LIVE WA Blog & Funnel Update, Part 3

Last Update: July 20, 2010

Welcome Fellow WA Buddies!

Hello to new buddies.  They're joining us here each day.

I'm going to ask a BIG favor of you.

Tell me what your 3 most pressing business problems are are and I'll "go to work for you".  If you hit an area where I'm still expanding my own knowledge, I will refer you to the top guys...Kyle, Carson, and Marcus if you still can't find solutions across sections of WA.  But..., in so doing, we all learn to work well with each other.  Did you know that WA is the world's largest, most interactive forum?  I'm meeting a lot of network marketers here who have been previously dazed and confused.  We're here to sincerely help and contrary to what you've been told offline, "NO -- You're not wasting our time".

Your Success at WA

Your success here or anywhere online depends on your ability to reach out frequently by asking for help.  If someone doesn't respond, give them some time.  A lot of people are vacationing..., but if that doesn't work..., ask until you someone replies.  Sometimes it takes 3 - 5 tries.  Be very persistent and don't drop the ball.

By working with others, you dramatically increase your chances of succeeding.  That's because many heads are always better than one.  And..., that's true because who's going to check your campaign links from another computer remotely if you don't have a network?  That's a point most people miss.  You need a team to help you through challenges.

Now, I'd like to tell you that  WE HAVE A TEAM OF PEOPLE FORMING AT WA...inside of the forum.  Wherever you see questions related to the new WA Blog & Funnel System, read the replies.   This group is rapidly implementing the WA Blog & Funnel, but ask yourself what team involvement would mean to you?  There are some amazing talents here!

* We have some who are independent and don't really interact often with others -- and that's fine...

* We have some who are "just now getting an inckling as to what this system might entail"... HINT:  It's powerful !!!

* And.., we have some who see the system on the home page but it doesn't mean very much.  That's ok.

If you're a 1-week old Internet marketer, the difference between being here in 1 or 2 years down the road could very well depend on the decisions you make today.

Here's why.

Now as some of us have been working this new system, we've hit error messages and brick walls. That's to be expected when a new system or being introduced, or they've switched to things that will work much better.

So..we have folks who get bogged down by what's not working.  That's when you can switch gears and write an article or blog posts inside of notepad or a text file.  Hit save.  Cut/paste the 10 e-mails in this system over to notepad and edit.  There are many things you can be doing while you're solving something else.  Try to get into the habit of always moving forward...even if you're not sure about keywords, for example.  You will get insights as you work on other things.

Now.., what stumps me is that we should have more people pulling in the NEW WA Blogging & Funnel System.   I'll tell you why.

Once you get past the dreaded "your account has been suspended" or some error message, or you face the typical challenge (404 error) , most  often it's because changes are underway.  We have issues arising when people haven't gone into the WA tell the WA server what to recognize (your domain).

You may have to configure (set up) your WA hosting account...pulling in e-mail, WA files, and more.  These common errors are far more minor than we would think at first glance so we have to hang in there until we figure out more.

So I'll ask new folks to consider this system.

Here's what it can do for you.

* Even though you may be very overwhelmed (that's ok), this system will shorten your learning curve drastically!

* Even though you look at technical terms and say to yourself, "HUH"??? Don't worry.  I hit this feeling everyday but do you think that stops those who are forging ahead dead in their tracks?  Not really.  We've just gotten used to going with the flow until information sinks in.


1) Google basic Internet marketing terms if it means involving some "How to do something question IF/WHEN you first can't find it here.., but please put your credit cards on ice.  Kyle & Carson are some of the finest marketers out there.  They teach what many others WILL NOT  and chances are that they already offer what you need here (without spending more $$).  Please don't do that.  Ask me how I know.  I spent $10,000 to find this site, and you stumbled here in 1 day. 

Do you know what you have?

2) Head over to the WA definitions.   Use the resources here.  Check out tutorials.  Connect to buddies.

3) You can pull in UTube videos to compliment content at WA, but please be careful not to join 100 affiliate lists.  Stick with free means whenever you can first and foremost because there's a lot of IM stuff out there you simply don't need. 

If you have to get a guide, get it here at WA.  They do such a great job.  If you just have to buy something, buy a certification course.  Very few people are certified in Internet marketing basics yet.

4) What you will want is most  is all of  your Internet marketing housed safely under one roof.

5) WA will deliver.

Moving on.


In the WA system, all of the instructions are there for you.  If you read directions and all you hit is another, "Darned.  What in the heck does that mean" feeling..., head to the forum.

There is a new forum forming under the new blogging & funnel system.

Ask others for help -- no matter how small your question is.

If I had a nickel for every time I sent my mentors and coaches (and Kyle & Carson) a "tiny question here"..., well..., you can guess what the outcome would be.  I would be in nice financial shape.  And it will be!

When you ask for help, you can't miss the target.

So ..., please tap into every resource you can grab.

