Success Is A Choice

Last Update: October 15, 2010

Welcome WA Buddies!

May this day find you well.  It's 3:34 am, Saturday morning... and it's time to write this post.

I'm going to cover a few things that may set your feet on fire for good reasons related to "you need to read this content".

It's time for another black belt workout, master style.  This week, a brief and yet another event arose.  It does not bear repeating...really. 

The essence of what I will say has more to do with you making up your mind to accomplish something you hugely desire, mainly because it's connected to your true wealth.

You are very powerful...and for reasons individuals never can directly see, you may not realize this ultimate truth.  You are here on this Earth for a very good reason. What are you going to do with your time?

Wealth Is Mindset

If you  compare 2 people -- the first who is very successful in ways they determine themselves...and the second who is not, there are major differences in the ways these people think, act, and persist.

The Successful One

  • This person is successful in every sense of the word.
  • Remove their wealth and they get back up again. I've had this happen. Big deal.
  • Many hit brick walls all the time but they don't advertise it.
  • They are working long after others have quit because they know that their success is NEVER in question. 
  • It does not matter if they've worked for 20 years and their business gets hit by a tornado. Whether they're brick-and-mortar (physical) or virtual (online), it doesn't matter.
  • They get back up again, time after time.
  • They're masters at dusting off their boots.
  • They never accept excuses about "Why something doesn't work".
  • They're always looking for solutions and reasons to move forward.

The One Who Gives Up (At The Drop Of A Hat)

I will apologize in advance if I step on any toes. That is not my intention. You need to read this post for 1 major reason only.  Don't quit.  Establish your resolve and do it.

If you quit and it doesn't matter who you learn your Internet marketing from, you will only disappoint yourself. I've even had a personal coach quit!  There is it.  He blames everyone but himself.

What I share here and now is said with respect and even love. Successful ones are always pulling for you.  We feel sad when you get involved in the blame game because it carries no real weight in what you'd like to do but don't.

* At the end of your life, you will have experiences to examine -- good and not so hot.

* You will have no one to blame.

* In a world of blame, blame isn't even real.  It's just another test of fear, challenging your soul to achieve and claim its true self.

* Remove all of the reasons why you should or should not do something and what you'll get is YOURSELF...standing in a room alone with decisions to make or not.

* Blame others for whatever reason your brain will suggest. The mind is a good thing but it gets in the way because the ego will try to rule you, but successful people put their minds at ease because they have developed this habit in order to survive and continue their successful existence.

I'll cite Donald Trump. While he's a persistent one, he's still standing. That person has declared bankruptcy how many times? He's still standing long after others have quit.  While I'm not a #1 fan of Trump, I will admit -- he has major gumption.

* Successful people put major time and energy into supporting others...and many of those people quit. Ever think about that reality? Yeah - there are times where we feel...why try?  You'll quit?  And we do not let that thinking rule the scene. We cannot.

* Some are meant to forge the tip of the arrow. They are here to show you a better way.  What will you learn?

* Internet marketing or anything else you could excel at requires that you put your time in. It's not about paying your dues.

It's about being determined to master your life. 1% of the entire sum on the planet get here!  Is it that hard.  NO.  It takes major energy to sit still when you should be moving forward.

Take your actions see what happens.  It will be special if you stay focused on your goals and targets. You cannot miss your mark.

* Every time you hit a wall, it's there.  Successful people say to themselves.., OK.., it's here.  I'll work through it... and very soon it will be a blip in the sidewalk . 

Those who make excuses call it a mountain every time...and the ones who are working while keeping their heads down with effort are paving the way for you!

They invest everything they have -- time, energy, $$, resources, people, know-how...(even set backs they could call failure) and still some of you toss that gift away as if it were an old shoe.

* Business owners have to be tough because they invest their souls into whatever it is they choose to do and create.  Pay is important but it's not all there is.  We are givers...sometimes at the expense of ourselves.  It's not a us VS. you thing.  It never was.

* Those who give up are still doing it -- no matter what they're facing. So if you're one of those people now, you have a choice.  It is a tough choice because when you are intending to be successful... and perhaps you have not yet hit your stride, then you have to face yourself by asking, "I've quit this other endeavor because I really did not follow through".  Ask yourself why? 

*  Life is here for you to teach you what you can absolutely master.  Business does the same thing.  It grows you in ways you would not expect.


Be abundant or not.

Let poverty and past "circumstances" (successful people call excuses) rule you. Sensible people who are very successful say "no".  We view you as being successful but you don't yet see ...because you are an individual who is IN PROCESS...just like us. I say this with care. Successful people are no different than you are. They're just long standing students who never quit. They are self-directed. They work like dogs. They know they are powerful but they may not state it.

So I'll end this post with these thoughts designed to either do 1 of 2 things:

1) Inspire you so that you will not quit and you'll remember what I've shared here and now...,

2) Get mad for the wrong reasons because you missed something I intended to share here and now for whatever reason...(mainly because you are someone who is in process), you may be falsely thinking -- "perhaps the right person will come along and deliver the gold". There are no magic beans.  You're the magic!

Successful people know this last illusion isn't real.

They again...create their success because they persist and believe in themselves unconditionally.

They do not put their success in the hands of another..., whether that person is a spouse or a business partner or even a marketing associate.


Negative People Spread Their Misery...Because Misery Is Their Only Respite

Positive People Stop Themselves At Times Where They'd Like To Let Their Brains Rule The Show

Incorporate your heart in what you do.  Do it with a zest but also remember -- you have choices.

How will you spend your time while you are alive? Will you inspire others (including yourself)? Will you let every little or major thing get you down?

I think not ..or should I say, I feel not... this kind of self-made torture.

We are here to create and share in unison. 

My heart consistently tells me that we are all meant to be abundant in ways we deem most fit. This is the world at its best.

Be the master you already are.

Let nothing stand in your way.

Toasting Your Success Online,








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mr.billee Premium
jatdebeaune Premium
Barbara, that was truly inspiring. Thank you. So inspiring in fact, that I'm going to share it with my sister, who is of like mind, and she'll really appreciate it, as do I. Early morning is a very insightful time of day. Gold nuggets for breakfast!
jorpcorn Premium
I don't know how you can be so clear-headed at that hour of the morning! But, as always Barbara, you have helped my positive spirit with it's regeneration. Thanks once again.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Barbara for sharing your great blog!
famousplumber Premium
Well written, well intended, and so true. You have just inspired me to write a blog post about my own personal inspiration. Thanks as always!