Setting Up Your First Website

Last Update: November 21, 2009

Welcome Back Fellow WA Buddies!

Today's post shares another common question many new marketers face:

1) What do I start --  a website or something else?

2) Here are the very, very basic things you can do when you hit any brick wall. I'll just keep this post as simple in description so that it won't answer a ton of other questions you'll have later on.

The biggest key to your success will be to offer yourself continual patience, conduct a lot of research, save content you find and like on the Internet, organize your thoughts, and keep the Internet marketing education going.

Skip the education process and you'll pay heavily out of your pocket. Spend the time to research your markets and you'll save yourself a ton of work, headache, pain or even failure.

There aren't really any shortcuts. I'll just tell you that much, up front.

So -- here goes!

This content is brought to you by another WA buddy who got stuck with forming the first page of his website. He wanted to know how to point his domain name to his web host. I've outsourced this work in the past, but I figured it was time to solve this question that had been plaguing me. You see.., when you can figure out the finer points of a campaign, you don't have to wait for other people to finish the work. 

However, in Internet marketing..., the answers aren't always so straightforward. If you have already discovered this one reality -- question or even one answer leads you down the rabbit hole. Then..., it often triggers a gazillion other questions. Be mindful that you will be able to eventually solve most of your questions. Why is that true? There are only a finite number of steps involved in setting up an IM campaign! That's the best news.

So here's what we did..., even if it was a rough starter solution.

The key to discovering solid but workable solutions is to research your content and learning, verify findings, ground your results (by asking others), then reach for reliability. When you do these things, you'll be reaching for quality information.

If something doesn't make sense to you, it's not making sense for these 2 common reasons:

1) you're finding solutions that are out of sequence (because in an IM campaign, everything works together when it's structured in a specific way and order). Skip a step and your campaign won't work.

2) you're still filling in some gaps. Until you build on your skills further but then later add a few additional power tools to your toolbox (like article marketing and pay-per-click advertising...or even copywriting...or whatever it is that you'll later discover you either hate or love), it will require persistent effort to solve the many questions you'll need to answer.

Internet Marketing Is Like a Peacock

On the male peacock, he has a tail that shows many larger 'blue/green eyes'.  Imagine that you're connecting those dots on his tail. Internet marketing is like the fanned tail of that bird, but until you connect all of the dots, it's going to take time to make sense out of everything. That's why it's really challenging to outline 'every tiny, little step in Internet marketing. start with a large overview and over time..., then you move into the finer points.

To tackle the Q involving pointing one's domain to a web host, this question leads you ...'down the rabbit hole' we'd guess. WA is working to build in greater functionality. What that means is -- you won't need to download more software to get something else to work....because WA is layering their results in the tools they offer. Site Rubix is one example. You don't have to download FTP (file transfer protocol) because it's embedded into it's design.

Here's what I did to tackle the domain question:

I looked into the WA forum for answers relating to this question, but I received a gazillion results.

I headed over to the learning tutorial resources center and found a pdf download (a 15-page document) titled, "Setting Up Your First Website". 

I figured we couldn't lose with this resource because another WA buddy published a separate resource somewhat answering the original question..., but it wasn't absolutely clear.  So I focused on the 15- page document. Thoughts are that there will be numerous answers to questions you haven't yet thought of... contained within this document.

What Usually Happens In Internet Marketing Research

You'll find some answers (but not all) so you have to keep working.

Eventually, your mind will find the one solution you were slamming your head against the wall to find months ago, but the solution may appear when you're most ready for at 2 am when you want to sleep!  So -- we're talking about developing an understanding about how Internet marketing works long before you can really get more of these Internet campaign elements working. That's why the 8-week plan bugs a lot of people. 

One could say....

Newbies have to get used to being comfortable with 'fuzzy' information until a bigger picture emerges. Experienced business owners know this much so they get used to working in situations where they don't have all of the necessary information at hand. They due time, all of the answers will appear as long as they continue to work within some type of game plan.

