True Secrets Behind Wealth Creation, Part 1

Last Update: April 11, 2011

Welcome, Welcome WA Buddies!

I'm going to tackle a most popular subject from another angle to help you see that you are already a millionaire (but probably don't know it).  This content represents content multi-millionaires obtain by investing money back into themselves.  This content here has involved $1.5 million of my own personal assets and 26 years of around-the-clock work... unconditionally given to you here and now, without expectations of anything specific in return (this is a major universal hint)!

To create success first, you must put yourself out there 5,000% without reservation.

The Law of Participation requires that you GIVE YOUR ALL FIRST...before the Law of Attraction can work.  The mastered principles governing communication (or ad copy...the print you see on websites), determines how well you will attract and interact with people.  If you speak from your heart, you can never really lose. You pull in your logic to help you discern what's good for yourself/others, or not.

So here's the neat part.


1)  What's the top secret underlying wealth creation?

LOVE...unconditional...paired with VISION because VISION keeps you going when you'd like to quit...and VISION helps you progress when you hit walls (we'll call challenge).

You only grow through challenge...but challenge does not have to be painful or fearful.

Challenge can be fun, inspiring, and hugely exciting when you're working with motivated others who are also headed in similar directions aiming for similar targets (goals).

It is no coincidence that you are here at WA!  You created it before you got here in the hopes of finding like-minded people who would support you and nurture you.


2) What's the second-most important secret underlying wealth 5, 6 and 7- figure levels?

(You already know the answer...)

Genuine, enthusiastic passion.

In the presence of passion, you create excitement.  

People who are looking for real solutions to pressing problems come to you for answers.

You guide them in directions that you know will fulfill their desires at "deepest levels"...not superficial ones.

To be truly passionate, you must live, eat, & breathe your passion.  It takes undying respect for others/self to keep a business going and growing.

3) What's the third-most important aspect underlying wealth creation?

Always motivate from your heart-center.  Your heart is connected to your Spirit or Soul ...or whatever you call it ...the Higher Self.

If you don't know what this Higher Self is, you're already reaching for it.  It's what brings daily lessons your way so that you can figure out who you are (victor) and who you are not (victim).   This is true because the Universe mirrors back to us the things that we are internally resolving and/or reprogramming. 

You can know who you are by looking at the areas of challenge others present to you -- without blocking what they're saying..., without spending one moment in conflict, and by putting yourself in their shoes.

Your success in business means that you must be totally responsible for the great things and challenges you create so that you can meet them head on, move through them with little resistance, and move into better places.  The Universe will support you in creating a greater reality for yourself because the Universe is again...abundant.  Your true nature is LOVE.

When you stay out of conflict, you are given newer and keener insights into solutions you might not otherwise see.

These solutions lead you into higher realms where other resolved people are waiting for you!

When you get clear about who you really are (pure LOVE and energy), others only know what they draw out of you.  Therefore, if they think negatively, they will draw forth that reality with all others.  If they think and act positively, they will draw out the best in everyone they meet. 

You are you.  Others are who they are.  The lighter someone is, the more enlightened they become.  For those who intend to learn through joy and complete abundance, these people will attract people who are interested in creating success!  

So..., because we know that we are all connected, if we are good to one another, we create happy outcomes.  If we hurt another, we hurt ourselves.

What we do for another, we do for ourselves (and visa versa).

When you become very, very clear about who you are, you will quickly zero in on light-hearted emotions and very abundant realities. You will put yourself in places where others are succeeding and advancing.

Light emotions represent mastered realities where abundance appears in every form:  love, wealth, health.

The key things people want online from you are what you already have:  love, wealth at some level, and health.

They want to be you, at some level...and because you are naturally growing and reaching upward in ways you may not readily see, you are becoming a cutting edge leader!

If you are struggling with $$, it is because your deep-seated belief works like this --

"Life is hard so I have to WORK HARD for everything I get".

The Universe gives you this result!

If you take any negative thought you think NOW..., pay close attention to how you feel.

You will feel the heaviness of that thought.

NOW...turn it around and tell yourself that very thought in positive terms.

NOTE:  You will feel lighter...instantly.

This is your true self.

Your truer, higher self is extremely positive and wise.

Your lesser self is the negative side that would have you believe that you are nothing.

To attract more $$, love, health into your life, think and act in positive ways.

If you react to someone, stop. 

If you slowly and consciously choose a wiser response, you are being consciously active with people.  This is a very wealthy and abundant concept.

Here's also what's neat.

Genuine masters know that they do not have to work hard for what they are -- pure love and energy.  They know that their energy = $$. 

The truest ones do not look for a fast buck and they are not shy about asking for payment.  If they try too often, the world removes their wealth until they learn how to handle that $$ properly.  Money is a tool meant to help the self/others grow.

Those who are masters of life are interested in delivering REAL results without involving even one lie (falsehood).  They do not need to compete with others because all individuals are unique and can deliver.

Because masters know that the Universe is so abundant to every point where it can deliver  $1,000,000 to you, every person on the planet can be a millionaire.

Everytime you focus on and feel a negative emotion, you contribute to feelings of lack at individual/group levels.

Everytime you focus on and feel a positive emotion, you negate 10,000 lower acts and contribute to the healin of the whole.


* By being happy around others for 2 hours, you will lift the energy of the room quickly.  In that time, everyone will be laughing.  You only have to think it and hold the VISION.

* The same holds true for business.

* Write your vision, "I will enjoy my life by being paid for reading books".  The end result is very positive when it ties into what you LOVE to do!  The net result would involve being a top editor or publisher.

* Align your vision with the things you must act upon to create changes in the world.  It starts at small levels and grows over time.


You're promoting yourself in the pet niche because you love pets.  You're following the lessons your household pet shows you.  These are the challenges others are also wanting to solve.  Your daily efforts involve going to the social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In) to give people small tidbits and insights involving the best care and feeding of their specific breed of pet.

You keep your ads going daily.

You attract others to you.

You build on those relationships.

You work together.

They ask you Q's.

You offer your recommendations ONLY after you provide major value.  This builds trust.

They buy from you.


4) Who becomes wealthy in every sense of the word? 

We're not just talking about having 6 figures in various bank and investment accounts, but we are talking about someone who is so loving that they become a pure source of inspiration and guidance long before others return that love.

What these people have is an abundance of internal love because as they give, the Universe fills the gap (upon daily asking and receiving).

* Those who are true to themselves...not to be confused with selfishness...are those who are so aware about who they are that others cannot deter them from attaining their goals.  Here's a slight shift in focus...from them to you.

* Business tests who  you and choose to become at all times.

* The more responsibility you lovingly accept in life, the more you will touch others.

* As this energy radiates outward, more are attracted to you.

* When you pull in true enthusiasm (Spirit), others want to be a natural part of that effort.

* There must always be an open flow of 2 and 3-way include others.

* Abundant people never exclude anyone.

* How you handle those types of responsibilities determines whether or not the Universal doors will work for you or against you.

Here's something else --

* Your Higher Self synchronizes people, events, information, and results on your behalf consistent with what you tell the Universe you want (through stated intention...or the things you deliberately write on paper and then follow through with by using present action).

* You want to focus on what's here now...because the past doesn't exist anymore and the present is not yet here.

* Your greatest power and truest self always sits in the present moment!  All masters know this part.

* Therefore..., you are already a master!  Anything you create from LOVE cannot be feared because it will always be inclusive (bring others into a very cool fold), it will always be helpful, and it will always be open to new learning.

I hope this makes some sense.  You will receive what you require most at the level that makes the most sense to you.

In the meantime, here's toasting your IM success!



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