Panning For Gold By Segmenting Your Campaigns

Last Update: August 19, 2010

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Hello to new buddies joining our inner circle.

Ok. Getting into nitty gritty of marketing -- this post talks about how your campaigns are either related to one another, or not.  In some cases, they can be extended websites of one another. Then, I give you 2 concrete examples to explain what I mean by creating your own Internet webwork.

Even when you first start out in your Internet marketing career -- there are many directions you can take.

It doesn't matter which direction you take as long as you like what you're moving.

That's a #1 Rule.

#2 Rule -- Successful Internet Marketing

You have to be able to stand inside of the mind's of your readers.

Here's how.  Today's post formed by David..., one of the managers of a big firm.  He's worked in aerospace as an engineer, if memory serves accurate.  However, this guy is a major powerhouse... and he's open to receiving help!

NOTE: David is marketing WA. 

I offer David an article review, trying to show him how a successful campaign forms a "spiderweb" of activity -- blog posts, websites, his WA Blog & Funnel system, linking and connecting this webwork.

The webwork is a spiderweb of marketing messages online designed to pull people into your campaign, no matter where they're at online.  So if you pull in social marketing (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Linked-In, Plaxo, etc.), then you can build your long-term credibility by writing articles.  Writing articles is the best way to position yourself as a true expert ( because website owners don't want to write their own articles so they use yours).

In this response, I also suggest to David that he considers the specific examples I provide -- on how to write a few headlines targeting 2 smaller groups residing in the same niche (work from home). 

RESPONSE:  Panning For Gold By Segmenting Your Markets

David --   Actually, your articles are quite good.  You've managed to zero in on the main niche by taking 1 direction.  You only need to see how your articles fit into these different sub-groups of the larger niche perspective (work from home).

I remember how confused I was when several of my marketing coaches said, "just start writing".  That kind of advice confused me a bit and because I didn't understand how you have to split your big niche into many smaller groups, I use the general store analogy.

Read on to find out more.

Over time, I realized this much...

The Core Truth About Internet Marketing Is

If you're targeting work from home folks -- there are a good 10 smaller groups, and maybe more.  Think in terms of associations where people group in like-mindedness -- that's where you'll find group thought

Then... try to zero in on the value's a specific group will hold.  I think about working professionals who have hit workforce reduction challenges (laid off, working only part-time now.., they have homes and families to support and they're naturally worried)

When you're a general store owner -- you get a lot of traffic which is pressing a nose or more against your general store window.  So you have to find compelling messages pulling them into your store.  People want reasons to enter the store, but they may not know why.  So you spell it out for them in subtle ways. 

Some sections of your general store equate to operating your own Internet marketing store where those corners of the store = many different marketing campaigns.  In order to help the public follow what you're saying, you have to break your marketing campaign down into very discrete units talking to those  smaller segmented groups.  I'll offer specifics below.

Earliest Marketing Efforts Start Out General

Earliest efforts start out very big, but over time..., they move into smaller and smaller marketed messages.  Your earliest Internet marketing will start out with one website targeting a major crowd, but you're not talking to one mindset.  I use magazines in grocery stores to point out what I'm saying.

You wouldn't write about diamonds to a biker group.  They like chains and metal and tattoos.

You wouldn't write about retirement to 19-year old. They really don't care at that point.  They just want to have fun and be noticed by the opposite sex.

So...find out how you can think precisely what your audience wants.

There are always 3 major concerns all human beings have:

1) wealth and status

2) recognition -- call this a human need fitting into abundance...

3) power...whether it's senior rank or having a lot of money..or having just enough money to also have some free time on your hands.

It's about getting paid and having fun.

So for Internet marketers who start 1 campaign and get that working, they may add to their general store by working another market....or they may just expand market reach in their primary campaign to hit several market groups (segments).

To Speak to One Smaller Group In One Major Market

You can add more sites over time or you can play with blogging.

Dedicate 1 blog to one smaller group (targeted, segemented audience).

Over time -- you'll begin to discover what you hugely enjoy talking about and promoting so you'll break out into other market niches, finding again those smaller markets from within.  So start big and drill down into the smaller groups over time.

So think of your marketing in this way.

The general store was highly successful during the gold mining days of the mid-late 1800's. Before that time, there really wasn't too much market segmentation going in on the Mid-West unless you went to major cities.

