One More Time...A Word About Negative Thinking

Last Update: May 31, 2011

Hello WA Buddies!

Here's an "acid test" post for you.  Before I begin...let me say that I send each and every one of you personal hugs...(even at the risk of appearing too touchy - feely).

If we each had a nickel for every negative post we see, we'd all be wealthy.


The main point of this post is to tell you that you hold all of the answers in the palm of your and now.

To create true and lasting success, you won't become a flash in the pan.  You will be there for others at times where they cannot be there for themselves.

I'll explain further.

Your success will be entirely connected to your self-worth.  I'm not talking about ego ruling your life, but I am talking about wisdom appearing when you need it most.'s natural to emphasize self-worth above many other things because inherent self-worth guides you in directions of those golden people who will support you (no matter what)...and that self-worth guides you away from those who cannot love you (for whatever reason).  I use the word love because it underlies success at very basic levels of or personal.

Human beings all have a need to be loved.

They gravitate towards others who can provide that love...even if it appears in the form of some weight loss coaching or even financial planning.  If you look at all things in this world (and take a positive view of matters), the essence of love backs whatever is being moved.  Love creates major energy.

So..., the happier you are TODAY.., the greater your chances will be that you will attract other people to you.  They will look for solutions from you....but to know what those solutions entail, it means that you must have unfailing confidence in who you are.  This confidence cannot be false.  You must know who you are entirely and completely..., without exception.

Others hang around you because they either feel one of two things -- empowered by you and your words and actions...or disempowered.

They will want something you already possess...not in material terms but in wise ways, if you follow what I'm saying here.

The material stuff appears when you are mastered in your mind...your thoughts...your actions...your beliefs.

If you are positive, you are unstoppable.

If you are negative, you can alter this reality immediately.

That brings us to this key point....;


The core truth of your reality is:

1) No matter what your business, personal, religious or even spiritual beliefs may be --


So here's what you can do if you're not yet seeing results in your reality (whether it be personal success or professional success ... or both)....





IF YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE...(someone truly amazing and capable of creating the wealth you ultimately deserve by working honestly)...

You will be able to recognize where you start and someone else ends....

So they can no longer miscreate in your world.

No other soul has the power to do that...UNLESS you give them that permission directly or indirectly.  By becoming more aware..., find out who you are and who you are not. 

You will do this by moving through various experiences in your life to point yourself forward in ways where you identify who you are (through the who you are not lessons) see your most powerful self!  This is very important information because it governs how you will be with other all times when no one else is looking.  This self worth will determine the level of utter integrity you practice in your life.

This self worth impacts your business success.

It impacts your personal life at very intimate levels -- whether we're talking about nurturing ongoing friendships or even developing unconditional love with all people.

The world gives you wealth when you prove that you can deliver solid value in exchange for some agreed amount of money.


2) Regardless of the baloney you've been fed by corporate America (and yes's heavy)...if you realize that the ones who work the billionaire blueprint have no intention of empowering you (or paying you what you are ultimately worth), you will then grab the bull by the horns.  A few of these folks live by the false creed that they are better than you.  This is a great falsehood perpetrated on the masses by a few to keep them blind.

But the Internet can turn that tide....and times are changing for the better (if you can belief it or not).

Those who have gripped the masses by fear and distorted programmed thoughts are losing their control.

Control sits at the center of any distortion...whether that distortion is misrepresented business (looking honest from an external view)...or whether we're talking about personal relationships. must (in time) become very persistent in whatever it is that you believe and long as those beliefs support the highest good.


BY KNOWING YOUR SELF-WORTH IN THE FACE OF ALL ADVERSITY, YOU WILL SET UP EXPERIENCES THAT TEST YOUR FORTITUDE AHEAD OF TIME.  There is no business person that hasn't been through this lesson.  Every time we start a new business, there is a natural testing period which solidifies what we inherently know ...that all people look for solutions when they hit brick walls...but those solutions tie into 3 basic human needs -- to be experience joy...and to be healthy and secure (wealthy).

Solid business means we're again...doing what's right for the other person...even if it means we're experiencing a few delays on our end.  This is how you build loyalty with others.  This is pretty much how you get paid when you work for yourself.

