Real Autoresponder E-Mail For MLM/WA Promos!

Last Update: September 15, 2010

Welcome WA Buddies!

I'll never forget my first e-mail message written inside of my A-Weber account.  It was another brick wall ...looking at a blank space.  I just took a stab at it.  As long as I spoke through my heart and shared these things, more would come.  

I will tell you how I write my e-mails, I will show you a real one, and I will show you how a strong CTA (Call to Action) works.  When it involves the phone, it acts as a filter to kick out less serious people.  It should motivate your most excited prospects.

Here's what goes into my e-mails:

* Helpful tips

* Proven marketing tips and updates

* Valuable freebie giveaways and/or bonuses included

* Rich, honest, helpful content struggling marketers need to make true progress.

This e-mail should do 2 things:

*  Show you how to write and master a strong call to action inside of your own A-Weber

*  Use the CTA's

*  Once you see how a few CTA's work, then pull them into your blog posts, telemarketing (if you use this medium), and website ad copy


Rework This E-Mail To Tell Your Honest Truth

Target network marketers and/or other Internet marketer wanna-be's for WA promos....

*  If you are building towards your success, that is perfectly ok

*  Tell people..."After much arm-twisting from other associates, they asked me to share the things I learned from ...(pick 1 that applies most -- private coaches, mentors, and an active membership website buddies).  I am working it now and my numbers are incoming.  People come to me and I find them inside of my email in-basket where I  respond, in keeping with my daily schedule. From there, I present several offers...they buy or they don't... but the real point is..I  now have the blueprint for success.  (You do -- it's here inside of WA and you're putting it together.)

*  Don't misrepresent yourself 

*  Change some of the ad copy by sharing challenges you experienced in MLM or in early affiliate marketing

*  Doing so helps audiences identify with you

*  Target your WA campaigns to address "people who want to work from home"..., "people losing jobs"..., and/or network marketers turned affiliate" because they're everywhere online!

*  MLM is one of the hungriest audiences willing to pay for help!

*  100,000 people pass through an MLM on any given day and many come online after experiencing horrible failure.  They think it's their fault when in fact... network marketing did well in the 1950's neighbors knew their neighbors. So now that more of us are online today, we have to adjust our mindsets to reflect "what the customer wants most..., they should get".  MLM is no different. 

*  As you and others are learning classic Internet marketing, help others get what they want

*  Tell people exactly what you're doing and report how you're doing transparent...and place offers before people so that you will be compensated

*  I will bring you more proof in the coming weeks ahead...and it will show you pay buttons...

*  New folks -- notice how the ad copy doesn't include heavy punctuation or grammar.  It's designed to appeal to 8th grade reading levels for fastest, easiest reading. 

Here's the e-mail!



My first 2 years in network marketing were TERRIBLE.  I couldn't recruit ANYONE into my business.  Sad, but true.  I'm a bit embarrassed to share what I'm about to, but it's the absolute truth...and hey, maybe you can relate a bit.
Back in 1998... I was just getting started in my network marketing career while I was also operating my martial arts school.  The company was a health and wellness company.  They had (and still do offer) great products, great management..., and their promotional materials rocked (or so I thought).  I believed in my sponsor and did everything he told me to do.
This involved (a very short list):
- Passing out fliers on windshields scattered all over the place
- Making a list of my friends and family
- Passing out product samples
- Sharing audios
- Doing 3-way calls like there was no tomorrow
- And a whole bunch of other stuff too...
Every bit of extra pocket $$ I made from my other business went right into my MLM...I always needed more promotional items!
Well...every month I would spend a decent chunk of dough $500 - $1,000 on audios, product samples, printing for fliers, etc.
However, there was a problem...a BIG one.  I wasn't signing up new associates.  Not only was I embarrassed, but my pride was dented.  Too stubborn to give up, I kept on plugging away.  Giving up was not an option - I knew it was a great industry, I saw others around me "making it happen".
Well, after almost 2 years of financial pain and learning the ropes, I finally came to grips that what I was doing wasn't working.  Yes, call me a slow learner.   :)
After spending about $10,000 "trying" to make it work, I knew I was missing something...something really important.
My First "Look Around"
I began studying everything I possibly could about direct marketing and marketing in general.  I really honed in on some of the best marketers of our time and prior (ie; Dan Kennedy, the late Gary Halbert, Corey Rudl, Ted Nicholas, Claude Hopkins, etc).
I dove into anything I could wrap my hands around that involved good marketing - I slowly began implementing what I was learning.  I knew I had to discover one paramount to become the "hunted" instead of chasing others all over the place.
This was really my big breakthrough - how togenerate an endless supply of prospects that WANTED to speak with mebefore I ever get them on the telephone.
I never looked back...
I have built towering organizations in the past, and I know that when you pull in online advertising, building a successful Internet publishing company distributing informational products can be yours!
I thoroughly believe this is THE KEY to your success too.  Learning the art and science of marketing and knowing how to position yourself as a genuine expert as prospects are looking for problems you can provide solutions to is the key.
Once that essential skill is mastered, one needs to learn how to properly communicate with those prospects...both orally and using the written word.  Once you master this "realm"...the sky truly is the limit ! 
Make no mistake about it...building a successful business requires work and consistency, but once you discover what it really takes to build an organization...look out!
Your upline and probably even your company will be asking you, "What are you doing to generate these types of numbers"? 
I want you to experience that type of success for yourself.  You are capable of making it happen...the only thing holding you back is your belief system and the knowledge you possess between your ears.  That's it...nothing more, nothing less.
Most network marketers never talk about direct marketing or Internet marketing, but the fact of the matter is that they go hand in if you truly want to be a rock star in your organization, YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THESE SKILLS.  I discuss these topics because they're ESSENTIAL if you really wanna make things happen in a real big way.
I'm not talking about adding a new rep or two into a business...I'm talking about adding 5, 10 or more new associates per week into your business...week in and week out, without failure.
If you're just as serious about building your business as I am about sharing the "tricks of the trade", I want you to grab your phone and call my direct number. 

Warning:  If your business is more of a hobby or a tax write off, please don't waste my time or yours - I'm committed to working with serious networkers who are willing to do what it takes and who are willing to learn.
If that's you...
Call me right now at:  123 - 456 - 7890
If it goes to my voicemail, leave me the following information:
1.  Your first name
2.  The network marketing company you're with
3.  Your phone number (including your area code)
4.  Your single biggest struggle with building your business.
Passionate About Your Success,



NOTE TO WA Buddies:  Find the CTA?   Stores offline and online will offer..."limited quantities available...i per NOW"!  


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famousplumber Premium
I actually tried to call you at 123-456-7890! JK! Thanks, Barbare.