The Hare Never Won The Race, Part 2

Last Update: November 15, 2010

Hello WA Buddies!

Hi guys and gals.  It's been some time since my last post and I'll tell you why.  You could say I'm juggling...the other job, Internet marketing + team based marketing (to bring you more).  This post shares commonalities of online learning.

When we're building our businesses...offline...,online...or more often both when we hit more advanced levels, we'll hit these impasses.  Are these impasses related to growth?  I'll admit, I don't know.  Business is about growth and finding out what others need and demand.  Success in your business is about finding a quiet fishing pond where you can compete effectively and profitably, but it's also about enjoying what you do!  Your business is an extension of you, and if it is worked ethically and worked well, it will lead you to profound times ahead which can be very joyous.

But even when you're online, one moment, things will be looking positive.   The next moment, things feel like they're slowing down.  It's most likely because you've just gone through another growth phase or it's time to regroup a bit.  Don't let this reality ever stop you because the Internet is changing very fast. 

Much of what online marketers did even 2 years ago isn't working as well as it did then.  Why?  Consumers are becoming very, very savvy.  They want results on their first purchase before they trust you with another purchase.

Also..., you will continue to be hit by major guru offers.  When you're in a panic, there's a common tendency to head out into cyberspace to conduct an open search.  This is often what you don't need to do so if there's a purchase looming on your immediate horizon..., wait a week.  Reassess that offer when you've had time to compare it with other offers.  See if you can list limitations with what you're wanting to buy because if you can, then you most likely haven't found a complete solution leading to your success.

Look in your in-box and check a few e-mails with what you considered for purchase last week.  Chances are -- there are variations on that same theme.  If so, you probably don't have to buy that $297 offer when you can get it for $77...or less...or FREE (just by researching what's here inside of WA)! 

Keep your wallets on ice.  You have the advantage of time and some of these major players do not.  

If you have to keep your other job going (no matter how cruddy or dull it may be), that's OK.  You'll want to keep cash coming in the door long enough to buy yourself extra time.

Success Comes From You

If you've ever heard of the saying--

"The Hare Never Won the Race"... Part 2

This is part 2 of that saying I posted months ago.  It's true. don't care which realm we're discussing, but the highest truth about any business success is that it takes education, time to develop a following, and time to repeatedly close business after people know you'll be there to consistently deliver.  So kindly keep those facts in mind and repeat to yourself...

"The Hare Never Won the Race"...

when you're not sure that you're making any progress. The truth is -- every step forward you make is progress even if it doesn't look like much.  I'll cite writing 1 article, for example. This translates into learning how to write effective ad copy. 

If you learn how to set up a crude website, you are working towards something greater. This kind of work can translate into helping offline businesses getting their businesses set up online, but you will need much more than just forming a website for someone. Even then, you've made some progress.

If you figure out how simple backlinking works, in the case where we're talking about incoming links leading others from an article to your blog or website, that's still a big deal. 

If you learn how to form data capture on a blog, that's so BIG -- I can't tell how you big.  Well...I can, but I'm working on the comprehensive parts to bring you far more. Please stay tuned. 

With every post written on your behalf, every small tidbit adds up to a form a comprehensive business plan others will want and pay for willingly.

So...when you're panicked online about moving too slow, remember this much:

* Your success is not connected to getting just the right software, but it will be connected to finding a comprehensive system you can leverage to point consumers in complete directions.  I can attest to that much.


I'd like to reaffirm that your success rests in your hands. 

The answers are inside of you.

We've been told since we were all knee-high kids that the answers came from outside of ourselves.  Nothing could be furthest from the truth.

Harness Your Inner Self For Key Solutions

Because Internet marketing is both art and science of numbers, you eventually have to learn to trust yourself.  There will be people you'll meet along your Internet marketing journey who will claim to know what's needed.

Sometimes, you'll work with them and gain insights.

Sometimes, it will mean that you can absorb and use what they're sharing..., but it will also mean that you must look to yourself for some hidden answers.

To harness your most powerful self I call the higher self, this is the part martial arts masters tap into often. They spend their entire lives learning how to quiet themselves and go within. 

This mastered self is not connected to human ego, but it is that part of you which is always very wise and always very slow to anger.  It is very slow to judge -- if at all.  This part of you already has many answers to some of the biggest problems you'll ever face in your life, but learning how to listen to this quiet part means that you'll periodically have to slow down to re-evaulate what you're doing.

You can't hear this quiet self if you're running around the place with your hair on fire! the tortoise.  Know that you will be successful, even if it takes you some time to get there!

Keep This Part In Mind Too

Sometimes....if you feel like you're a salmon swimming upstream and you can't get anywhere..., there's another truth you may not have thought much about. Have you ever thought...from a larger overview we'll call everyday life...that you're being slowed down so that others can catch up to you?  It's true but you can't always see this reality firsthand.  So kindly keep that part in mind when you feel like you're just a snail in the ocean of big fish.

You can rest easy by knowing that if you hit a panicky moment (and we all do), take a deep breath, affirm to yourself that you're capable of doing some amazing things in this world, and know that you are special. You have something unique to contribute to the world that no one else has!  Others will want to learn from you and buy from you.

To Bring Your Powerful Self Through --

1) Hold your highest vision of what you truly want to accomplish in your life !

2) Thank You of my WA Buddies for reminding me how valuable life is.  She's the reason why I'm writing this blog post.  I will the past few weeks, I hit another major content wall.  It happens. many of us are facing many challenges -- family, health challenges of other members, you name it.  Sometimes you have to slow down, and it's ok!

I have been putting together massive content for you.

Please know -- in your online marketing, don't get caught up in the everyday illusions like:

* No one will want my services.

This is entirely false.

* No one will pay for my help.

This is also entirely false.

* No one will want to learn what I already know.

This is not true or there wouldn't be an industry of any kind.

* No one will think that what I have to offer isn't worth a hill of beans.

People only believe this if you believe this first and foremost.


Keep going over your action plan. 

Tap into your buddy network. 

Ask others what they're doing but keep a level head. 

If you know which direction you'd like to take, there's no wrong first direction.  There's only 1 starting direction.

* There are endless and real opportunities online.

* Keep the work going even if you only have 30 minutes of daily energy AFTER you've worked the other job today.  Many of us are sitting in this identical boat.

Please feel free to post your comments and or suggestions.  If you are having trouble making sense of anything, we are here.  Look to the ones who actively publish at WA often because we're constantly working on your behalf !

Toasting Your Success Online!





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