What's 2012? How Does It Apply To Internet Marketing?

Last Update: August 23, 2010

Hello Fellow WA Buddies And Emerging Masters!

People ask me, "Barbara (bkb2012).  What does 2012 mean... and if it has meaning, it is relevant?

You bet.

At unconscious, conscious, and super-conscious levels, each of us inherently knows who we are.  

You could say that it's a Universal joke because we're always in process..., always learning, growing, and striving, but really trying to find our true selves.  That part of you is very grand and extremely wise.

We are starting to see in this economic muck better ways to appreciate ourselves.  I say this without ego.  We've learned that following someone else has really lead to some dead ends.  2012 is a time of remembrance and massive learning at accelerated paces....but it can be enjoyed by enhancing one anothers experience in Internet marketing.

In many of my posts, I slowly start to share more content along the masters series.  We have some faulty thinking we learned back in childhood...not to place blame on anyone...because if you find out at your highest purpose what you're here to do, then blame doesn't really exist.

I begin to show you how to change thoughts holding you back in empowering ways.  What I will include today are some affirmations. They are so clear that you will see magic appearing in your life within 24 hours.., but you have to form the intention at conscious levels, and then you have to release outcomes.., allow it...and then wait for the reality to appear (all while you're working).

Please let  me know if you like empowered content so that I may bring you more.  I don't want to assume I have all of the answers.

NOTE:  Please know that these posts are not about cult worship.  People call me the non-guru, guru because I have never identified myself as such.  Gurus don't exist if you know who you are -- someone who is truly amazing!

2012 -- Masters Appear

At one point in our human history, we were perfect for our own evolutionary purposes.  I'll cite the Industrial Age.  It was a productive time, but it was also a riddled time too because we had a major win-lose model prevailing...or a "zero-sum" model.  You do a lot of work for less pay or nothing. 

That's not working and if you're like me, you're apt to say..."kill the slavery attitude".   You should be picky about demand highest payment for your services...provided you will give others the best results out there. 

WA Tutorials help you get there + certifications ensure you get the necessary results.  If you can't afford the certifications, that's ok.  Just go through Kyle & Carson's tutorials on article marketing and pay-per-click. They will still get you where you need to be.

Around 2012 and beyond, we are seeing what works and doesn't work, but additionally,  you're being led by your intuitive side to follow your inner guidance. If you're not sure how to do that, in all posts, I give you ++++ content designed to help you feel your natural power. 

Your heart is very wise.  Pair up heart intellect with your logic in an effort to dissolve any of your fears and know that you can't go wrong.  Set your intentions to clearly state this higher reality---

"Today, I create my greatest reality for my highest good, including the highest good of all others".

As I mentioned in prior posts, 2012 is getting in greater touch with "your internal guidance system". 

We'll call it your internal radar. 

Whenever someone asks you to do something you really don't want to do, you get an internal warning in the way of an emotion.  That's your greater self telling you ..."you are moving away from what you truly want".

This internal guidance systems spares you difficulty in business or even in personal relationships, but it works when you pay attention to your warning system.

The intent of this post is not to step on toes but to simply say, "we have to find better ways to help and assist one another". So as part of a shift that's now underway, I'll call it a shift towards greater awareness.  There are people here and beyond online who are entirely geared towards helping others. 

You will see evidence of this fact when you are here at WA.

Online -- you don't want to work alone. 

Online -- you should relate to others to find out more effectively what works.

Offline -- it's the same.  People don't do very well in business when they are isolated, and the Internet is showing us that we fair better chances of succeeding when we work together. 

So we pull in the win-win principle.  2012 is a healthy time-line for really figuring out what you want out of life.

I cite creating the things you want most:  healthy friendships, trustworthy business connections, healthy profits, smaller bills, healthier bank accounts, healthy family ties, and solid health. 

Can you create this reality online?

Absolutely.  You can create anything you desire.

Stay focused on +++ thinking because it immediately pulls to you the things you're wanting to realize most....and here's the magical thing, there are very loving people who want to help you realize your dream.

You don't have to be perfect. 

You don't have to know everything know. 

