Realizing Your Dreams Through Mastered Thought/Action

Last Update: March 05, 2011

Welcome New WA Buddies & Seasoned Players !

Today's post offers mindset work shifting you very successful ways...and it addresses how to get paid within a matter of days and weeks.

NOTE:  Please try not NOT exclude part or full-time employment as a complete part of your overall business plan. It will take only as much time to transition into your success as your mind believes.  It can happen readily or it can happen over time depending on what you prefer and feel most comfortable doing.

Set your own pace.

Know that you will take whatever time you need to make everything work.

Try not to compare yourself to other marketers.

Keep your eyes open for online work.

You do not have to study exhaustively for years on end.



This information may be foreign to you but it creates what's called "a presence that surrounds you and protects you".  This presence draws to you powerful others.  It is the mastered self.

Your success does not have to unfold in a solitary way and others can be a natural part of your success.  


Go into your mind...and set aside about 10 minutes for this exercise....and try to do it whenever you feel doubtful about your Internet abilities.

Think about a safe place.

Surround yourself with peace and complete safety.

Now..., look for parts of yourself that may be holding you back by imagining that they are approaching you in number.

Then see if you can identify a few parts of yourself that have been very emotional lately.

This is internal work will begin to shift you in amazing the coming days and weeks ahead to lead you into magical changes in your reality...

You will see...

  • less resistance from life in general...
  • changes in the way people respond to you...
  • immediate success in its smallest form.

Keep an open mind, open heart, and attentiveness.

So that you work the right action plan for your business, keep in mind that the most successful people in this industry will support your Internet marketing endeavors.

Your thinking has to change in safe ways so that you include the best people who are most available.


Visualizing Your Sub-Parts

Now.., there are parts of your personality which actually get in the way of your success.  Did you know that? 

You are about to shift your thinking in profound ways... starting today.  This must happen so that you won't be working against your natural inclinations to succeed.

These smaller parts of your core self have been working against you because they are outdated as to what your core self wants to achieve.  They are internal and are a natural part of you.  They are not some external force taking control of you, but they are actually you...working for you.

In your silent safe place, start to talk to these smaller parts.  You want to find out how they're operating.   This inner work has nothing to do with living out a split personality.   This is you...learning to love yourself better so that you can succeed more effortlessly in your life.  Being successful means that you must have the courage to ask for what you want, act on it, and then accept it.

You will discover that the smaller parts of your total self are working from success templates that are more likely outdated!



These isolated parts exert a real influence on how you relate to others.  They determine whether you are reactive or consciously proactive (choosing a higher response in any given situation).  They determine how you view yourself in relation to others, and they determine how you think about those beliefs impact your actions.

These smaller parts of you were formed in early childhood...done so to protect your earliest interests.

These parts carry real "thought power" in that they have the ability to create internal conflict between your core self and the lesser parts leading to a life of struggle.  

When you find out which parts have old goals, you can instantly shift them in new directions so that they will actually cooperate with you to --

  • move forward

  • isolate quickly what's not working

  • identify what will work for you and others

  • do more of what moves you out of painful situations

  • do more of what moves you into joyful living 

  • leave painful stuff behind once and for all

  • build profound relationships lasting a lifetime

If you are still here ...what you are about to learn goes beyond the book called, "The Secret". 

To become a wealthy thinker and doer, you must shift your thinking concretely so that your action plan will appear concretely...spelling out every daily detail of your marketing plan.  It will list the tools you need and get into the specific skills you must build, step by step.  Then..the actual $$ targets and results will appear!  This plan will spell out what the limitations of your actions are by choice, but it will also spell out what has worked well.  The author of the plan must directly test and use what they are sharing.  That's most important!

_______ you look at who you are at a core level, this is the major self that directs the minor selves.  Your major self is  very wise.., and it actually knows what to do in order to effectively solve your major/minor life challenges.  It is your golden self.

The smaller parts (sub-selves) are not a complete part of your major self until you talk them into your core.  This is a silent process so don't worry about not being safe.  You will only call upon the highest, most caring forces supporting your highest good.

Your core self wants good, reliable change, and it wants uplifting results leading to success that will be very complete.


Challenging Old Thoughts

"Change is not good"...and "The world is not safe".

This is a common thought not serving others very well..., but these thoughts create outcomes leading to this reality.

If you find that you have been working from this old template, you are not alone.  Many of us are now moving into very special directions.  The people you attract reflect a certain mindset and reality. If you like the reality you're living in, very good.  Keep more of that thinking/acting going.  

If you do not like the reality you're living in, you have full power to change anything you don't like about it -- including yourself.

A thought is only a thought and it can be changed.


Alter outmoded thoughts to reflect happier outcomes --

 "Change is good and the world is safe".

(NOTE:  Ignor the news.  It will always report the most negative events unfolding during any given day.)

Do not worry that you will lose the people you care about the most.  If those around you care about you in unconditional ways, they will actually support your changes...whatever they are.  This includes changes in your business regimen.  If you ultimately move from a paying job to work for yourself (or any combination thereof), that's perfectly ok.

Those who do not support you unconditionally want you to act in accordance with their beliefs (more related to the personality...not involving the greater self). This is true because they don't know what the greater self is.  They may not know or believe that it has the power to alter reality for the better so see if you can identify a few thinkers in this realm.

There are 2 realms of experience:

1)  learning through struggle

2)  learning through joy

Thoughts that reflect the first realm are ...if you will forgive me...dense.

