What's The Highest Paid Position On The Planet?

Last Update: February 02, 2011

Welcome New WA & Seasoned Buddies! 

Today, let's have fun.

What's the Highest Paid Position On The Planet?

I have gone to intensive lengths to get this guarded information to you.   You are worth it. To answer the prime question, you must be very persistent.

  • The first solution is provided
  • The second tutorial is working it's way through WA
  • When you blend the two solutions, you will be able to apply the WA Action Plan more concretely
  • Work through all obstacles...and work at your own pace

  • The more you efficiently work, the more dots you'll connect.

It's like having Christmas everyday.


1)  Tutorial #1  --

First Insider's Secret Here

2) Tutorial #2 --

Coming tomorrow.  It's working it's way through the system as I have expanded specific details.

3) Put the two tutorials together for the answer. 

NOTICE:  To answer the golden mystery question, send me your comments at the end of this post.

To seal any business deal, you must learn how to communicate your product message and close that business on the spot.  With consumers in person, you get once chance in that moment...but as Internet marketers, we get multiple closing chances by leveraging our newsletters!

If you have any telecommunications skills, you already know how to close business.

If you do not, don't worry.  Internet marketing is the automated aspect of telecommunications and in-person business. 

Watch Kyle & Carson's (& Marcus's) E-Mails. Check their blogs and sites often.  I am  building my back end campaigns so they will bring you more.

You are here for a very great reason.

Absolutely Toasting Your Success Online!





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Meadow Breeze Premium
I really enjoy being a part of the WAU community! It's Great to be connected with many positive people!

Lets Go!
jatdebeaune Premium
IM's been a real education. Selling online is different than face to face. On line provides multiple opportunities to make a sale because you can tweak your content as much as you want. In person, you get just one chance with a customer at a time and you see fewer customers than online. Master this craft, and you have something powerful.
Labman_1 Premium
Ok, I'm hanging on the edge of my seat. GFY