Recipe For Your Own $$ Making Factory

Last Update: May 13, 2011

Welcome WA Buddies, New & Seasoned!

I'm going to show you how to move an affiliate product. 

When you are new to Internet marketing, there is a specific campaign order you must follow in order to convert traffic (laser-beam targeted inquiries) into buying customers.

Retail stores use this format.

Small businesses use this format when they hire Internet marketers (for pay) to set up the e-flow !!!

This post aims to help you:

1) Formulate an actionable plan moving you you learn by doing.

No matter how rough your work is...that's okay.

Every small gain you make helps you piece together a full campaign.

2) Show you how to integrate an affiliate product. 

This post does not cover social marketing or paid advertising.  Is is meant to be very basic.

3) Talk about how Internet marketing (IM) works using a specific recipe.


Your success boils down to willingness to work persistently, step into the minds of your audience to feel and see what they demand and need, develop key relationships, move traffic to your websites and free reports, and build a list that you can later monetize.

No matter what you market, the successful development of any campaign depends on
universal understanding of Internet marketing...where it it expands...and how it touches people everywhere on the net. 

Once you master the core basics of one campaign, you can apply these identical steps to future campaigns!

Universal Flow Works Like This:

You need a solid system in place...,

I quote Kevin Riley because he's great at simplifying what has to happen.

"There's no "black magic"! Forget "guru secrets". 

What you need is a solid, system that takes traffic, processes it, and turns it into money for

"You need a system that takes Internet traffic and turns it into sales and commissions for you ... 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That's the kind of system that will give you" (freedom to live life on your own terms).

"You need a system that squeezes every possible dollar out of Internet traffic, to put as much money as possible in your bank account ... without the need to (ugh!) work" (like a slave for little or no $$ in that challenging day job).

Use A Simple Recipe

You've heard Carson tell you that you need to pull in the right ingredients to bake a chocolate cake.  It's the same online.

The A, B, C's of automated business online involve:

* Setting up an automated flow people can follow.  If you're new to WA, use the WA Blogging System.  The work is masterfully done for you!

If you struggle a bit, it's by doing the work that you learn. You can edit and delete any work you don't like later on. The key is to just get the work done...and simplify over time as you refine your campaign.

* Find the $$ making markets that pay !  That's Step A.

* "Pull together a sales system that will work on buyers who may not yet buy from you" (but will do so in the future)... "and work on those who want to buy from you", as Step B.

* Create "ideal reports" that will hold audience attention and inspire the right people to take action today, as Step C.

* Incorporate affiliate offers that support you in Steps A & B.  They are everywhere online.  Your research will lead you here...but you must know how your markets think before you can accurately target what they want most. 

If you are moving WA memberships, it's stuff you're already finding inside of WA like how to construct a $$ making blog or sell successful websites for $500 a piece.  Your affiliate offers fit into the various things Internet marketers want. 

Most affiliates offer sales pages written to convert traffic into buyers.  Your goal is to align yourself with affiliates who offer you lucrative payouts (65% or more of the total commissioned pie).

* "List keywords that drive the kind of traffic most likely to spend $$ on your reports and promotions", as Step D.

*  Develop a series of emails your traffic will read, follow, and act upon.  This part takes time, but it's worth the effort.., Step E. 

Affiliate products all ready for you to use do the heavy lifting for you when you are new.

You will want to track how they move their products thru email marketing so that you may emulate and personalize your own email campaign. 

NOTE:  You do NOT want to cut/paste an identical email message from the affiliate, or you risk forfeiture of your own marketing uniqueness. I am certain that you've experienced 5 different marketers sending you the same, identical affiliate ad...and if you're like me, you don't buy because the offer is obvious and forced.

You want to write your own message that leads people into your campaign, but find different ways of pulling your affiliate links into your own email messages.  This part takes more time and effort, but pull in your personality to guide you.

Develop your WA blog to tap into internal WA traffic but it so that you aren't violating WA rules.  You will make some mistakes here...but keep going. 

Focus on building relationships inside and outside of WA, sincerely help people, and email them in person (only when they ask and give you legal opt-in permission...through A-Weber...GetResponse...or Constant Contact). 

This is where you get the chance to show them your promotions and offers! 

Keep digesting your Internet marketing.  It is amazing once you see how things fit together. 

To show you how this post continues in an affiliate format, click on the link found on my profile titled, "Recipe For Your Own $$-Making Factory".  I am not giving you an active link inside of this post because it violates WA rules...but know that you can list some affiliate links of your own inside of your WA blog.

Take 2 Steps To See The $$-Making IM Recipe:

Step 1)  Go to home-based business blog listed on this profile

Scroll down.

Step 2)  Look for the link titled, "Your Own Online Money Making Factory" located on the right hand side of the blog listed under affiliate resources. 

Once you've built up your own WA blog and even free blogger blog (for starters), you can get into FREE article marketing...and later paid traffic at Google to directly target people.  This is where you will send them to your affiliate landing page by using your affiliate link (URL).

What I get in return is traffic to my blog meant to build it up with Google.  You want to do the same.

Please feel free to ask any Q's at the end of this post.

Toasting Your Success Online..., Absolutely !



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