble setting up his WA Blog & Funnel System.

To help you out just in case you're using this powerful system (or maybe you're not yet),  I'll let you in on our conversation.  Maybe that way you'll be inspired to act sooner than later.  There is a window of opportunity on this launch.

You want to follow all directions listed in steps 1 - 3 carefully.

* Most people get hung up on step 2 and that's ok.

* You want to make sure that you add an extension to your blog URL when you're creating it in step 2.


If you don't yet have a domain set up, you want to do this so that you can let your "Internet home address" age a while.  This tells Google that you'll be around for a long time to come. Try not to call your blog WordPress Express because when people click on a domain name like that, they might think they're just getting WordPress Express.  Instead, pull in your name or something domain name that positions you as the expert.




Make sure these 2 url's point to the domain name you will choose. This sets up the connection to access the WA Server.  Again..., you will need to pull in WA nameserver details over to your web host account found under your e-panel (inside of your domain manager).

When you complete all steps correctly, you should be able to view your blog and funnel system.  If you can't for whatever reason, you want to find out why before you advertise your links.  I know this is obvious but there are marketers who don't even test their links.  Google doesn't lke this.   If there's a problem still prevailing, usually people don't transfer their URL's correctly when they link everything up (A-Weber with web host and WA). 

Make sure that you place your blog under your domain as a sub-domain and make certain that  you point your main domain to the WA server. It's all there in Carson's tutorials (again..found in the system).

You have to use FTP to see your campaign as it's coming from the server. In the event you're still having trouble, ask a buddy to help you troubleshoot.  Also -- ask a buddy to check your links.  I did that with Dave last night and he was unable to see my name missing on my site even though I could see the name on my screen.

Last point -- The people who actively get help are the ones who move into their success so please feel free to ask people in WA for that help.

Stopping there.

Feel free to post your comments or say hello anytime.

Toasting Your Success Online!




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