REAL Newsletter Peek

Last Update: July 15, 2010

Welcome Back Fellow WA Buddies!

First, hello to new buddies.  They're joining us daily.

I'm so glad you're here today, and may this day find you contented and happy to work productively.  It's important for your success. 

Take time with your WA Action Plan because it is a superb plan.

Truth-be-told, I refer back to it often but the WA Action Plan has vastly evolved over the past 2 years.  Cudos to Kyle, Carson and our other superaffiliates! 

WA Buddies are extremely important because any feedback you offer evolves the WA site.  Your questions make Internet marketing education better for others who follow. 

I know your time is valuable so let's get to the point at hand.

When I first started working my newsletter, I didn't know what to say.

Here's what I did.

I wrote from the heart while pulling in sincere enthusiasm.  In the presence of enthusiasm, you effectively create a new reality that's powerful.

Ego cannot exist in the presence of enthusiasm (mastered concept).

I knew that as long as I continued to feed people information at highest quality levels, they would read and respond.

It does take time to build a list but that should be your first priority in marketing.  As you build your numbers, you will have plenty of time to build loyal clients.

If you recall in prior posts, I mentioned that even if you can only afford to cover costs for:

1) WA learning

2) maybe your long-distance phone to pull in additional Internet marketing education and support

3) your autoresponder

4) your domain name + web hosting

This is all you need to set up a basic "starter campaign".

Now, I'll give you a peek at how I communicate with my marketing group through the autoresponder. These folks are hybrid marketers -- network marketers (MLM) and affiliate marketers combined. 

You will see the newsletter and periodic thoughts interjected.

In the newsletter, you give them valuable content they can use today.

I show you in this newsletter how you set up a solid organization. 

You do that by preframing the group.  You help them develop the right business mindset.  You give them powerhouse information.  Then, you show them how to create their vision and mission statements if you're working a niche that will also want to do what you do.  They are there.

Then..., show people how to work an action plan so that they'll set up strategic business goals.  These targets and goals should align to vision and mission statements to keep marketers motivated and productive. That's the best way to build a big organization while keeping people on track.

You will see how I introduce my mad marketing course without hitting them over the head.  You see, it has to be their idea, but my course must satisfy their true need. It takes 10-15 ad exposures to  produce a sale so that's where we pull in content into the autoresponder to talk about what you're promoting without spilling every bean. Keep curiosity going.


A-Weber autoresponder

REAL Newsletter

Mastering Internet Marketing

NOTE:  My job is to help these people pull in affiliate marketing so that they'll "spread their risk" and "stay in profit on the front end" while they work towards residual checks in their MLM's on the back end.  I do help network marketers find companies they can trust if they insist on working the MLM business, but over time, they largely become affiliate marketers because it is unlimited.

I start the newsletter with --


Hello Everyone,

I have been working long days to bring you high quality information. You are worth gold and more!

The emphasis in our Internet marketing work means bringing you massive content along Internet marketing lines, defining it, and breaking it down into discrete easy-to-follow parts. That's the ongoing effort that now fits into my supersite.

This system pulls in additional marketing mastery + it allows anyone to build an MLM and/or concrete affiliate business.

Please know that when people get direct information, they are empowered to set up a REAL business.

I will give you closer look.

Because "people have been jaded by illegitimate business", (Kyle & Carson's WA Action Plan), they are not prepared to see the real deal in action.

My supersite is designed to do one thing --

VISION -- Bring as many people online as possible while operating their own independent businesses from home or on the go. I live for this reality.

MISSION STATEMENT -- "Creating Independent Business Owners Online One Person At A Time".

STRATEGY -- Align vision with mission statement + pull in solid IM strategies helping people develop multiple, sustainable campaigns.

Alignment of Group -- We figure out what you want to do most and we pull in masterminding at team levels to reach our target goals. If you need help constructing your website, it's there. If you get stuck, the help is there.

Now I address group fears and group logic --

If you like the ideas I've set forth, please know that Internet marketing is equivalent to a 4-year university degree..., but what we're doing that's different from traditional university is that we're giving people the tools, techniques, strategies, and know-how to sincerely make it all happen ON THEIR TERMS.

There are many ways to skin the chicken.

In an effort to move people from point A (no profit) to point B (profit), we must identify:

* what they're most interested in doing
* help them form lists of everything they've ever done in life
* then help them align their greatest passions and knowlege to the niches that pay
* help them develop online strategies fitting into offline work
* help them diversify in order to stay in profit
* then..., once the online realm is mastered and people are most comfortable with what they're doing..., we pull in individual product creation as a final goal.