You do want to instill trust and faith in those you plan to work for/with, but above all, when you set up these working relationships, be very clear in communicating.  It is ok to tell someone, "No thank you -- I don't want that...or Yes -- This is What I Want".  2012 is a time of clarity and open communication.  If you meet someone who cannot trust, that's their issue. Be open.  Ask. Otherwise, there are apt to be disagreements because no two humans at any given point in time on this 6 billion-person planet will evolve at the same pace.

To realize all that you want from life, you must become more aware as to what you're thinking because these thoughts guide/inspire your actions, and your actions determine your reality.   I can share more along those lines, if you tell me..."Yes...I want this content".  I am very specific in showing you the precise thoughts that accelerate you towards an amazing reality..., one that is very successful and totally supported by those around you.


One of the major reasons why you're seeing turmoil in the workplace (and even at home) is because we have tensions between old and new thinkers.  More accurately stated, we have internal struggles related to what we were formerly taught and what is now obviously not working. Stated in most positive terms, there is a lot that does work in life (and even in Internet marketing)...,  and more could work better.  I specifically cite industrial waste and pollution as it's really mucked up our planet.  I'll mention coal ash by-product from coal based energy use.  We have been told by big industry that coal ash used to construct golf courses and new consumer recycled-products are safe, when in fact, they are not (I cite 2000 EPA reports, higher incidence of illness and more).  But..., let's get back to the real question -- we have to find better ways to work together.  That's the bottom line so 2012 is a significant time. 

Here's the neat part.

Kyle & Carson are here at a time that's very unique. 

They are not here by coincidence. 

We have other Internet marketers who are also paving the way, but we've had a lot of poor marketing behavior taking place mostly since the Internet was monetized (charging $$ for protected content not ultimately delivered).  It's ok for companies to protect their proprietary content, but it's not ok to string consumers along. 

The Internet is and will continue to level the playing field because it positions the individual so much of what I'm doing here is to show you that you must think in CEO terms, at your "Name-Only Positioned Level"

Google wants to deliver on that need.  However, Google also has major power so if you feel as an business entity that Bing and MSN will be part of your pay-per-click campaigns, you'll offset financial risks by pulling in all three.  If you feel that in time, Google is not working well for you, you can tap into some very unusual markets by using Bing and MSN.

If you agree that the Golden Rule is something we must live by and deliver, then you are part of something very special. 

2012 signals the beginning of a time where more will move into happier living because they intend to do so, and they will not be held back by those who enjoy ...carefully said...relish in their learning by emphasizing difficulty or even secrecy.  Secrecy is the best way to wreck your business.

As part of our sharing, we are obliged to teach others all of the Internet marketing we know, without holding back.  There's great need for this learning online.

Let's tackle business from a "what's been happening even online/offline, lately". We've had a fair number of folks working in banks, on Capitol Hill, in local governments, and you name it...just sort of living life as it works best for them.

That's no longer working because they did what was long accepted rather than challenging what could be better.  I cite the major use of hedge funds to manage financial portfolios...or we'll consider excessive payouts to CEO's who last, on average... 5 years at any one corporation.  That's not working.  We have individuals bankrupting companies while laying off massive numbers of people.  That's not working.

New Economy Business

In executive realms of business, we know that people fare better when they are patiently guided and supported. The best managers know that you must give people room to breathe, if only to exercise their own creativity and innovation.  Otherwise, you shut down corporate productivity and morale.

Win-Win Business

There are (now appearing) a sea of individuals who believe in helping others most sincerely. 

We cannot do for you what you must do yourself, but we can show you what works. 

Our success is entirely connected to your success. 

If we miss the boat, it's because we did not use a sensible business model. Anything that happens must benefit all involved.  That means spreading the wealth amongst those who are consistently working.  When you do this, the entire group is far more profitable VS a few people holding onto their information in fear.

If you like the idea of pulling in win-win business and open collaboration plus full transparency in your business, then those principles  will work well for you.  Consumers trust better when they know you'll protect their highest interests...and monetary exchange (for service) rarely becomes a challenged issue.  2012 is a time where we're approaching unique times.  They will be amazing, but we just have to get through this economic shift. 

U.S. Economic Forecasts

You can skip this portion if economics bore you.  I'm building upon U.S. business concepts to show you a larger comprehensive financial forecast because you will be your own CEO.

