Nitro PDF Software FREE!

Last Update: August 30, 2010

Welcome Back WA Buddies!

First -- I send you happy thoughts for a productive, rich day.

Two -- Welcome New WA Buddies!  They join our INNER CIRCLE daily day so please stay tuned.  I have a wealth of content organized, tested, and proven but it's coming to you.

Getting My Hands On A Decent PDF Tool

Here's something that bugged me for a LONG time.  The question was, "Where do I find a decent PDF software product I don't have to buy for a fortune"? is great and I recommend you use this when you're first starting out on a tight budget.  Free is good.  We like free.

2nd Alternative

But what about finding out that open office doesn't all of your needs? Maybe you want a 2nd alternative...if the in the very least, you can SAVE these valuable resources.

I recommend you form a file on your computer titled, "TOOLS"...and then save many of the free and low-cost resources I'll be sending your way. I'll restate this again so you don't miss this important step.

In my 2nd set of PDF's, I wanted the chance to give away more than just 1 copy of this software.  Here's what I discovered.  In NitroPDF, you get to give 3 of your Internet marketing buddies this software, once you pay $99.  

That's significant, and here's why. 

Whenever you're building a team (and you most likely will), you'll need to enhance your services with occasional giveaways.

If you're saying, "Well..Barbara, I don't want to give away my e-store or my time, I agree".  When you're first building your client list in Internet marketing or in another niche, you must be willing to build value with your clients.

In Nitro PDF, it fit this need.

I was looking for something that --

* had to be low-cost or even FREE

* or... if I had to pay anything for it, it had better deliver

* had to compete with Adobe's PDF software and do all of the right things Internet marketers need (like protecting your content so it's written in stone right on the document...and/or people can't print out that work if you don't want them to). 

* in Internet marketing, we always need choices to control who sees which content to protect our most sensitive data

Here it is. 

  • You'll want to form a TOOLS folder on your computer to save it
  • If you're new and don't know much about computers, go to the download link, right mouse click, and hit save as. 
  • It will pull up a place in your computer where you want to save this software. 
  • You can put in on your desktop or on your hard drive under "MY DOCS".

About Nitro PDF

PDF Download Link

Content I offer is designed to enhance your WA learning but also get you what you need without spending yourself out of business.   

You will require careful guidance and help.  Some of that help will include high value-added products + more and some of it will lead to paid resources too.  But all in due time once you know more of what has to happen to move you into profit. 

Online and offline, you don't get something valuable for nothing, but the free content absolutely can help you set up your early Internet marketing infrastructure for profit.

MAJOR HINT:  Reduce your learning curve substantially by pulling in the WA Blog & Funnel system.  Use the INTREPIDITY template inside of the system...found around or on pg. 20.   It is SEO optimized for Internet marketers !  If you want to use another template, pull in one that carries data capture, SEO optimization, etc. as found under each template's description.  Try to get a template that gives you the most structure for the least amount of head scratching and work.

You can reach your goals by accessing:

* WA systems -- they are absolutely amazing when you start to integrate everything that is here, but it all starts in baby steps.

* proper tools

* techniques

* know-how

* experts

Stated in prior posts, you can start your business using a strict budget.  You can use your sweat equity to build your own kingdom.

About Nitro PDF

PDF Download Link

Toasting Your Success!

bkb2012 (Barbara -- the Non Guru, Guru)


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