Millioniare Minds Think With Numbers, WA Promotions

Last Update: September 20, 2010

Welcome Back New and Seasoned Buddies!

This post is designed to show you the real power of Internet marketing when it is properly learned and mastered. It uses numbers and applies mindset work.  Please set aside 30 minutes to let this content settle.

Grab your favorite beverage, don't worry about the disclaimer I post at the end of this article.  It's somewhat heavy but required.

Business Planning -- Identify Seasonal Fluctuations for Your Niche

Because numbers are not entirely exponential online, all marketers have days where there is zero profit. 

There are big days and slow days --

  • September picks up (back to school)..,
  • Things may slow during October...,
  • November and December are strong...,
  • January - March are busy...,
  • April - May can be slow if there's delayed taxes or April can be great when people get refunds...,
  • The summer months online can be slow if more people are vacationing and they aren't online...,
  • See if you can spot trends during your 1st year of Internet marketing, even if you are not yet in profit
  • Consider carefully how your sub-niche is affected by holidays and buying trends...,
  • See if you can identify which months are strong or slow so you can plan your (much needed) vacation time off during slower periods.

If there's one point I can ever make with you, it is this fact.  Millionaires do not leave anything to chance.  Ask them what they are worth, and they can tell you to the penny.  

High Powered Marketing Assumption #1 -- Golden Rule Applied

High powered marketing works under the prevailing assumption that we don't take any shortcuts with anyone for any reason. 

Golden Buyer Lists Lead To Repeat Business

Experienced business owners know this fact -- golden buyers are identified to the extent that they know precisely who their repeat customers are.  They know exactly how much of total business revenue account for their success -- varying from 40 - 60% of gross profits.   Treat every customer as if that person was your top customer.

Superaffiliate Marketing

I am building knowledge in this arena as it ties into my franchising experience, but this is where your own affiliates will one day market you.  Only "1 out of 2,000", (Glenn Livingston, Ph.D.) will implement what they learn. 

You are that 1...or in the very least, you have the full potential to be so.  You must work like a dog to be your very best at whatever you choose to do.

  • May this information sincerely motivate you because you can be a millionaire...
  • Repeat content -- it's going to take time to build yourself into solid profit.

You can't have success without developing a proper, high-powered mindset because people will continually test you.  That's just how it is if they're opening their wallets..., but as smart CEO's, we can offset risks of anyone trying to get our "stuff for free".  Please don't give away your store.  Now for the big stuff.

Have you ever dreamed about being a major player at doing something you hugely enjoy? Here's your chance.

  • Internet marketing is equivalent to attending law school or med school -- specifically speaking -- because it takes time to build powerhouse skills that are highly valued by others
  • It takes time to figure out what you want to do (or not want
  • New and seasoned players go through a series of lessons designed to sometimes show you what you don't want -- as in the case where you meet an affiliate showing you what NOT to do.  It unfortunately happens.
  • Apply yourself consistently -- reach out for help
  • Discover what you're really good at doing for solid pay
  • Be the 1

At the end of this post, you will see what you are inherently worth.

Millionaire Minds Pull In Numbers Plus Market Research

In prior posts, I talk about the importance of understanding precisely how your market thinks, noting what they buy, and seeing what they pay for every small and larger item. 

They Choose Work Yielding 5 Major Outcomes:

1) Getting paid well for the work you offer 

This work should be designed to eventually reach and help large numbers for best pay.

2) Loving your work & caring for others' well being...

(Millionaires tap into the best resources -- Kyle, Carson, Marcus,  and PotPieGirl.  They are all working to make things better for everyone here.

3) Leveraging the skills and talents of others

4) Automating

5) Operating under the radar so you don't have another business buying your enterprise 

6) Building the empire so you can later sell it, if you desire.

You Will Need to Emphasize:

* Ongoing education

* Continued guidance

* Right-minded business -- doing the right thing for others...that sort of deal...,

Begin viewing yourself as a pro and that is what you will become.  You can identify with an attorney or a doctor.  This includes seasoned players in MLM.  When they come online, it's a slightly different ballgame so they have some new learning and transitioning involved with their online commerce.

WA Promos -- General Business Template

Here we go -- here's the main reason why we're here. 

