So How Does A Campaign Work?

Last Update: August 06, 2010

Hey Everyone!

Welcome new buddies.  I'd like to dedicate this post to you.  May this day find you well. When you're first new at WA, the key is to digest what you can when you can.  Then.., take it one-step-at-a-time.  Focus on what you did rather than stating what you didn't do.  This is also very important.

In all marketing matters, the goal in today's post is to show you what I'm doing directly.

Ok. Here goes.

To hit major profits, you have to do a few things:


1) Spot an underserved market

Clear as mud?  When I was new, I couldn't figure out "why in the heck the experienced marketers couldn't just tell me what to do"?

Well..., they tried.

You see -- the reality is that the Internet is SO BIG.

We can cover examples from other industries (targeting different niches), but when it comes to telling you how you should proceed, we have to find out what you're hugely passionate about.  That's important.  Then, we take those passions and separate them into smaller niches (segmented markets).


2) Find a market that's so hungry  -- they'll only want you.

This is true because you'll need to know a lot about what you're saying.

Again...clear as mud, right?'s the thing. 

In prior posts, I talk about the importance of listing anything and everything you've ever done.  The point in doing this is to ALIGN yourself with your passion so that you won't mind working like a dog to happily serve others.  That's when you do very well in business.  Internet marketing played right is about improving peoples' lives (if they'll allow it).

I offer examples from my own life experience:

1) taught weight lifting and martial arts  -- 23 years

2) managed an estate

3) handled several family deaths (weird but this odd stuff leads you to markets you'd never consider)

4) worked as a teenager in an old-fashioned portrait emporium

5) worked with pets

6) cleaned my house more than I'd care to admit

7) you get the picture.


3) Spot A Quiet Fishing Pond

Usually Internet marketers stumble across their smaller markets as they're killing themselves competitively in another major market.

I wish I could give you some "magic beans"....but that's pretty much how it happens.

Set up a grid on paper.  See who's doing what.  List what they're offering.  Now look for gaps on that paper to see what the market wants but isn't getting.

In this case, it's Doberman Pincher Luxury Beds For People On Vacation and it's supplements helping Doberman's with easier breathing (if you know this breed has breathing problems. The solution should be out-of-the ordinary to get peoples' attention.

Those are 2 different price points people will pay you well for, just to solve that "aching need".

4) Find Your Client's Sweet Spot

It's usually related to your domain name and your campaign name.

EX:  Dog Grooming Without Major Household Destruction

domain name:


Way too long but you get the idea.

In your domain, you state the "whiz bang solution" in 1 fell swoop.

It should be compelling and it should suggest to people that they came to the right place.

The solution is -- you know something about a specific BREED of dog.  Always zero in on a breed or a specific brand to hit the smaller market.


5) Effective Short-Hair Grooming For Doberman Pinchers

So you find a product over at Commission Junction and it's a tangible item that holds the dog slightly at bay, safely harnessing him around the neck as you wash him in the shower or tub.  You won't get bitten.  He won't get strangled.  You'll accomplish the cleaning without yelling or running after Fido.

Now people will pay for this tool if it means both dog and man are happy and his house is intact.


6)  Now Write A Free Report

* Offer helpful content Doberman lovers can use today.

* Embed links leading to other resources.  I talk about this below.

* Offer a product reviews on 2 types of products.

1 works.  1 doesn't.

Then form a FREE blogger account.

Head to

Name your blog "Dog Grooming for Doberman Pincher Pet Lovers"


7) Offer the free report on your blog.

You'll need an A-Weber account to get your Doberman Pincher newsletter going.

The goal is to get people to opt-into your newsletter so that they can get the FREE report.


8) Write a few blog posts on Doberman Pincher's..., talking about "How to Best Train and Manage Your Doberman" ..."Clean Your Doberman Without Major Home Destruction, 3 Safe Tips"..., "How to Care For Your Doberman Without Spending Thousands on Vet Bills"...and so forth.

You'll want to be certain to form 4 blog posts on each topic.


9) Take the A-Weber code and paste it onto your blog.

* This part means that in order to get to the code, you have to set up your A-Weber account, but there's a visual how to guide there.  Contact support if you're still not sure how to do this.  You're after name and e-mail, at first.  Over time, you want more complete contact information if you're growing your list on the seminar end.

* You'll want to form at least 5 starter e-mails to initially grow your list.


9)  Write an e-book or several articles expanding these subjects.

The major reason why we write articles and blog posts is to obtain high quality links eventually leading to our websites.  But.., in the meantime, you'll want to form a spider web of your blogs for later website connectivity.

Hope that makes sense. If not, e-mail me and I'll help wherever I can.


10) See if you can find e-books already written on Doberman Pinchers.

Use those as long as you can get at least a 30% commission or more.  You'll pull those affiliate links into your blog posts and incorporate links leading to your own written pdf files over to your website.  Always position your name by rewriting content under your name.  That way people will come back to you for help.


11)  See if you can spot other helpful resources like websites dedicated to Doberman Pinchers.

You can offer product reviews..., include links to other resources helping people find out more..., use comparison tests between 2 affiliate products you own and then include your recommendations.  Then tell the client to "pick one product".  Either way, you win.

I could go on all day long.  No matter what you're promoting, think about setting up a general e-store that carries helpful content, promotions, books, dog collars, pet cages made for Dobermans, special pet supplements, and include luxury Doberman Pet Housing.  Pull in specialized client seminars at higher price points.

NOTE:  You must find out from Doberman lovers what they would purchase.  Then you fill your general store with those solutions.  That's how you win.

The main thing is to get your mind flowing with ideas.  Head to your local drugstore and look at the magazines by organized categories.  See if you can spot areas of interest aligning to things you've previously done.


12)  Your Newsletter Showcases Your Eventual Website

This newsletter on Doberman Pinchers of a Short-Haired Variety would talk about all of the items, resources, websites and Doberman items people want to know more about.

This is where you can test content with Doberman lovers.  They'll tell you what they're struggling to solve.  You'll research the 5 Best Options..., and then you'll post your findings on your blog.  Drive people to your blog.  If you get a top hit, then place that content in a new form on your eventual website.

But...your Newsletter should showcase your blog content, your articles, and what will become your major website.  It's a incremental stage in marketing.

I hope this content helps you see how things generally fit together to form a successful campaign.

Again -- have any Q's?  Feel free to e-mail me.

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dmjones23 Premium
Great post bkb2012 very helpful