At national levels, the public has identified the need for greater gov't and business transparency. We have officials who have been tagged for "taking too much $$ out of city accounts".  You're now seeing big $$ falter some because they didn't consider the greater good.  I cite U.S. business people numbering in multiple thousands, 14,000 - 16,000 hiding cash assets in Swiss Banks.  That's now being challenged by the I.R.S.

So yes...we absolutely need to live by the Golden Rule. 

It would be excessive at this pointin the post to pull in global economics  but during the 1920's stock market crash, we had gov't telling the people, "don't worry"....everything is sound.  It was not.  So gov't stepped in during Sept. 2008 to prevent a repeat of what came before.  Whether it was successful or not remains to be seen because consumer emotions do not necessarily indicate what's truly happening at economic levels.

The Crystal Ball On U.S. Economics Is Unclear

The next year or so will be interesting.  If we apply 2012 and New Economy business to economics applied at Whitehouse levels, economists have used 150 year financial models to predict future investing.  In Money Magazine, I cite the advice we followed prior to 2008 meltdowns when we think about investing in U.S. securities (bonds) VS. Stock portfolios.

For those of us who invested heavily in the U.S. and global stock markets, we held heavy %'s in stock.  In Money Magazine, they're throwing the same old advice at us, and it's not looking very plausible because they're asking us to balance "half worth" portfolio's.

However, we will recover and for these reasons alone, you want to be aware of consumer purchasing.  People are spending less on digital downloads, but they are buying tangible goods.   You can offset that risk by pulling in Commission Junction where they move tangible products.  Clickbank moves digital products/services. 

So is this a good time to start your Internet business? 

Kyle & Carson agree that it is because there is major room available online.  This is true.  Harv Eker is his "Speed Wealth" Book highly suggests that people tap into the Internet because there's far more growth expected in these coming years.

If you apply New Economics to what's happening online, you will see fluctuations in markets...but over time, what comes down must come up.  Eventually, changes in wealth will include spreading that wealth across the globe..., mainly because it's necessary to improve living for so many other people.


In your marketing, you want to find a quiet fishing pond.  If you're new and you don't know what this means, that's ok.  Pick a direction and go for it. Don't let any situation discourage you.  If you persist, you will attract people to you and you will have business.

Your fishing pond must be large enough to keep you busy and it should be lucrative.  You will have to layer affiliate marketing services/products, and you will have to vary your advertising (social media marketing -- UTube -- audio/video on your websites and/or blogs).  Also write articles to pull in viral marketing.  I talk about what viral marketing is in my other August posts.

You want to be careful with your spending.  

Cut back to the bone, if necessary on as much as you can, but try not to forfeit your Internet marketing education. 

You can pull in a lot of IM at free and low-cost levels. 

Try not to pay $397 for some guy or gal's 1-Week Marketing Plan. 

Anytime you go beyond $200, you're paying for someone's fancy car.  You can do that (if you want to) when you're generating steady cash flow...but in many cases..., you can get a lot of insight into IM if you just work the content here at WA.

Anything you study here is not wasted.  Pick up tutorials.  Use the forums.  Position yourself ahead of the masses here by forming blog posts and writing IM content.  You can write about Strip That Fat...or other niches described in the niche guides.

Pull in the WA wealth guides to build your lists, if you're moving Internet marketing education.

Pick up $7 reports and maybe $17 reports. 

Shy away from much that goes beyond $97 unless you're pulling in some IM certification. 

Try to get as many setup tools for your IM business for free or use the 30-day trial periods.  It's ok to cancel before the 30th day.  Be resourceful.

AT WA, your education here is well worth the investment because you will pull in specific IM skills the public is not motivated to learn.  I cite learning some of the coding in limited ways to set up blogs and configure web hosting + move your own web hosting.

Invest only in the services you need to get your Internet business going:

1) autoresponder --  a must to build your list and to market various products/services on the back end of multiple lists

2) keep a few free blog accounts going -- this will protect your individual interests in the event some business deal heads South...

* you may or may not incorporate the telephone -- if not, then you have to rely on a strong back end marketing infrastructure to handle work load before people appear

* use blogger... -- again...it's free

* use wordpress.com to get content started...then export your content over to...