  • I use WA promotions as the raw template
  • To Identify a complete business plan...not a general one...,
  • If there are mathematical errors or numbers appearing too lofty, I use the commission of $49.50...and reduce it to $49 rounded values for worst case, mid points, and best case planning...based on a 30-Day period of performance.
  • $46.50 is the actual WA commission based on 1 sale...but I add a small buffer to numbers in the event you pull in some back end affiliate marketing (like monetizing A-Weber with some people).
  • You can recalculate the numbers based on a straight commission...$46.50 and include the yearly commission for solid practice. Run 3 sets of numbers for 3 years.  -- straight monthly sales...include some yearly sales...and use a combination of both commissions.
  • Millionaires look at their business plans weekly and monthly to gauge performance, but they also revisit their marketing plans to check on overall operations (need to hire people, outsource, or hire 1 or 2 full-timers, etc.  This helps them spot declines in purchasing because they're still missing the boat with consumers...and they can also see increasing trends when they're doing something right.

If you rework any numbers for your WA promotions, be certain to check out Kyle & Carson's math.  You may only want to pull in a 25-day period of performance.

I will assume you are learning or have learned article marketing to apply this business plan 5-day workweek.  If not, please check out the tutorials here at WA.  

Repeat content:  please check out the pay-per-click at WA.  They pull in concrete SEO marketing into their WA Blogs.  If you have 2 years of SEO, do not assume you know it all.  Kyle & Carson will show you otherwise.  There's so much to learn here!

In the days ahead, I will also offer an article marketing plan using 300 words...sometimes 200.

***  This plan does not include email marketing because we're looking at raw numbers.  In email marketing, you have the chance to increase your closing percentages by as much as 20%, 30%, or more.


This business plan addresses 3 years of business, using your sweat equity for simple starters:

* It is geared towards part-time and full-time promotions

* If you work part-time, you're pulling some keyword research, writing 1 - 2 articles/day, and you're emphasizing 1 post/day..., for a total of 2 hours devoted to your efforts each day, assuming you work 5 days/week

* This plan includes full-time marketing, with 8 hours work ++ / day, 5 articles/day, offering 1 - 2 blog posts or more (depending upon the # of blogs you own), website development, keyword research+ customer support

* This plan considers that you are working 11 months/year.


Set a steady schedule and work towards honoring that schedule  - you will naturally work into it more once you feel a bit more relaxed in your publishing and prospecting.

Market Average = 1% at starting points in any campaign

This is true for any niche

WA Targets:

* work from home crowd


* affiliates

* part-time moms or dads

* job loss 

* job termination with severance pay

* change in career path

* full-time dads 

* married moms and dads working together full-time

* single couples wanting to work together from home

* single family-household earners with children

* singles family-household earners, no children

* singles tired of corporate grind

* married couples tired of corporate grind

* disabled or special needs

* college students (45% of those who graduate are unemployed)

* long-term unemployed

See if you can list as many combinations as possible for best keyword research.


WA #'s

50% commission = $49.50

65% commission on affiliate products marketed on the back end

In Sales/Day (Based on $49 Rounded Low)

1 sale   = $49

2 sales = $98

3 sales = $147

4 sales = $196

5 sales = $245

6 sales = $294

7 sales = $343

8 sales = $402

9 sales = $451

10 sales = $495 - $500/day.

*** These are estimates based on the 5-day workweek.

*** Kindly make adjustments in your schedule to accomodate family/work demands.


Year 1 Annual Revenues 

Gross Profits

*** Without Including Other Liabilities (30% Taxes, 10 - 15% Total For Self-Employment Including Some State & Local Taxes, Operating Costs, Savings, Misc.)

*** Startup Costs -- phone (unlimited long distance if you're attending ongoing educational teleseminars or hosting them  - $30/mo., Internet, computer maintenance, removable hard-drive for backup ...$130 or so, domain ($7 - $15/yr.), web hosting ($52 - 64/yr.), time, effort, reinvested profits).

*** Use a 30/30/30 formula --  30% Feds, 30% Your Pay, 30% Business...


Monthly Gross Revenue

Low Estimate -- $1,470/mo. , 1 sale/day   for 20 - 30  days

Mid Estimate --  $7,350/mo.,  5 sales/day  for 20 - 30 days

High Estimate -- $15,000/mo., "10 sales/day" for 20 - 30 days, (WA, Kyle & Carson's stats, assuming you're using pay-per-click and article marketing combined for all 3 scenarios so these figures are based on a 30-day period.)

*** Take your time identifying marketers you want to work with.

*** Do not rush into joint ventures.  Many times, these don't pan out.

*** Pick the top dogs.  

*** Revenues vary according to skills developed: keyword research, website construction and optimization, banner use and rotation, testing of adgroups (always rotating in 3's for best first ad)..., watching your campaigns daily if you have more than 1.  