If you set up lessons that show you your failing side, do not make yourself wrong.  Call this being "plain old human".   There is no fault or blame.

You are testing what works and what does not work.

Yes...someone else can tell you..."this doesn't work"...but your mind and your ego will want solid proof.  AND..., it's okay to go through your own process (your own way of working in the world as you represent your entrepreneurial self).

You may attract people to you who will help you secure part-time and full-time work in Internet marketing -- done while you learn what's required of you online.

If you falter, you're still setting up skills you need to get the job done ahead of time. 

If you feel that you're learning without really getting anywhere, it's possible that you need additional time to season yourself.  What I'm saying here is that if you're not meeting daily closing (for online income), there's a possibility that you require a schedule you can readily follow.

I cite building your list on a daily basis.  If that means figuring out how to attract people to you so that they  can read your messages..., then it means doing that until you see that you're talking to a new following.

Your mind will always formulate additional plans moving you in better directions....but that is done once you're building your list online.

3)  If you realize that at some level of life you don't always see or understand firsthand (that you create your reality with the thoughts and actions you take), your tendency toward failure will (at first) exceed your tendency toward success.  

This is true only because humans move toward failure long enough to solidify who they are (unique..., made to be that way on purpose...and inherently powerful)....until they realize that no other person can guarantee their success.  It is at this point where you will take your own action.

If you dream of living life on your own terms, please know that you will get there.  No one can hold you back -- save for yourself.

You will succeed when you have the right amount of skills and abilities set up to attract other people to you.

When you get "a bit fed up" with the miscreations of others around you through their own negative thought and even poor action (producing mediocre results) work... and even at is at this point where you will realize that your success sits in your hands.  It is and will be there.  The key to your success will mainly involve trusting yourself and feeling that then find your most powerful self.  This self is already successful.

You will learn how to best trust yourself in the face of other peoples' sillyness.  I say this nicely.

This is a major rule governing business...and personal success.

Stated simply -- the thoughts you hold on a daily basis about yourself and others determines how quickly or how slowly you move towards your success.

If you take unfair advantage of people, they will know it.

If you emphasize the higher good of all others, they will know it.

Even more simply stated -- as long as you focus on uplifting others even at times when you won't be perfect, you will encounter some who cannot receive your matter what you do.  You will encounter those who turn your help away as you express your true self -- the one that overcomes all odds in the face of much adversity.

If you simply know that your true self is extremely powerful, you sit halfway between success and failure.

Your true self has the full power now to sculpt a new reality far exceeding your ordinary human imagination.

You will attract others to you as long as you keep yourself out there.

Never mind some setbacks you experience.

Never mind the delays or brick walls you hit.  These are just part of being in business for yourself.


What You Get From Success

Here's the real bottom line.  What you get from true and lasting success is awareness.

Sure -- the $$ is important.  

$$ helps you pay bills far ahead of time...and it helps you save for your future (when you don't want to work in the same industry -- whether that's Internet marketing or whatever).

You master yourself.

You master others.

You learn to care for yourself no matter what others think...and you learn to do the same for others when they do not yet believe in themselves.

That's pretty much it.

Anyway -- I've shared some mastered information with you today.

At some level, you will absorb what you need.  If there's content in this post that does not fit who you are, you will also know it.

The biggest challenge is to get to the people, the events, and the information that put you in the driver's seat....and to do that, you must have solid self worth.

Practice loving yourself first.  Then love others.  See if you can turn a negative (and downright rotten situation around)...even if it means that someone else seemingly wins at your expense.  The truth is -- they will not...and you will prevail.  Hang in there.  It takes time to know what you are about so that you can write some compelling messages.  When you do that, the people will appear.  Then you can ask what you're worth !

If you'd like to post a comment, please do so.  I am testing concepts to fortify you further.  You can study Internet marketing all day long...but there comes a time where you have to ask for the money.  You do that when you "feel worth it".

Toasting Your Success...No Matter What..,






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jatdebeaune Premium
All truth. Thanks Barbara. The biggest challenge of all is to believe. To believe is to accept the good, as if you have already received it. Just take it. We humans are always being tried, but mostly by ourselves.