Review On Carson's Getting Started Guide To Article Marketing

Last Update: August 21, 2010

Welcome Back WA Buddies!

I promised this link for Derek to complete my last post titled, "Responsible Publishing".


Ever wonder just how to write your article?  Don't worry.   Carson has done it for you, and he outlines just how it has to happen to get listed at Google!

To date, Carson's guide is one of the most complete resources on article marketing that I've seen because he covers the essential A, B, C's of  writing.

Carson's Getting Started Guide For Article Marketing

USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

This part is important because it helps you form complete articles your audiences can follow + you'll get everything you need all in one resource. 

The guide covers how keyword research works, which tools you should use, how to conduct keyword research so that your articles will be found at Google, how major search engines find your content and index it, and more.  Be certain to note Who, What, Where, Why  & How of article writing.  You'll see this expanded in Carson's guide.

Carson's Getting Started Guide For Article Marketing

As with anything, it takes several repeat readings of these resources to figure out what has to happen, but here's what you'll get if you master the WA guides:

1) More people coming to you for Internet marketing help

2) The ability to be very valuable to other businesses

(We have a lot of businesses using 20-th Century Marketing.)

3) The ability to profit well as you match your audiences to your products

4) The ability to mentor others.  What you put into your work is precisely what you get out of it, and this outcome will either help or hinder you, depending on how capable you become yourself.

5) BONUS --  Play with content whenever you have access to prime resources, and document it to death.  I cite Kyle & Carson because there are many membership sites out there, but these guys give you ample room to work inside of WA.

Combine "best marketing advice" into your own digital download library.  Be sure to backup all data.  Own at least 1 or 2 removable hard-drives, and know that by doing this over time, you will eventually move into your own unique product creation.

Toasting Your Success,

bkb2012 (Barbara) -- The Non-Guru Guru (or so they tell me)


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