True Secrets Behind Wealth Creation, Part 2

Last Update: May 04, 2011

Hello WA Buddies!

I'll tackle 2 subjects in today's post.

First -- Give yourself permission to learn what's involved in Internet marketing.

You are learning viable skills the masses don't know.  It will take time, but if something is important to you, then your learning curve has no real time limit. Keep your day job going in the meantime, and don't let anyone tell you that you can't be a success online.  

Second -- You sit on the cutting edge of marketing as we know it, today.

* Google rewards websites that share real content that's hugely valuable to consumers, helping them avoid pitfalls but access services genuinely delivering on real need.

* Google shuns websites that don't.

Third --  Writing Content For Your Own Websites

Content doesn't have to be difficult.  You're after a niche where you can endlessly publish your content without blinking an eye.  The niche you ultimately target will make total sense to you as it aligns to your natural abilities/strengths.

You can't pick a wrong niche.  The key is to become so good at what you know/share/do that competition won't be able to deliver what you deliver.  I think about offering superb quality assistance to others when many business people prefer shortcuts.  This is even true if you're still an employee.  What others don't appreciate in you, they can't appreciate in themselves.  I think about Internet Marketers.  We're learning something many people cannot relate they just don't ask.  That doesn't mean that we're not needed or important.


Wealth Creation, Part 2

Okay.  In prior posts, I revealed something about myself I don't tell anyone...not even the people I work with in a part-time setting.  It's different here because you need to know that what I'm sharing with you is the plain, simple truth. 

I was a millionaire by the time I was 30.  I made my wealth working for the man, doing a lot of humble stuff myself, and operating my martial arts studio.  I invested...saved and just did the right thing at all times...without exception.

I took Christmases without presents or vacations.

I eliminated Friday night pizzas...and even cut out expensive dinners.  I did so when I could pay for those things, but chose to put that $$ into a $10,000 floor for my school.  At the time, it was the best thing to do so that others had healthy joints.  It paid off.

My car is pretty typical.  I don't pass out $100 bills.  I don't own a massive boat.  My home is nice, but it's furnished in a functional manner.  I'm not saying this to brag because I sincerely want you to know that some of the most wealthy people are ones who walk around in "sweats".  Yeah -- I'd go shopping for a few expensive things wearing sweats, and the sales girls really had no idea. I blew $7,000 at Nordstrom one day...just because..., but I don't do this often.  OK.  My MBA cost $32,000 but that wasn't splurging.  It was earned to give others more!  I could have blown $200,000 on it at Harvard but didn't.  And truth be told -- California prison guards earn more than a 1st year Harvard grad...just to keep things equal.

Life is never what you think it is.

Someone who is living in "whipped cream" owes massive debt.

The quiet ones are not excessively encumbered (weighted down).  They pay for most of what they do in cash.

I save...reinvest...and just do the right thing for myself, family, and others whenever I can.  I pay bills WAY ahead of time.  I pay in excess.  I have a few pets.  I work out at a gym...but other than that, you'd never know who I was if you passed me on the street.

What I want you to know is that ANY content that comes your way comes from personal investments, doing, learning, and sharing.  It is meant for you to show you the real deal without blowing the excessive horn.  I spend major time asking Q's, learning, studying, and applying.  I am always looking upward and onward.  I don't spend 1 minute arguing with anyone because it takes time away from future growth.

The content I write comes straight from memory written for show you firsthand.

Mentors I've hired care about my development from an active place ONLY as I take action.  Much of the learning is done by my own hand and research.  I live, eat, and even drink Internet marketing.  I'm interested in helping people become their best because it's time.  That's pretty much what wealth is.  It's no mystery.

If you're a saver, you know what I'm saying.

If you've been in business before, you know that we have to spend $$ on improvements when others are out partying.  That's how it is...but the bennies are worth far more than what we invest!

We make contact with countless lives.

What we put out there, it comes back 1,000 fold.