* wordpress.org (self-hosted with your domain name)

* try not to pay for plug-in's at wordpress.com because you can get some freebies that are powerful at WA inside of the WA blog and funnel system. To do that, you must set up a blog and funnel

* You can set up as many websites on the WordPress Express as you wish...and be careful to pick up the SEO marketing template...I think page 20.., not page 19 as I cited in another post.  I believe the template is called "Intrepid" but double-check for SEO optimization shown in the template description

3) diversify your business -- layer it along the lines of setting up autoresponders for other small businesses and incorporate many different price points for services you deliver....

WA is one way to deliver on that need...again...as you use the tools here to build websites, blogs, and more for other businesses.

4) learn how to build websites that are interactive  - in many cases, you if you do this right, you can charge multiple thousands of $$'s..provided the site is SEO optimized, has a top Google ranking and indexing, and it carries it's own autoresponder...

You'll like this part.  You own the website and the list until you get fully paid what you agree upon at times of 50% $$ paid up front and 50% paid at delivery. 

You can make a substantial income in videography.  It means eventually pulling in professional products/software to do that, but for starters, you can do ok just using Camtasia.org (FREE).

5) set up business agreements with other parties

There are free guide sheets you can get online telling you what has to go into a website + free guide sheets for determining a specified contract price.

Anything that isn't written in print doesn't exist in court.  As part of 2012, New Economy business, we can't afford as CEO's to muck up our reputations.  Google is demanding high quality content, lots of help upfront, and clear service delivery on the back.

Offer high quality work when you're ready.  If not, work on a team to learn what's key first.

6)  I'll repeat the obvious point here -- please keep the other job going because it takes time to set up your IM business... building that responsive list...getting people to click on links...asking them to go here and there on your websites and blogs...and in time when you've developed your relationships, people will ask you for recommendations.

Always recommend the best product at the lowest cost, if possible.

If you're moving a high end product, it had better include as much service as possible.

Also, try to encourage refunds by overdelivering up front.

If you find that people are asking for too many refunds, that's not healthy for your business.  

If someone demands repayment, overserve to keep refund rates as low as possible...hovering somewhere around 2 - 3%.  If you hit 6%, you're missing something consumers demand.

Denying refunds to a small % of your folks is like asking the FTC to shut you down.

7)  Try not to charge too many services/products online on your own credit cards.., especially if you feel the need to buy Internet marketing products/services.

Do so with caution. 

Many promise and about 50% of the time we're buying, they do not deliver. 

This kind of a purchasing can get out of hand if you don't recognize that your success appears as the result of your diligent work. 

There's no magic bullet in business. Just take care of people (and yourself) and you will do well.

8)  Focus on what works then toss out what doesn't work. 

You will see in Internet marketing that sometimes when you're doing one thing, it's not producing desired results.  You want to alter your strategy at that point.

Focus on revenue generating activities.  This will become clearer as you ask others what they're doing.   Again...building websites...setting up autoresponders...configuring web hosting accounts...cutting/pasting code into WordPress blogs helps business owners use their blogs better...putting data capture onto pages...writing high quality articles...linking websites together so that people will either find you/and or businesses you're working for.

In short, 2012 means the emergence of additional Internet marketers positioning businesses -- it can mean showcasing an individual or a group of entrepreneurs.

I hope something helps here.  There is some repetitious content offered here to make it easier for you.

Please stay tuned.  I am building empowered content that's forthcoming.  In the meantime, keep rotating your WA blog & Funnel system if you're working that route + keep your 8-Week Plan going.  Keep connecting.  When you do this, you put yourself right into the steam of consumption (called purchasing), but give this part of your work time.

One last helpful tidbit -- go into the forums to visit with others.  You get a chance to see what they're doing.  This helps you connect the dots.  And...I will also cite PotPieGirl's work.  She shows you how to monetize Squidoo lenses online!  Just enter Wealthy Affiliate by PotPieGirl.  Also follow our top folks...including Marcus.

Toasting Your Success!

bkb2012 (Barbara)



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jatdebeaune Premium
Packed with good advice and insight! Thank you Barbara. This is probably what the Mayan calendar is all about: a shift in consciousness. Not the end of the world, but a beginning of new dimensions of consciousness. We are evolving. Notice how difficult it is for politicians and celebrities to have secrets now? That's not an accident either. This community coming together with its humanitarian instincts is not an accident. Kyle and Carson are big players in the higher consciousness. Have you noticed how arriving at knowledge through intuition is more respected? All very exciting. Yes, bring on the affirmations!