Mindset Mastery: Stopping Fear By Acting Concretely

Last Update: August 29, 2010

Welcome Back Fellow WABuddies!

Here are a few affirmations which kill irrational fear in Internet marketing dead in it's tracks. 

1) You feel fear whenever you don't have enough information, tools, or expertise (yet) because your motherly self is trying to protect you at all irrational costs.  I call this ego and it just gets in the way.

Say to yourself --

"I now go beyond the fear and limitations of myself." 

"I now go beyond the fear and limitations of others".

If your ego creates more fear, tell it to take a backseat because you're the one who's in charge (your masterful self).

Next, we kill fear by taking action.  Action brings you new insight and it attracts powerful people to you so that you can learn from each other.  


2) Pick up WA hosting

Proof to pull in forward progress....

  • You need a domain for this exercise but it's worth the cost ...$7 - $15 / year
  • 1&1 is least expensive
  • GoDaddy is ok...just don't lock your domain or they won't transfer it to another service..
  • Hostgator is expensive...but they are tops in account configuration.

You need a domain.

You can pull in web hosting aside for your own independence.

Domain registration is necessary in order to create your own powerful WordPress.org blog and website.


3) When you get to WA hosting..., set up your main domain inside.

Hugs to Kyle & Carson - these guys show you how to set up WA servers as they communicate with your own web hosted servers. 

You can use WA as an IM developer's tool and more!

4) Set up your Plesk help desk inside of WA under your main domain.

If you spend 2 weeks doing this, be patient. 

Here comes a major BONUS.

5) BONUS:  Ever wanted to own your own membership website that you can charge anywhere from $30 to $97/month per member...depending on the strength and power of your website?  Sure == it will take time to do this.

Here's how you get it.

Inside of Plesk, look for installs found in a list of 100.  They are software applications designed to help you do things like set up your own FAQ's page..., or set up your own help desk, make your WordPress more functional, increase indexing power, and more.

Click on "add a tool"...save username and pw for database access and administrator's access...(you'll need to pull in MySQL database and php at your web host and inside of WA).

These software apps do big and small things.  You can get your own high producing WordPress blog...or pull in your own professional quality membership website, add a counter, etc.

This list takes time to plow through but you decide what you want! 

Add 1 or 2 a day for 30, 60, and 90 days. 

Process..digest..apply...write articles...write blog posts inside of your WA blog..publish tutorials (you can do this)..., attract people to you..., start helping them..and they will come back.

When people hit a deep need, work within their means and always do what is best for them.  Zero in on a pressing need designed to address their pain or frustration. 

Then send a product review written along general product (generic) lines, include your recommendations and tell them why.  Then.., offer 2 affiliate links of yours leading to 2 similar solutions.  Tell them to pick one, but be sure to present BOTH affiliate links. Tiny URL these links to shorten them...head over to tinyurl.com, and present those links in your offer. You can go as far as presenting 3 options and 3 affiliate links tops. 

Pull this technique into your blogs and your website...but try not to go over 3 plans.

Tell them, "If you click on this link, I receive a partial commission".  This keeps you out of hot water with the FTC so they can't shut you down.

Is that cool or what?

The only people here at WA who know this are the ones who've used the Plesk system and I bet they're being pretty hush, hush about it.

On this blog, I pull back the IM curtains to show you what Harv Ekers of the world don't share...oh unless you pay them $30K for their inner circle program.  You don't have to do that. 

The content is already here.

Be the powerhouse you are.  It's there.  Your ego will say otherwise... but we know better.   

Please post your comments if you get stuck... but bug Kyle, Carson, and Marcus to death if you can't get the satisfactory help you need.

Toasting Your Success Online!

Barbara (bkb2012)...the Non Guru, Guru.



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famousplumber Premium

That is a fantastic blog! Thank you so much for taking the time to be of help to others. You are such a positive asset for this community. The Plesk info is new to me. I will be taking advantage of that, for sure.

Larry (famousplumber)