Use Blogs To Test Content and Consumer Purchasing

Last Update: September 08, 2010

Hi Fellow Wealthy Affiliates,

I have a few blogs which are currently under development but if you click on my most complete blog resource below, you'll see how you can move a few affiliate products on the back end. The key thing is to identify your passion and something you naturally know alot about. This way you can publish content using what your innate understanding. Publish information under one niche at ezine articles.

The blog listed below is for both network marketers and affiliate marketers. Content is being tested to see how well these messages convert (for people visiting the blog, reading the content, selecting links listed on the right-hand side of the blog column, then choose to either buy something or not). Proper marketing is all about testing and setting up a campaign that follows natural purchasing.

The blog listed below is for Wealthy Affiliates and people who wish to join Wealthy Affiliate. It is new and is being developed, as content is also being tested. I will add various resources to help Wealthy Affiliate members piece together Wealthy Affiliate education.

The blog below is for weight loss. This blog is being developed as I apply the Wealthy Affiliate $1M Blueprint for content, blog development, free reports and more.


Please stay tuned for more WA content coming your way!

Supporting Fellow Marketers Using Proven Means,



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