In this gold mining analogy, put yourself in the shoes of a general store owner, and you will have people walking into your store (Internet traffic).

So you'll get some women who want hats.

Some guys will want bullets.

Kids might want candy or toys.

Those are 3 majorly different campaigns.

Aligning Your Articles To Your Markets

Now..., the key to a successful campaign is to keep all articles written along cohesive lines. So that means -- if you're targeting the work from home, make $$ from home niche -- you'll have a lot of smaller market you identified in your earliest articles -- retirees, college students, people who aren't finding jobs, people who have jobs but need more, and so on.

There are more segmented markets you may not have thought about  -- single-working mothers who need additional monthly income..., teenagers who want to learn more about working from home before they graduate from high school (we actually do get these people)..., single-working fathers who need additional monthly income..., married couples who would like to find a legitimate way to work from home..., and more you'll most likely conjure at 2 in the morning!

So you're on course but you have to divide your messages more succinctly.

What I Do

I form separate WA blogs to target 2 chosen groups.  OR..., you can get 2 blogs at for free.  Then...write only the content that applies to each group on each blog.

Using WA Blogs Separately --

Within each WA blog of the 2 blogs form, write content addressing the needs of each group.

I highly recommend you think about the frustrations and emotions your college students and retirees independently feel. That way, once you know what they're thinking, your 2 WA blogs will carry unique content speaking to each audience. There will be similiarities and there will be differences in that content from blog to blog.

When you're writing to college students, put yourself back into your 2nd decade of life.  What did you feel back then?  When you can list those emotions, "you're dialed into" your group!  This understanding will impact your writing in a very big way, and that writing will impact your ad copy (copywriting on your website, blog posts and articles).  This understanding will alter the way you write headlines (another topic for another day).

EX: of headline for retirees

ATTN: Retirees over 65 -- Tired of the Search for Legitimate Business From Home? NOW, Discover 5 Unknown Secrets Governing Workforce Realities

Then you'd talk about why retirees are most often overlooked in today's workforce (if they're still working part-time or not).

This is what you want to find out.

Why would they be interested in considering WA with you?

You could researching online statistics -- 8 Companies out of 10 Layoff Employees 5.5 years ahead of retirement.

Gripping report tells all.

You could state -- "companies reduce their bottom line..., older employees are more expensive to maintain with 401K's and medical benefits than are young college kids (because they don't have the higher medical costs at that point in life)..., companies don't realize that they're pushing their prime intellectual property out the door (by way of letting their most experienced managers go), and more.

You're building your case for why retirees should come to you for help and you're telling them why they should consider Internet marketing.

I would get into some stats talking about Internet sales over the past 5 years -- growing beyond retail sales..., and how e-commerce is expected to triple in the next 2 years...from 23 billion online revenues to well over 60 billion.

So...concluding..."yes -- there's room in the marketing pond for you"!

Then you add... To find out more about David Hamilton, contact ________ at ________ and include your website link!

If you're marketing to college kids --

ATTN: College Grads Struggling to Find Gainful Employment

For those of you between the ages of 23 - 30... or 30 - 45 ...,

CNN News Recent Graduate Job Search Stats Suggest that Only 4 Out of Every 10 College Students Have 1 Job Offer By The Time They Graduate!

Find out why companies are holding onto their $1.3 trillion dollar cash assets to freeze hiring...against government pleas.

Toss in a few stats you find at the websites I mention below this example. 

Then pull in your website link leading to your blog (or you can put these article ideas on your separate WA blogs targeting each niche).

Contact David at _____ (then include website link to mad marketer or to another 1 of your content blogs ...for example).

NOTE:  Content only blogs build your reputation and add credibility to your brand image (your name as CEO of Hamilton Enterprises) + the search engines love these sites.

I conduct website research at and CNN...and . Then I pull in facts to support my blog posts or articles.

Let me know if this helps!

Remember...when you're new, if you find that working with blogs is easiest, do that until you learn more about making a website.  You can make $$ from your blogging.

I'm adding additional links to my blog profile to bring you more helpful content so please stay tuned.  Above all, feel free to post any comments, suggestions, tips, or questions and I'll get back to you asap or shoot me a personal e-mail through this blog, and I'll reply asap.

Toasting Your Success!

bkb2012 (Barbara)


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