You teach us more than we teach ourselves.

Your valuable nature is what appears as abundance on our end, as long as truly wealthy people remain humble...dedicated...and hard-working.

The more people you help sincerely, the more love you realize, and the more wealthy you become.  Your mind grows exponentially.  Your networks become massive.  The help that comes to you goes far beyond anything you can ever imagine.  

Wealth doesn't happen overnight. 

You can't buy everything under the sun.  You can take your life 1 step at a time...but you must work some type of business plan.  So if you're saying...OH man...I don't need to do that!  I will tell you that I have a business plan for personal finances, and I work a business plan for the business.  The 2 work together.  I have to use a LOT of discipline to say NO when it means saving $$ on the personal end...because it would be fun to take fancy vacations when it's not always feasible. I'm an average person. 

Building Towards Success

You have to do the un-sexy and downright boring things other people to stay in this real power.

  • It means saving when you'd rather spend some $$.
  • It means investing in small and affordable stocks that only cost $16/share.
  • It means looking at the long-run in your savings portfolio.
  • It means living a pretty mellow existence when you'd love to blow it all.
  • I'll do whatever it takes at work...and I'll play well.
  • I don't have much of an ego.  You can't afford it when you're in business for the long run.  You must know what others think and want to satisfy their needs first.  Then your pot will arrive.

You Don't Have To Be Special To Be Successful

Here's the real interesting part.  Since birth, we've learned that love comes from Mother and Father.  We've learned to expect good things OUTSIDE of ourselves when in reality, the best things in life are often the things we've choice...and by direct action.

If you're not agreeable with the idea that we create our realities...for better or worse.., keep a journal for 90 days.  This exercise is very cool because all successful business people eventually make this prime connection.

  • Jot down everything you think about and act on.  You only have to write a short e-mail to yourself.  Store it in a folder titled, "Journal"...then refer back to it in 3 months.
  • Go back to the first days of your journal to see later results you talked about when you were living in that fog..,
  • You will see that your beliefs and actions created a reality you wrote about, assuming there was consistent action on your part...,
  • You will even see where your thoughts/actions went awry...,
  • Look for ++ patterns and -- ones
  • Be real honest with yourself even if the reality looks a little bit messy
  • Don't make yourself wrong if you took a few odd turns
  • Be okay with whatever decisions you made but improve on your performance, and look for areas where you can be more efficient in your marketing work.
  • If you didn't take yourself seriously, business is a process and so is money...but set up a schedule you can more readily follow.  Don't be so tough that you can't take a 30-minute break to watch something humorous on TV.
  • It takes time to build even $1 million
  • I cite 20 years...but it can be done much sooner, assuming you're not ripping people off.
  • It CAN be done honestly and ethically!  I can be done with LOVE.
  • Above all, true and lasting wealth is created when it is done well -- serving the highest good of the other person when they might sometimes not deserve it (like giving them a discount on something when they gave you a hard time because you know that they will benefit and really need that break).  This is a major wealth principle that some people miss.  They think that SPEED WEALTH is the way to go ...when it more often a gain and rapid loss of $$.
  • Learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them
  • Know that you will make $$ and you will lose $$.  It's a balance you're after when you save, diversify in business, and reinvest.
  • Set up a trust fund as one goal.
  • Use all gov't breaks they give you.  I know...they give them and take them away...but I will cite the 529 state savings fund for your college kids education.


The magic ingredient is to BE YOURSELF no matter what others may approve of/disapprove of. 

Work on caring for yourself as you work to better your lot in life.  Take things at your pace.

Know that all of the answers are inside of you.

You can ask the Universe, "Tell me what my lesson is in (name the area that's not working in your life...Love...Money...Self-Worth)".  The answer will come to you when you are most relaxed, happy, or sleeping.