Use tutorials.

Use commentaries you see on forum threads.

Use the free reports they gave you.

Read Kyle & Carson's updates and blogs.

Do it all.  You can never be too prepared before you go LIVE.

I promise -- people will expect you to be the expert and I know you can do it.

The ones who become superaffiliates are the ones if I recall, PotPieGirl tells us -- "I'm a help-a-holic".  Can you relate?  If so, you're in the best place for NATURAL TRAFFIC THAT'S ALREADY HERE.  Sure you have to follow all WA rules because you should be building your own list, but you can't do it alone.  Keep the buddies incoming onto your profile.  Lastly, if you miss the target, we miss as well.  That's how connected we all are to one another.


Here's what the WA system does.

* It pulls in an SEO optimized campaign (be sure to pick an SEO optimized blog template at Word Press Express...,

* When you first join GoDaddy ...or Hostgator ...or whoever your favorite web service happens to be, first register your domain (the URL pathname which identifies where you can be found online.  It works like an address on your home), you  first have to put that domain into WA's it ties into your domain found at your web host.  Add the sub-domain under your main domain at your web host...but make cerain it agrees with your blog URL somehow.

* Then follow the steps in 1, 2, and 3...and so on.

* When you hit the wall, e-mail me or others.  I will help wherever I can.



In the event you still can't see your website, make sure your domain is pointing at the WA server (look for nameserver information).

* You have to pull in the help desk called Plesk located within the WA hosting area... then you have to enter your domain there.

** Configure your hosting account by following the list of files offered there. To do that, you have to set up either your desktop or hard-drive for WA files.  Instructions show you how to do this.  If not clear, still ask for help.

* IMPORTANT -- You must enter your domain name and password to enter the WA Hosting and Plesk help system.  If you can't remember your pw, you can have it e-mailed to you. 

WA Hosting and Plesk coach you through telling the WA server how to recognize your domain.  Once you do this, you should be able to move forward.

* If you're not sure what configuring your WA hosting means, please ask. This process does take time...reading...learning...going back to let it sink in.  If you have another web host, go to their configuration tutorials.  If this step takes you 3 weeks to figure out, it takes 3 weeks.  If it takes less time, spend the time.  Take your time to do it well.

* If you're not sure how to set up your A-Weber, please ask.

* If you don't know how to load your autoresponder with 10 e-mails, please ask.

* It you're not sure how to point your domain at the WA server, pull in the WA will see 2 of them listed in the directions.


* You should be able to see your blog once you've set up a sub-domain with your web host...or have listed it in the WA Hosting section.  Again, you have to tell the WA server what that sub-domain is.  You should find your blog URL listed in your WA blog details.

Pull those details over to your web host or to WA Hosting and name your sub-domain according to whatever you picked for your blog URL.

Make certain all domains and sub-domains match in all places or you'll hit disconnects in your campaign.

The most common reason why people can't get their websites to work is that they've made errors in this way.  It can mean the difference between transposing (reversing) two letters or putting in a period at the end of a URL when it should not be there. 

Look for very small basics like that first.

Again...If You're New to WA and You Don't Know Where To Start --

* I'll beat this dead horse all day long -- go back to your "WA Getting Started Guide", 8 -Week Plan.  Refer back to it often.

* You'll want to head to "My WA Profile" (and don't be too concerned if it takes you a few weeks and months of working your profile for things to start making a little sense).  Over time,  you'll add more.

* Check options as to how you want your profile to look and make certain you've set up your control panel for internal e-mails

* Start connecting to buddies and ask people what they're doing.

Those Working Configuration Setttings On The WA Hosting (for the new blog and funnel system).  You're pulling files located inside of the WA system from the left side of your panel over to the right side of your panel.  Hit "ADD".  If you're not sure which files you need, you can always add them later.

* If you've been using forums and e-mailing buddies,  you may wish to check the "overview" tab located on the far left-hand side of "private messages".  Please refer back to the overview section daily.   As Kyle & Carson offer LIVE updates on the WA Blogging & Funnel System, you will see IMPORTANT stats (numbers) you have to enter into configuring your WA hosting system.

Stopping there. This is far too much content to digest in one sitting, but do your best and take it slow. Your mind does absorb information, and it will most likely problem-solve after you've had a chance to sleep on matters.


The outcome of yesterday's "brick wall session" was positive.  I set forth positive intention to "find just what I needed when I needed it", took a 2-hour break from all work, then when I was more rested..., wa-la..., Kyle & Carson were there to lend a hand.  Thanks Guys!

Toasting Your Success Using Proven Internet Marketing Means,




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dmjones23 Premium
Hi bkk201, you mention inside WA WE HAVE A TEAM OF PEOPLE FORMING AT WA...inside of the forum. Wherever you see questions related to the new WA Blog & Funnel System, read the replies. where in the forum I can find this group as it will be good to contribute, as always great post.