Putting A Pay Pal Pay Button On A Blog

Last Update: August 31, 2010

Hi Guys!

I promised these results today on yesterday's post.  Every effort is made to be as accurate as possible. Because there are many steps in Internet marketing, sometimes we miss an obvious step so bear with me.

Putting A Pay Pal Pay Button On A Blog

1)  If you don't yet have a WordPress.com blog or a Blogger.com blog, you can get one for FREE.

2)  Run a search at WordPress for a blog template you like most.  Do the same at blogger.  Then pick your account.  WordPress is a bit easier to set up than Blogger.

3)  Set up your basic account with your username and password.  Then add a few pages.  Call your first page "HOME"  or "Hello World!"  

Don't worry if you have trouble with your blog organization.  You can simplify the process of setup by pulling in a free template.  The biggest thing is just to get a blog of your own so that you can work through the Pay Pal add a button exercise.

I want to show you how to set up a Pay Pal Pay Button because this part is important.

4)  After you have named your blog (anything for this exercise, you can delete the blog later on or you can start with a new blog once you've picked your niche direction), be sure to put your button on another page.

You don't want the pay button glaring on the HOME page because WordPress frowns on that sort of approach.

5)  Head over to Pay Pal and set up a basic business account or individual account.

Add your last name to the account --

EXAMPLE:  Joe Smoe Enterprises

Enter U.S. $$'s for primary payment on services.

6)  Hit save

7)  Now click on tab called "Merchant Services"

8)  Look for "Tools for Merchants"

9)  Find "Buy Now Button" and click below image

10)   You will see a new window... "Step 1 - Choose Button Type"

11)   Enter "Buy Now" or the type of button you want for the product/service you're moving...it could be your own PDF File for $17 

12)   Next, enter "Item Name"


Brinkmeyer Insider's Secrets to Industry News

13)  Enter "Item ID" if you're setting up more than one pay button or shopping cart or subscription.

14)   Enter "Price and Currency"

15)   Click on "Customize Buttons"

You'll see examples listed by each button option.

Keep it simple if you're not sure. 

The most common choice can include a pull-down menu or just a single listing.

16)   Add a "Text Field"  if you want to add text above your pay button

17)   Add "Shipping Amount and Tax"  (if applicable)

18)   Click "My Secure Merchant Account" Or "Use My Primary E-Mail Address"

19)   Press "Create Button"

20)   Scroll to top of page and highlight for pasting the code

To highlight/cut/paste --  place cursor inside of the window on the left-hand side of the code...

hold left mouse button down as you scroll across all the code to highlight everything from top to bottom...

hit "CTRL" (control button)  and letter "C"    -    cut

paste that into a word document or notepad text file

hit "CTRL" (control button)  and letter "V"   -    paste

hit save on file

21)  Now go over to your WordPress blog or blogger blog and go into your administrative dashboard

Click on "layout" for Blogger and "module for WordPress"

look for "add a widget" to either blog

22)  Cut/paste the code into the widget (space)

23)  Save

Please let me know if you succeed.  

If not, let me know and we'll tackle it until you learn this exercise!

24)  Pull pay buttons into your campaigns at the end of product content, but be sure to first ask people for their names and e-mails (connected to your A-Weber account).

Inside of A-Weber, they show you how to set up lead capture.

Feel free to post your comments at the end of this post or e-mail me directly.

Toasting Your Success Online,

Barbara (bkb2012)...The Non Guru, Guru (not really)





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profrhonda Premium
great. I have been wanting to know this for ages