Networking Your Day Job, 1 Core Result

Last Update: December 13, 2011

Hey There WA Buddies!

bkb2012 here.  May you find this holiday season bringing you several unexpected gifts.   I call it sychronicity.  It's where the timing of something you've been waiting for appears at just the right time you need iand want it most.

In this post, I'm going to tell you just how networking does work by producing one core result:

1)  CORE RESULT -- Work for Real Pay

This is where you bring your 1099 federal form with you.  You want to have some marketing packages spelled out on paper before you get to your hiring hand.  There's no set way to set up these packages...but 1 package could include setting up an autoresponder...setting up a blog..., setting up a website with 5 main pages..including 15 articles connected to the website...say....all for $1,500.  It's your start.  I'm tossing out ideas.  You can set up 4 packages based on the needs you see inside of WA where people are all asking the same questions.  They are pointing to an end result.

If you're spending 100 hours to set up (and publish) a website...yes...the website can easily be worth $10,000 by the time it's running, has traffic, is connected to ads, and has people clicking on various things for that site. 

A workable website must have data capture (a place where people enter their contact information), a free report offer, and valueable content talking about products and services that will lead people to inquire further about what's happening on that site.  It will have to be connected to the autoresponder (A-Weber, GetResponse).

It is worth a LOT of money.

It is worth $95/hour... if you know how to write some compelling content.

You can outsource some of the technical stuff if you're not sure how to handle code....OR better still, you can ask Kyle & Carson for support.  They will reply.

Yes...people do pay $5,000 - $10,000 for a professional website that does these very things.

This is one of the biggest skills you can learn....BUT... you must also be able to set up a blog that will marry to the website, if only to get that site indexed and ranked on page 1 with Google, and perhaps Yahoo and/or MSN.


You must help the business owner understand that their primary job is to send people to that site (traffic), maintenance the website themselves (or you can do that for them...for $400/month) by tackling content you wrote in the beginning (as it ties into the articles that are published..., A-Weber..., etc.).


2)  Here's how you get the job.

I have spent 1 solid year doing nothing but building relationships within my community.  I'm there in in and day out...during weekends and even holidays. 

I've mentioned in prior posts that I work at a department store.

It's work...but I study the Internet Marketing blueprint there that generates $500 million a year, minimum. 

The numbers for cyber-Monday are fast growing.

They're exceeding black Friday year after year.


Yes..., you read the words correctly.

So..., for every employee who gets an e-mail at the department store, they are building the corporate database..(list that has names and e-mail addresses)...and what's really unfortunate is that employees have no idea what they're doing because they're doing it for essentially next to nothing.

That's why you have to work with your writing and autoresponder.  You'll trip your way in the dark...but I tell you...that if you hang in there...YOU WILL BECOME AN EXPERT.


The primary step employees take everytime they're at a register or even walking around the sales floor -- they're asking for e-mails...and they're offering credit in very slick ways.



You can do the same thing by networking...but the first phase will seem as if you're getting no where.  All you're doing is visiting with your workers..., your friends, and you're helping people everywhere in their work (and even at play), and you're just enjoying the relationship.

When the chips are down, you're there uplifting them.  Do it from the heart for the right reasons.

Then...hold the pure intentional thought that you are absolutely worth hire...and that even though you are building core Internet Marketing skills (such as writing articles, forming a blog with content, and scratching your head to build a credible website), the task is clearer than you might imagine.


3)  SO...I use the major department store's website as my marketing template !

They've spent $30 million investing in the infrastructure.

They've hired the best Internet Marketers to do the job.

They show you how it works.


4)  When I'm working at the department store, I meet managers from the other stores who shop at my store. 

HINT:  I always make sure that I'm the one serving them, without exception.

I talk to everyone when I'm on the sales floor.

I check people who know me out at the register when they are ready...everytime...and I roll out the red carpet for everyone...including my fellow employees.

This is the million dollar mindset at work.  It produces energy first before it later produces cash flow.


5)  Out of the I'm visiting with some managers...I ask them, "Hey...what's your dream job"?

They have a general idea.

Every person I know has a dream.

Many would like to do something they're natural at -- that's the key.

I talk to aspiring musicians..., college students, nurses in the making, doctors in the making...and people who just want to get paid well.  That's the core emotion and force at work.

So ask people from a real place -- WHAT'S YOUR DREAM JOB?

I did this 2 nights ago...and one store manager told me that they're opening a sports arena, they've got the budget already, they need a website, and they don't know who to trust.

Are your eyes beginning to pop?  Kyle & Carson are telling you the absolute truth.  They're not making one simple thing up.

The keywords are simple.  They are names of products...things you already know you want before you go to...say...the department store website.  Keywords best appear in 3 - 5 word phrases and they describe the item you are looking for.

Yup.  In January, I'll be setting up the website...and consulting...making sure this person's domain name is registered in her name only...and more.

I will most likely tap into WA's fabulous help...and take it from there.

I hope this lifts your holiday spirits in a major way.  I"m showing you the possibilities.  You just have to believe in yourself.  I know I do.

Happy Holidays Everyone!  The work is all around you.  There will be a day where individuals will have their own start building your buddy relationships online..., help one another and have fun.  It will result in some magical moments (for pay).





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