Make a list of the smallest to the largest things you've done in your life.Chances are that there's 1 thing you really do well.  I will cite housework in my case.  Sure, I could build a house cleaning business, but that's not where my heart lies.  It's really jazzed by visiting with you and helping you gain needed insights successful (and decent) CEO's obtain. 

You are my passion!  So I ask for your input in any area of your life.

If you struggle with weight, I am a Taekwondo master.  I can share ideas.

If you struggle with $$, I can tell you how to set up a successful trust fund reaping rewards at a time when many people are losing their gains !

If you struggle with self-worth, this part is really amazing!

I'm assessing need to write various reports, and your feedback would be tremendously helpful.


Closing Remarks

Your wealth is a birthright but you still have to earn it.   Try not to confuse this notion with wrongful expectation such as a "you own me attitude".  The world doesn't owe you anything, but as long as you give/receive in balance, the Universe will deliver.


No.  They can't.  Even if they put the most successful financial roadmap before your eyes, it would ultimately be up to you to save the $$, and/or to spend it where it's needed most  -- like assessing what kind of a business you want to build, leveraging your skills against the odds because you know it can do it (even when others tell you that you can't).

Here's something else you'll find interesting.  Wealthy people don't gamble.  I'm talking about someone who is truly wealthy in mind, heart, education, and lifestyle.  They don't brag about betting $40,000 at some gaming table.  What they do know is that they don't have to rely on LUCK because they know it doesn't exist.

They do work on their mindsets...and they do it daily.  They check their inner thoughts as they are caring, compassionate human beings.  Wealth is a reflection of the inner state of mind, as their realities show what they know by sharing their wisdom.   They can't impart wisdom, but they can show people how to think in right-minded ways protecting the higher good.  This is very important. 

Forget the notion that people who steal large amounts of $$ are truly wealthy.  They act on the belief that they are entitled.  This is a misnomer of thought and belief.  Eventually they are jailed or worse.

The best way to become a millionaire in America is to operate your own business!

You can build wealth working for "the man"...but it will still require disciplined saving and reinvesting cash assets back into your business to grow it further.

Wealth appears when you act congruently with what people need and will pay for from you! 

You are not price gouging.  You're offering a decent service for a price the public won't mind paying.  They will value what you offer at the price you negotiate. 

The value you offer must go far beyond any initial payout in $$.  

EXAMPLES:  martial arts, Internet marketing, designer apparel

When I taught martial arts, I showed people how to get a black belt for less than $3,000.  

Your initial business offer must be a real deal.  For beginners, I charged $79 for a FREE uniform + unlimited monthly classes so that they could test out my service.  They could attend beginner classes up to as many 4 classes/week for the first 3 months.

I taught 5th degree black belts how to master self/worth and school ownership for less than $5,000.

There were other offers at small price points:  equipment could be purchased for under $10.  They could buy T-shirts for $25.  They could be equipment bags and sparring gear for $75.  I charged for special classes.  They bought books.  They bought seminars.

Do you see the flow of business?  This part is VERY important.  Your Internet marketing campaigns will do the same thing.  They will offer small items, digital downloads, DVD's, access to special seminars, the chance to get a website built and completely indexed with Google (top spot) for less than $5,000..., or $3,000 in a local area of some exclusive niche (house painters are a good one).  If you offer a website at $5,000, it should carry an autoresponder with it, and include 15 e-mails. It might include 30 days of service to build extra e-mail messages or include private products appearing on the back end.

If you're marketing a velvet designer jacket, rare but gemstone beaded, one in quantity to an exclusive buying group of wealthy women, you could charge $31,000 for the jacket.

Your mind has to think small and large.   Find a mentor too.

If you're marketing low end items to everyday folks who just like to be mellow in whatever they wear, then you're selling $23 items in large quantity.

Whatever your marketing will be, the ONE thing your Internet campaign must possess is the ability to charge people at various price points:

1) low cost items

2) middle cost items

3) higher end items

4) off the chart, exclusive offers

5) preferably a blend of all 4 offers will be best because by diversifying your offers, the economy has less of an impact on your total sales.