*** Try not to exceed 2 total campaigns if you're working full-time at year 1.

*** If you are new, you can step right into superaffiliate marketing !


Yearly Gross Revenue At Year 1, 30 - Days Profit Assumed

Low    $1,470/mo X 11 months worked = $16,170

Mid     $7,350/mo X 11 months worked = $80,850

High    $15,000 X 11 months worked= $165,000

*** Revenues vary according to marketing skills acquired.

*** Not all days yield a profit.

*** This includes some content management system and automation (Mambo for example).

*** Pull in superaffiliate marketing.


Yearly Gross Revenue At Year 2,  30 - Days Profit Assumed

Low   $16,170 X 2 = $ 32,340

Mid    $80,850 X 2 =  $161,700

High   $ 165,000 X 2 = $330,000

*** Revenues vary according to marketing skills further developed.

*** Not all days yield a profit. 

*** Membership website ownership.., content management system..., identifying joint venture partners, supporting their development...,

*** Advanced marketing + superaffiliate marketing if you pull in your own membership site and your own product creations + expanding additional business strategies with higher profile players. 

*** This data based on part-time, three-fourths time, and most likely full-time employment. The jump between part-time and full-time is substantial until automation is well in place or you have some affiliate programs that are thoroughly proven.


Yearly Gross Revenue At Year 3,  30 - Day Period

Low   $16,170 X 3 = $ 48,510

Mid    $80,850 X 3 =  $242,550

High   $ 165,000 X 3 = $495,000

*** Revenues vary according to marketing skills further developed + advanced marketing + superaffiliate marketing...,

*** Membership site ownership, multiple products created + expanding additional business strategies to build your superaffiliate core group...+ pull in cross-promotions. 

*** This data is an estimate...,based on full-time employment. The jump between part-time and full-time is substantial until automation is well in place.

DISCLAIMER - My enterprise offers estimates and should not be used as face value figures to promise results.  Individual performance varies.  Market conditions vary and monthly performance varies because of seasonal fluctuations, so merely consider these numbers as a guideline. 

Adjust your numbers downward if you are new.

Adjust your numbers upward if you've operated many successful campaigns, obviously.

As with any business endeavor, you should use all diligence necessary to research and make business decisions accordingly. 

Always make your decisions when your mind is clear and you are not under extreme duress.

Business and marketing plans are living documents.  They change from year to year, and revenues are not static.  This is a general plan based on raw numbers.  

Incorporate the use a qualified attorney in your state, research legal implications by following Mike Young's blog online (Internet Marketing Attorney) for general business guidance + hire a CPA when profits deem necessary.  

All businesses carry inherent risk.  Some campaigns are more profitable than others.  Retain your full-time job until you know more of what's involved in the first few years of business and take good care. 

Some Unsavory Business

I've seen some nasty marketing online so always look out for your business interests first.  If you have to get tough with anyone during a joint venture offer (and you will get these), ask them tough

  • "Give me some #'s"...or  offer a formal proposal in writing, "telling me precisely what you're doing" have a right to do this and you owe it to yourself to do this...,
  • Ask how long they've been online and ask them if they've been in profit using Internet marketing (a key question). 
  • If they imprecise answers or they won't tell you what they're doing, it's because they don't know what they're doing.
  • Ask which tools they're using to pull the campaign together..,
  • Ask how long it's going to take before you see first signs of profit
  • Verify software they're pulling in... because you could be basing an entire campaign off of some cruddy keyword research tools...,
  • If you get a huffy response, it's no major secret to those who've been here for a while what has to happen.
  • Some folks overstate credentials and may not be clear about what really needs to happen (proper SEO/indexing/website maintenance/ongoing testing). 
  • You don't always get what you think even when someone gives you lofty lip service...,
  • Take time to establish ties with people so you can test them.
  • If a joint venture partner is stable, they won't  fuss about any minor or major question you propose.  It's because they've already done the work or should have done the work.
  • Joint venture partners often don't cut the mustard so be picky. Pick ..again..only the top marketers.  They will be able to tell you specifically what you can market and what you can charge..., point-by-point.
  • There are some golden marketers who have not yet turned a profit, but they are up and coming beware of that fact too! 

Follow Google's rules, ask Kyle & Carson often on any matter...but check out the tutorials. They are here at WA written to benefit you.

Lastly, if you have someone pressing you for $1,000K on their "latest and greatest learning program"...and they're eager to spend time with you only during that day, make them wait.  If they have a program worth promoting, they won't be in a hurry!  

This content is copyrighted by my enterprise so if you wish to copy anything here, please let me know in a posted comment below.  I will be happy to send you a "sure...go ahead...just reword".  

As with all marketing matters, take your most pressing questions to Kyle & Carson the site owners.   They have the final say on all details.

Toasting Your Success Online,









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