Product Creation Revisited

Last Update: January 25, 2011

Hello WA Buddies!

Hello New Buddies! 

This post promises to bring you something special.  

Many of us at WA have been planting seeds for the future with you.  If you are new, it's important to say that your learning, processing, digesting, and puzzle piecing will take time.

Will your effort be worth it?


What I'm about to reveal is a long-standing secret.  I'd like you to focus on a major corporation that you know is online.  Think about it as you read this post because what I'm about to reveal will take root and sprout..., and when it does, you'll be jumping up and down doing the victory dance.


OK.  So here's what companies do that they NEVER reveal.

1) They build their online list (or contact list).

2) They build their offline list.

3) The most powerful businesses like department stores, for example, the list.


What happens when they do this?

If you're an "insider" working behind the scenes of Internet marketing, you already know the answer.

Companies who build their lists make massive profits !


Marketing offline and online is a head game.  I'll tell you why.  Think about discount department stores.  They're everywhere.  The smartest shoppers who often turn out to be guys (of ladies who love to shop...not that there's anything wrong with this) can be the WISEST.  If they're not big into say...clothes shopping, they're not emotionally engaged.  So they can see when a discount is "only icing on a cupcake".  A discount is designed to get ladies so thrilled with the thought of a discount that they can't settle down enough to see what's really happening.

The best marketers are the ones who have the ability to precisely sit in the heads of their consumers (or target audience).  They know that there are only 3 prime motivators fueling any purchase.  I don't care what's being purchased.  EVERY PURCHASE IS AN EMOTIONAL ONE.  It is always connected to the 3 core human motivators.  That's why images of beautiful women always sell car parts to guys.  Think about it.  It's a head game, right?

As a successful marketer, your job is to think in terms of what motivates a purchase:

1) health

2) wealth

3) love

...not necessarily offered in that order.

Consumers will make a purchase if they think that the gain will produce love.

They will make a purchase if they think that the gain will produce wealth.

They will make a purchase if they think that the gain will produce health.



So if you pick just one niche and hammer away at your research to isolate and identify what the public absolutely buys within that market segment, you will be profitable.  You cannot miss.

Now..., I'm going to share another key puzzle piece.  If you are reading this post (and others written by some of the top marketers inside of WA), you will figure it out !


Ultimate marketing is hugely fun when the "prime mover" (that would be you) sells a consumer ONLY what they want. 

The best products and services to move are the ones that will move the consumer closer to health, wealth, and love.

If you market anything that counters these basic human needs, your internal alarm will sound off.  Even if you make a profit selling something to consumers that they absolutely do not need, YOU WILL NOT ENJOY YOUR $$.  I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH YOU PROFESS YOUR WEALTH.  EVENTUALLY, YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND WILL CONTINUE TO FLAG THAT SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT UNTIL YOU ALTER YOUR MARKETING AT A CONSCIOUS LEVEL.  If you don't do it, Google will.

That's also very important. 

Now..., if you're still with me, the only thing that distinguishes ethical marketers from the ones who experience hard lessons Google delivers, then you know that you shouldn't manipulate a person just to move an item.  The best marketers will remain calm, assess a true need, ask plenty of questions to confirm that what you offer will be the real solution to their underlying need.  


I'll apologize to the gals if I've inadvertantly upset anyone because I know some very sharp gals who won't have any wool pulled over their eyes!'s time to have some fun with the guys.

Take any discount number (in %) and apply it to your absolute favorite store..., offline or  online.

Think of a recent advertisement coming to you from that store.  The store is repeatedly hitting you with offers.  They're gently nudging you. They're suggesting that whatever object or service you've had in your mind for a while will solve one of your 3 core needs: 

1) health

2) wealth

3) love

These companies are "slowly reeling you in"...with repeat advertisements and discounts...designed to get you into the offline store...or they're working on your loyalty to get you back online.

They're pressing...pressing...pressing.  You're getting a bit antsy.  You have a need you've been wanting to satisfy.

And when the timing is matched "just right" with the urge to meet that need...

BINGO !  They've got you.

You've just parted with your $$ to get whatever it is you've been wanting.

We all do this as humans.


Master the timing with the offer.  Apply a discount to bait the hook. Then reel in the business.  You can only ask people for the $$ once you completely isolate their true need (and sometimes they don't know what it is deep down).


Here's the part that's really fun.  You'll spend solid time figuring out which niche you want to target.  As long as you're passionate about that nichet, you will (in due time) zero in on the precise line-up of needs your target audience wants.

When you do that, product creation gets you paid.

Here's how.

You're looking for solutions as a marketer that will help you bait the hook.

Having the ability to construct a landing page with an offer and a PayPal button gives you massive freedom.

What you then have is the ability to search for products/services you entirely believe in and have personally used.  As a top marketer, it's your job to test products/services you know will serve the public good (residing in your niche). Find out what they will pay for.

Then...once you do this (and it will happen as long as you are persistent), pull in your sincere enthusiasm  to attract ++ attention.

Then test your offers.

You're looking for content to bring people who already have a strong need, desire, and want for what you offer.

And you're looking for information they can download in digital formats..., OR, you're looking for tangible products they want.

If it's a tangible product, you get paid more when you create your own vitamin supplement, for example.

If it's digital, you have to make certain that your content will serve an immediate need...and continue to hold the attention of your audience.  This part also takes time to piece together.

Then study affiliate marketers.  Find out which ones pay out the highest commissions.  You want payouts that hit 65% or higher for everything you move.

If you are an info-preneur, study PayPal.  Study it carefully.  Keep revisiting PayPal until the light bulbs in your head light. up  You will have to challenge many beliefs you've formerly held about getting paid.

When you have worked for your insights, eventually you'll be ready to get paid.  That's when you'll be hugely motivated!  You won't waste any time getting what has to be done to earn your returns.

Toasting Your Success Online,










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