Responsible Publishing

Last Update: August 20, 2010

Welcome Back WA Buddies!

1 -- Hello to new buddies.   They are joining us daily.  If you weren't here, we wouldn't be here so thank you.  2 -- Keep your work going strong.  It will pay off.

3 --  With permission from folks who visit with me, I sometimes share common Q's from WA members in the form of posts following the responsible publishing commentary.  This way, I'm directly showing you business in progress.  This is CDC "Consumer-Driven Content" delivered.  As part of a mastered marketing series, I share Internet marketing as it was taught to me by some top level marketers.  I will say -- Kyle & Carson are 2 very exceptional people who belong in this crowd.

In today's post, we tackle the subject of responsible publishing.  

Why is this important?  1 -- stay out of legal hot water with original content authors, and 2 -- make sure you're not violating U.S. digital copyrighted laws. 

This is one of the wisest habits you'll develop because it's too easy to develop a "laisse-faire" attitude ..."oh one is looking so I'll just use this content without asking".   Some of the most talented marketers online have lost their businesses this way.

Copyrighted Images, Trademarks, and Policies

I work with professionals in other industries so I am a stickler for teaching whitehat marketing because you don't want to face stiff fines for breaking any laws.

The same rules apply to images, videos, or audios you display on your websites and/or blogs.  If you're an affiliate, you can get everything you require from your major affiliate producer. 

If you don't yet have affiliate links and you're in need of marketing materials or images, you can pull up photos, audios, and videos over at (for a small fee) or you can get what you require for free to low-cost means from the public domain.  Keep in mind, we have more people on the net charging $1.50 for their images, but it's worth the cost to get your own unique branded website and/or logos.

Conclusion -- Responsible Publishing

If you publish a headline in a pdf file of your own needed to build your contact list, you want to contact the people who wrote that headline and/or content.  Even if you rewrite your content but ...say....copy a headline directly or name a document that's "too close to another published source", this advice may seem again...picky, but you can't be too careful in business. 

This is about knowing what your risks are but then offsetting (mitigating) unnecessary risks by being properly informed.


WA Forum Q by Derek

At WA, there's a lot here to digest.  I edit some of Derek's content to protect his work.  I pulled in responsible publishing because it ties into Derek's Q.

Derek asks,  "Thanks for the post because you shared quite a bit of information.  I'm fairly new in the forum and was wondering if you know of any folks here who could give some guidance regarding the best ways to promote articles which get traffic over to a website"?

"I have hundreds of articles in Ezines, with some of them also in (directory name). I'm looking for guidance in terms of how to get the most use out of the articles I'm writing".

"Any advice you can give or if you could let me know of anyone here at WA who would be a good resource to bounce the question off of.  I would appreciate it".


A.  When it comes to getting Q's answered at WA, Carson is the pro with market messaging and promotions.  Kyle appears to be the pro with technical aspects and SEO. 

when it comes to generating solid, consistent pay from Internet marketing, always check WA resources first because they're writing major solutions to common Q's.

The best marketers keep track of all ad copy in the form of anything they post or publish. The key to maximizing your article content is to reweave it, much like threads on a loom.

To Keep Articles Fresh

* pull in product/service updates

* whenever I publish content, it is revisited for updates and/or corrections because the Internet is constantly evolving and so are marketers' skills


* head over to ezine articles (the premier publishing directory), pick the top 3 - 5 articles you see at ezines in the niche you're marketing, then see how many ways you can spin your article based on those top articles you read

* head over to WA tutorials to find an article talkig about properly spinning content because different marketers have their own unique ways of doing this...,

* when you use the WA article writer, copy 1 article 5 ways but then reorganize each copy differently by altering the order of that content within each article...,

* be certain to alter headlines and subheadlines

* be certain to change up some content in your starter paragraph so that no 2 articles first look the same.  Reasons for doing this have more to do with giving search engines fresh content as that content pulls in your keyword phrasing.

Major Reasons Why We Write Articles --

1) Yes, to generate some traffic...and to help people make solid purchasing decisions...

2) Create high quality in-bound links pointing to a website and/or blog (for best indexing results).  This part is very important in order to effectively optimize a website along SEO lines

3) To move traffic to that blog, website, or both...

4) To build long-term credibility and high-standing reputation...

5) To develop viral marketing ...meaning other website authors borrow your articles for their websites, you get referrals and many ads appearing under your name online.  So viral means -- "to spread fast through the grapevine".

6) To develop a responsive list.  

Your primary goal for any action early in IM is to build your list so that you have legal permission to market products/services to these people on the back end through your repeated newsletter communications.  It's effective when done well. 

Essentially, we're positioning you so that you'll become "the hunted".  In successful marketing, you don't have to chase people.  They will be drawn to you through effective advertising.

Reweaving Article Content

To reweave your article content, think in terms of what anyone reading your articles would want.  People are after nuggets of helpful information as that content solves a pressing problem, but also think in terms of how peoples' minds work --

Forming a USP 

  • What (state the problem),
  • Why -- talking about benefits (not product features initially)
  • Wherefore -- what's in it for them ultimately?
  • Remedy -- only gotten through you and what's going to be the real value?
  • When this formula is worked well, you have a USP or "unique selling proposition".  Proposition is as it suggests.  Stated clearly and in compelling ways, your articles should motivate human responses.

When you do these things, you'll write high quality content.

EX:  You'll notice that I'm not hitting you over the head with a ton of offers or "do this for me requests".  You could say that I'm building the emotional bank account to solidify the relationships here first.

You know that if I'm here as I write this content, it's directly aimed at you, the Internet marketer.  But..., as long as I maintain your best interests at heart at all times...whether or not you purchase from me right now cannot be a "quick fix" aim.

In business mastery, this mindset is everything -- I know that as long as you know I'll be here consistently, you'll also be here.  It's sort of the same thing with your articles.  You want long-term relationships built on trust.  That's the only way people will trust you with their Q's and their wallets.

So I also recommend to Derek --

* You may wish to study copywriting from top Internet marketers.

*  See what they do and emulate as you see fit, but add your own life experience and intuition, but then spin that content. That way, you stay out of trouble.

If you use a headline or even a paragraph of content that's very popular, cite the original authors through quotations and/or head to that source directly for permission. In some cases, gurus will respond and some won't. In the very least, you've been diligent about your publishing.

I sincerely hope something helps here. 

This is about helping you become a top quality marketer.  Please feel free to post your comments/suggestions/and Q's.  That way, we minimize business risks while maximizing your returns (ROI).

More help is coming your way.  I'm prepping pdf's along comprehensive lines so please stay tuned!

bkb2012 (Barbara)

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