Your business model must be one that is not only stable but it can be scaled upward in an across the United States manner, if this makes sense.  PPC campaigns are very stable once they are developed.

I cite many Adsense marketers failing in their marketing because they don't know how to scale their campaigns upward.   Think city-to-city.

It's the same with affiliate marketing.  You have to be able to reach the masses where you can readily generate a list of endless leads always coming back to you for more.  That's the key.  This part takes time and persistence.  As you build your credibility, you will attract to you the people, events, and know-how that bring your business into reality!  You won't have to do it alone.  If your vision is high, you will attract others who want to promote you based on the values your services offer.

You will satisfy public need just by being your true self.

I'll stop there.  If you want to ask any Q's or offer comments, and please feel free to add your 2 cents. I'd sincerely love to hear from you!

Toasting Your Success,










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webpen Premium
Thanks for a great and VERY informative post - really inspirational thank you!
bkb2012 Premium
Hey there! I'm catching up on very late replies so I offer humble apologies. I'm glad you're here. I am preparing massive help, and it's taking a 24/7 effort to get it professionally ready. We want people to genuinely succeed here. Stay in touch! bkb2012...Barbara.
Pete S Premium
Congrats on your successes in life, the key to which I believe is your hard work and dicipline. I hope everyone reads your blog and learns from it, and More Importantly actually applies what they have learned. I've worked hard and it has paid off in my life as well, unfortunatley, the majority of what I accumilated was put into Real Estate so it has taken a pretty hard hit right now and I'm not sure it will recover enough to get it back, but I am optimistic anyway. That's part of the reason I decided to start in IM, you could call it part of my rebuilding stage while waiting out the Real Estate Funk. Thank you again for the Blog and I look forward corresponding more with you in the future.
bkb2012 Premium
Pete! It looks like you're flying when I look at your photo. My spouse is building a 4-passenger in our RV-10...but more importantly, if you hit the ground in the real estate, you really haven't lost. Internet marketing applied can put you in the driver's seat...where people come looking for you. When the campaign is set up correctly (and not necessarily technically), it does not have to be difficult. I will bring forth more information soon but must verify facts before I speak. This is about getting the highly successful information into people's hands. I'm about to write a post partially addressing this important need. Stay in touch! bkb2012...Barbara.
jatdebeaune Premium
Barbara, I admire your discipline. I'm hardly extravagant, but used to enjoy some luxurious habits when I lived in New York. Temptation in CT isn't as great. I love theater and great food and great restaurants, so mucho cash went in that direction. Used to treat friends too. I don't regret it, although putting some of that money elsewhere, investing it in good stocks would have been wise. It's important to enrich your personal experience if you can. Experience the art forms in your culture, which are sometimes expensive, but they expand your consciousness and you grow as a result. As an artist, I grow by experiencing the work of other artists in different venues. Not wise to work in a vacuum. I do it all in jeans and sweats though, hahaha. I made some money through my work as a designer. Some aspects of business I am instinctively good at, but with 0 training. Confession, I didn't and don't know much about managing money, nor did I care, but I care now. I just paid the bills and kept moving. It was the art that interested me. Now, I see the importance of what you have addressed in this blog. Thanks once again for all the insight. Congrats to you for your many achievements.
bkb2012 Premium
You're bringing something very interesting to mind. Money is more about belief systems, I've learned. Once you locate what's called a sponsoring belief (usually acquired in childhood), you can work with other aspects of yourself. I will reveal how this works in simple ways within my next 2 upcoming posts. Money is best created in small increments. It's not really done by amassing massive numbers from an exclusive group...although this can be 1 way to proceed. Usually, the wealth can be readily garnered in trust is built with people, as they learn through steady interaction that their needs will be delivered upon. I'm glad you're here! Love...bkb2012...Barbara.