Please know -- when you are part of a community that "really gets the learning and the work done", it is inevitable that you will succeed.

Don't let your fears get in the way of dictating what reality is and is not. I call this part of every human mind, the Monkey Mind.  It works overtime to show you what is not real.

Our job is to match logic with any fear prevailing to show you directly that when you learn and implement, the fear will dissipate.  You will always face fear as a person.  But, we don't have to live with it.

For every fear, there is a direct and concrete business action you can take.

In affiliate marketing, people are making $1Million a year matching consumers with products/services. As long as they learn solid marketing and implement what they learn, they can't miss the target. 

Companies are clammoring for people like you.

In MLM, these companies are behind the curve to give people what they demand -- their own individuality. But, don't worry.  If you have a line of products you absolutely want to promote, MLM's do make solid products. I would ask you to seriously consider affiliate marketing because there are hundreds of thousands of products/services online you can pull in to meet consumer need (in your downline).

What's happening online  -- companies have been searching for people just like you to match products/services to those customers.

There is BIG  room everyone can profit.

There is no REAL lack.

Take a look around you at our US economy. 

Even though the Federal Reserve is "debating" what's going to happen during the 2nd part of this year, some have a wait-and-see attitude, some say the world is going to cave in, and some are looking into their crystal balls to say we need to "offset risks related to deflation".

If you think and live fear, there is NO good time.

If you are true to your real identity, YOU ARE already a MASTER.  So.., the lack is not real.  It's the same with getting paid.  Think in unlimited terms, stay very positive, move in those directions and you will create that reality.

Our job as marketers is to help people get what they need while underpromising but overdelivering. We don't know what any given individual will choose (to create) for himself or herself. We can only be there for others.

We break our marketing into discrete segments to basically satisfy 3 prime needs:

1) health
2) wealth
3) love in any form (family/friends/associates who are trustworthy)

Here's what's very neat. I'll let you in on a secret.

The supersite I am  building targets smaller niches residing within the wealth category!

Think about it.

If you had the chance to share what you're learning with others who also want to drop the corporate job, who would they be?

They would be people who may not like their corporate jobs.
They might be people who want to work part-time while taking care of the children.
They might be people who want to operate their own businesses online.
They might be people who want to replace the corporate income with something very substantial.

Know, here's the deal.  You will work like a dog to build a business you can enjoy.  You'll need a starter infrastructure you can later expand into very profitable business, diverse at many (paid) levels.

But.., you don't have to do it alone. We work together.

As we form marketing teams in 3, 4, or 5, we are best able to help one another overcome fears and roadblocks.  We help one another break through brick walls (especially when writing content), but we can divide our efforts into things we absolutely love to do.  This is the value of realizing what's involved in masterminding.

For example, let's say that Stephen and Lloyd really don't like the telephone. That's ok.  We pull in techniques in Internet marketing that satisfy the need to automate.

Let's say that Shellie only wants to work MLM, but later on, she finds out that she can better support the needs of her downline by pulling in affiliate marketing too.  This is a very common reality for many business builders.  So you don't have to give up your MLM.  You merely enhance it with 100's of thousands of products already online.

We teach you how to sell the picks and shovels -- the tools/products/services people need to make a go of it online. You get paid no matter what.

We pull in CPA, called cost per that you get paid even when someone doesn't buy a product.

We pull in CPC, cost per click so that if someone clicks on a link or fills out a report, you get a cut.

We pull in many diverse business activities to help you spread and manage your business risk because it's never wise to put all eggs in one business basket. We show you how to be your own CEO instead of working for a company only delivering you a gold watch at retirement. (Who are they kidding?)


If you have any Internet marketing questions and you're just stumped about how to proceed, I can still offer my link on the mad marketing coursework.  It is very basic and it sets up the solid foundational buildling blocks that get you going. I don't yet give them the link because I want them to think about the harsh reality of not getting proper marketing education. 

(** In a later newsletter, I'll tell them what happens when they don't get accurate information....there's heavy financial loss, lots of pain and meandering, lost time, confusion, and more.) Now...back to the newsletter as I talk to these folks.  They are responding back to me via these communications.

Here's a final point.

Contrary to what you've been told, believe or heard, it doesn't have to take 5 years to get into profit. You can do it as readily as you decide, but you pace yourself according to the schedule you deem fit and necessary. You can have huge fun in business and it can support your every lifestyle need.

Toasting Your Success Using Proven Internet Marketing Means,




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