Thoughts that reflect the second realm or stream of awareness are light and happy.


Consider this new thought:

"I now surround myself with supportive others who accept me as I am..., regardless of the changes I make with myself."

Now work on holding these thoughts daily.

You will begin to attract more powerful (and caring) people to you who also hold similar thoughts already, and they will act in accordance with the second stream of awareness (learning through joy).

You will begin to see those who are invested in struggle the way they write..think...and act.  This is not a judgment.  It is viewing reality clearly so that you can choose openly what you desire most.

The sub-parts (or younger selves) of your core self want to:

* keep you safe at all costs...which is what they do when they are not addressed

(This can be the infant self ... or it can be the voice that overly-mothers you in situations.).

Subpersonalities can involve: the leader within...the teacher..the healer...the worried one...the positive one...the pessimist...the angry one...the warrier, the financially responsible self, the spender..., the blamer...with sub-selves being  both positive and negative. 

See if you can identify your smaller selves..., but pay close attention to very strong emotions you feel on any given day.  These are the parts of you that want immediate attention.

These sub-personalities ---

* worry about things before real solutions appear

* or talk to you in ways that are not supportive/conducive to  your success


Your Greater Self...

Is not your personality.  It is your spiritual self.  It can be a logical self.


Your Smaller Selves

Are connected to personality and can be connected to ego.  Ego is short term relief but not true relief. The greater self focuses on real, effective solutions leading to profound inner changes.  That's why the emotion forgiveness can be powerful. 



Think about the toddler self.  It is geared toward keeping you safe...a realistic goal at that you wouldn't fall off chairs and ledges...but it NOW prevents you from taking calculated risks you need to readily move in new business directions taking a simple but necessary action step producing a WA profile.

There is no wrong way to create a profile.  

This self may prevent you from connecting  to supportive WA buddies.  It may prevent you from taking risks with people who could reject you for whatever reason.   That's your sub-self that's in charge at that moment.


It may say --

* I can't do this

You can recognize it but quietly talk to it in supportive ways.   You will begin to notice that this part of you exerts less negative influence over time.

* "The world may not be interested in what I already know"...

(It could be the adolescent self telling you these things or it could be a part of you that heard this growing up.)


The adult part might be one that sits still rather than moving forward because it loves the study..but it fears uncertainty or some confusion associated with your new changes.

(This part might believe that it shouldn't try because it will why do anything...? ...or a combination of other varied beliefs).

Anytime your mind tells you that you can't do something, immediately stop that thought and take out the negative words. 

Reword the negative statement into positive words.  You have just tapped into your true self at this moment!  This is the part of you that is very unique.  This is the part of you that you will embed into your marketing to make a unique name for yourself.



Once you get the hang of running through this simple exercise, it will become more automatic.  You will readily know when a smaller part of you wants resolution.

See if you can keep this work going for weeks. Then note the changes in your reality.  You should see situations emerging and working better for you.

Believe that there are people willing to help long as you help yourself.


Point #3:

Tell yourself...

  • "I am entirely capable of creating my success".

    • "While there may be some needed periods of rest, I will encounter phases of learning preparing me for future successes".
    • "I have all I require in this present time to deliver on other's needs".
  • "I am capable of being paid what I am worth ...RIGHT NOW...Today".

    • "Making money from home need not be impossible or difficult".
    • "Life need NOT be hard". 

    • "If some of my actions today involve working another job, that's okay.  It gives me time to determine what i want most and do most in life more effortlessly and joyously."


  • Call upon your greater self daily by thinking, "I actively call forth my most powerful self assist me in moving beyond my limitations and fears/others' limitations and fears".
  • Listen to your silent, inner voice for new answers.  These ideas will lead you to take actions you never before considered... leading you towards far more successful results.

Talk to your smaller selves whenever they exert fear, negativity, poverty-like thinking, a lack of something..., or feelings related to unworthiness.

Ask yourself, what are these parts doing for you? 

Are they keeping you safe "at all costs"?  If so, tell them that all costs are not necessary in order to learn what's most relevant to get highly paid.

They will answer you.

Then tell them, "I now move foward with relative ease...and I learn in happy, supportive ways".  I need the help of every part of myself now so that my success will not be in question".

Then send love to these parts of yourself.  You only need to spend a minute or two recognizing your lesser parts so that they can join you in an integrated effort.

You will be astounded at the results.  If you're saying, "But what does this have to do with Internet marketing"?  Good question. This is CEO mastery at it's best.  It's applicable to offline work and online work.


Part 2 Explained

Now check out a website called

I do not receive compensation for sharing this site, but see if you can find other sites bringing buyers and sellers together.

If you feel drawn to this site, you can form your profile under the provider's or buyer's section, depending on whether you want outsourced help or you want to work for pay. 

List some things you feel you can do now or in the coming writing articles for pay...or writing an effective newsletter...or helping a business create a new logo.  The list is endless.)

There is a bidding process involved.  If you want to check out how others bid, you will see some businesses offering pay levels for specific work done.

They do charge a small up front fee under $2 to try out the site for 7 days.  They charge you $6.95 monthly to obtain regular listings of buyers/sellers.  Be patient.  It takes a few weeks to see how the site works.

When you log back into in about 3 - 4 weeks, you should see a listing of about 5 - 8 buyers who are matched to the skills you show in your profile.

Toasting Your Success Online,



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