I told this WA person to see if he could first get his hands on the
"Setting Up Your First Website" document by running a search in the resource center. It was important to prod him a bit because Internet marketers have to get used to researching information all the time. That's one way of moving this person into very active places.

As an Internet marketer, you have to roll up your sleeves and get into the research. Sounds dull...but here's what happens when you've identified a sub-niche you can serve. You'll hit a real button in people because you'll know how they think, you'll know what they buy and when they buy. Better still, you'll know what they spend.

These are the keys to real and lasting business success.

So...from my research, the document I read was comprehensive (so much contained therein that it's redundant to explain it all here). But ..., the thought was that it should begin to answer many additional questions this WA Buddy was looking for. The thought was -- as a result of this original question being answered (pointing the domain name to the webhost so that he could view his first website page online), we're answering more questions that will follow ahead of time. Always look for comprehensive materials.

What Happens In IM LIfe

It's common not to solve a question right off the bat. Usually you have to find a combination of 2, 3 or sometimes even 4 or 5 resources to solve a persistent problem. That's because there's no such thing as a turnkey system in place, even though WA is working to fill that need..., and the Internet is still evolving. 

Here's How I Handle Hitting the IM Brick Wall

I found out that in Internet marketing, you have to set up a list of to do's based on the repeat questions that often reappear. These answers may be related to the type of skillset you possess.  If you're not a computer savvy person, sometimes it means trading services with another WA buddy..., or sometimes it means outsourcing these finer points.

Example: It may mean that to test content eventually meant for what will be a later (but successful) website carrying content people hugely want, you might want to set up a blogger account. Better still, if you're here at WA, just test your content at your blog and see how people receive your information. You can launch your own forum here to further test information..., looking for what people will say they need.

Then Rotate the To Do's On Your IM List Over Time

The brick walls I hit happen on a daily basis. I rotate to do's daily because it gives my mind a chance to scale the brick walls. But, this approach at first seems a bit undaunting. As a new marketer, you have to start somewhere.

Taking Action Is Far More Superior Than Doing Nothing

When you hit a wall you can't scale, I would resort to research other Internet marketers' content online.  It's helpful to see what others do.  If you're promoting WA, head over to usfreeads and enter a Google search for WA. See if you can track Kyle & Carson online. This is a very solid thing to do while you're problem-solving smaller campaign puzzle pieces because you're tracking people who've made a lot of money online.

You're after a search that will show you the IM process in action, as sponsored by some of the best people in IM.

See how Kyle and Carson structure their ad groups (those ads you see appearing on the front of Google when you enter Wealthy Affiliate). Pay close attention to the different categories and subcategories they advertise in (to see how they cross-promote WA). Look at their sites and pay close attention to how they speak to their audiences. Look at their offers and pay more attention to "How They Ask For the Money".

If you can emulate this process over time, you will make money.

I found that research -- as a major step -- was extremely helpful because it got me over many humps.  Then bug the big guys to death!

Solution To WA Buddy's Question Was

I was able to offer this buddy results answering 3 of his 4 questions. Sometimes it takes you days, weeks and even months to solve the final you have to ride with matters.

Why Go Out of Your Way To Help Someone Else?

One answer. You become a master over time. Help a lot of people and you're essentially helping yourself, but do this from true places. 

Here's What Developed To Answer the Final Q

I offered aid directly so here's what I said:

On your website -- you want a few key things like: a contact us page, data capture on all of your other website pages (giving people something free in exchange for their contact information).

You may wish to consider also developing content offering people regular product updates (in the form of an ongoing newsletter). This is a common way IM'ers connect to people on their developing list...and it's necessary. This newsletter allows you to embed affiliate links for later offers eventually leading to repeat customer purchases.

You may also want a page that offers several recommended resources, product reviews, including articles you publish, offering tips, tricks and maybe free reports...or include links that send people to something extra (for free) as a thank you for being a loyal customer.

Offering food for continuous thought...,


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