The Age of Now, Internet In Flux

Last Update: February 01, 2010

Welcome Fellow WA'ers!

Today's post brings you confirmation that you are not alone. In this post, I talk about the Information Age and how it has rapidly changed the rules of business, offline and online.

By reading this post, you are better equipped to handle the change we're all facing at lightening speed. It is not your imagination that everything around you is in a state of flux. Everything we once held as 'true' is now in question.

Here's Why:

1. The old business rules are no longer working the same way they once did.

In short, we have altered our consciousness so many of us don't function the same way we did even 20 years ago. Hierarchies are falling. Power bases (among the few who would not share powerful knowledge) are crumbling. Personal relationships are out-of-kilter.

Consider -- 

The Renaissance Age required 300 years to enlighten the masses.

Consider --

The Information Age (a 'Real-Time Age') has altered the way in which we communicate with others... within a very time span of only 30 years! Can you see how things are changing at an exponential pace?

Consider --

By the time you pick up any book, chances are that you intuitively know 'the information you're already reading'. Books that were published 3 years ago are out-of-date.

Consider --

We don't know our next-door neighbors very well, but we can connect to  other people living half-way around the world or we can find people we knew back in high school. Within the context of that reality, we are now faced with 'real time occurrences'.

Communication of any written word takes only minutes, weeks and months following publication before hundreds, thousands, and even hundreds of thousands view an Internet article.

2. The Implications of This Reality For Your Internet Business --

Are...that you'll have to become very aware of your competitors, your Internet safety and identity, your own computer security and more (your Internet education). This article is NOT about moving some kind of Internet security service. It is about using what's called 'white-hat' marketing or proper, long-term marketing designed to retain customers over the long run. It's about giving people what they demand and truly need.

My Main Point Is --

1. You will want to follow strict rules of Internet conduct when you're operating your business (online).

There are people who can read your e-mails. They are not necessarily private. The FTC (fed'l trade commission) can track any site they want to track, without a merchant's awareness. With those points offered, that means that whenever you publish anything, always make sure it's sensible and publicly correct.

2. Always do the best thing for your customers, even if it means a small percentage of your customers might want refunds. You don't have to advertise that you offer refunds. Just keep in mind that when you conduct business, take 'best steps' with people to offset refund rates, minimizing risk. Businesses that do not offer refunds can run into FTC trouble. Strive to underpromise while working to overdeliver.

3. Intra-transparency As a 'New Economy' Word  --

Suggests that Internet marketers are very transparent now. Everything we do...and you do online will become visible to others, sooner than you might expect.

The Internet is still evolving, growing and changing. By learning with WA superaffiliates and the site owners here, you are doing yourself a big favor. One of my personal Internet marketing mentors spent $70,000 online before he figured out 'how things really worked'. He told me just today that he didn't know squat about what was really involved.

WA goes far beyond the 'typical education' many Internet gurus claim to share. Find out who has graduated from the WA program. Track them and learn. See what other buddies are doing. By connecting to them, you can view their links to study 'real-time' campaigns. This resource is hugely valuable and it will save your life.

Lastly, if you're not sure what to do, contact Kyle and Carson. Bug them to death until you get your questions answered.

Work the tutorials, be patient with yourself, and know that you're giving yourself a huge gift -- the gift of freedom from businesses falling short or not taking good care of you (as a paid employee). You're worth millions. You deserve to operate a business representing your 'true self' -- a grand person who has much to offer.

Remember, companies are outsourcing American jobs.  Don't give up. You will begin to connect the dots, but this learning does take time. Feel free to stay tuned for more business information. I bring you CEO information at the 'empowered, New Economy level.

Supporting Your Success Using Proven Means,




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TraceyC Premium
I agree-this is fantastic and very very relevant!
jatdebeaune Premium
Wow! What a blog! Great blog! It feels like things are speeding up at a pace I have never experienced before. Everything seems to be changing overnight, though I know it's not overnight. Been happening for awhile. My entire industry was outsourced, hence the reason I turned to the Internet to create something new. World feels like a different planet. All of our old ways of doing a lot of things seem very innocent and uncomplicated by comparison to now. Maybe it is the period of adjustment that causes things to feel uneasy, so new, none of the "taken for granted" road signs. You get the message to change with the change, or forget about it. I find it exciting, but I am nostalgic for some of our old tricks. Miss the emphasis on quality and invention. I'm talking about design in everyday products, not technology which is mind bogglingly inventive. Now you just get it all cheap from China. My nieces don't know what fashion is. Hey, I'm sounding like my grandmother. Well, you get what I mean. Thanks for your blog. All of your blogs are so interesting.