Why Few Guru's Really Tell You What They're Doing

Last Update: January 19, 2011

Welcome Back WA Buddies!

Welcome Seasoned Players!  It's good to report that we have some amazing marketers working within the realms of WA!

Today's post is another heart-to-heart talk designed to help you see  how valuable you are to the world. 

I will offer a few insights as to why some major gurus don't  tell you what they're doing..., for many good reasons:

1)  When you put your hard-earned $$, effort, time, and sweat into developing and expanding your most profitable campaigns, you will understand why top marketers don't give away their exact marketing blueprints.

Top gurus operate their own firms, and they hire marketing departments to form new product releases.  For this reason, the biggest marketers look like they're doing the work themselves...but they are not.  They have to release many products to the public in order to meet payroll.  It is for this more common reason that gurus would love to help individuals, but perhaps may not.  I'll leave that final assessment up to you.

In your mentoring search, see if you can locate mentors who are not pressured to operate major firms.

They are out there.

I cite one marketer in particular who makes 5 figures a month...in the $50,000 range, but he does NOT own several departments in his company.

Some of the most commonly sold success blueprints do NOT take into consideration that you will be the only person operating your business!  You want to look for a blueprint that will keep this fact in mind. That way, you aren't paying for techniques designed to support a major firm (but falter for you). 

What you want to wrap your hands around is a plan that will show you how to work your business from a 1 or 2 or 3-person standpoint ...all while outsourcing some work.  It took me 5 years to figure out this key part ! 

There are people who teach what they do.    HINT:  Kyle & Carson will !

Now..., the highest truth is that the more abundant you already are in your life, the less likely you will be as an ethical and educational resource to withhold critical information -- unless you believe that the world is limited in it's ability to generate endless streams of cash.  This is an illusion.

The more information you share, the more equipped you are to guide others into your fold.  This is how you create masters.

You will become very particular in due time about who you trust....and rightfully so.  Expect to work with the best people so that they will treat you with care and help you watch your business back.  This is suggested so that you can protect all that you've already developed in your personal life. 

HINT:  Always register your own domain.  Never have a webmaster do it for you.

2) There have been top marketers who have tried to specifically show you what they do online..., Ed Dale (for one)..., but there have been marketers in the past who were less than honest about their marketing...so they wrecked these pure learning environments (by directly copying a "test campaign").  Highly profitable marketers are therefore forced to carefully assess and identify their most proven people.

So what you post inside of WA will be watched from honest places, not to specifically point fingers or hang anyone on a hook. 

If you want to become a superaffiliate (and you have the full capacity to do so)..., you will also have to prove yourself with many people ahead of time.

It is also true that top marketers will want you to prove yourself to them before they open the doors to their most sensitive content.  If you've ever been your own merchant offline, you can identify with what I'm saying.  The best business is always secure -- for consumers, employees, and  business owners.

If you happen to make the cut, it's an honor to be associated with true powerhouses....but it is never a right.  It's also never a right to expect consumers to trust you when you have not earned or maintained their trust.  This is part of the ongoing ethics I publish. 

In an effort to help you become your optimal best, ethics are a must.

I will cite Kyle, Carson, and Marcus.  They are amazing people who have paid their dues.  Work hard to prove your worth to them.  Believe in yourself, and ask these people to invest in you!  You will be happy you did this much.

If you have more than a few mentors (and you should), please also know that when you show others that you won't take business shortcuts, you are building your name in golden ways.  You are building relationships that can potentially last a lifetime!

It is at this point that the top Internet performers will help you.

I won't suggest that business will be easy for you.  Top marketers make you work for every gain you obtain (and so do consumers)....for reasons most related to helping you become the master you must be online...serving others as an honest, helpful merchant.  I cite the New Economy many of us wish for and word towards.  In this way, transparency in your marketing will be a major requirement for Google to give you their ongoing support.  In this way, you absolutely will be and already are capable of running your own business.

Therefore you should expect, ask for, and seek out serious help along the way.

So...it is true that the tortoise wins the race.  

3)  Again...I cite WA education as an ongoing thing.

I can't see a day where I'll negate Wealthy Affiliate learning.  It's one of those golden resources I tap into so frequently.  Personally sharing a few more secrets with you, I call WA my GOLDEN MBA VAULT FOR TOP INTERNET EXECUTIVE MARKETERS.    WA is a developer's tool for real success!  

The market research here is so valuable that you can't buy it yourself.  You need Kyle & Carson's financial power to obtain it for you. 

4)  You will require help from many people, not just one or two resources. This is true because having input coming from ...say...a handful of mentors can be extremely valuable.  That way, you can check what you learn from one party and cross-compare information with other mentors.  This helps you stay grounded by zeroing in on the content that truly works well most of the time than not.  So it is Internet marketing made very real.

* That would be learning how to set up and use an autoresponder

* How to find golden keyword phrases people frequently use in low-competitive realms ...so you can get penny clicks

* Master writing so that you can get FREE traffic to your sites...and more

* Setting up websites Google will love...and more.

* Guiding your own masterful teams for continued business expansion, if this is an idea you like.



The WA WordPress Express system shows you prime beginner skills needed to put a first campaign together.   Whether you're new or seasoned to Internet marketing, the seasoned players will agree with that there are points in any campaign where one will hit and miss the mark.  The WA WordPress system fits into affiliate marketing beautifully.  It also fits into Adsense marketing too!

Your business success will be impacted by the level of determination you possess as a motivated influence -- meaning...if you're going to truly influence others so that they can truly work from home, people have to know that you are stable over the long run.

What you're looking for in ANY action blueprint are these key items:

A) Step-by-Step directions spelling out in very specific mathematical terms how long it will generally take before you see earliest profits;  3 months?  6 months?  I year?

B) It will talk about specific keyword research to show you how to zero in on keyword phrases that pay (called commerciality). 

C)  Your action plan will show you what has been proven to work..., and it will also talk about what doesn't work very well...for many different reasons.  So your success blueprint should cover details talking about which tools work well...and talk a bit about ones that don't work very well because they're cutting edge but full of bugs or they're outdated.

I cite Micro Niche Finder for keyword research and Marketing Samurai for more extensive keyword research helping you zero in on hot topics and very interested crowds that pay well.

D) Your blueprint should talk about how to best structure your sites for the type of plan it targets

It is targeting mainly affiliate marketing? 

Is your plan targeting Adsense? 

Is your plan targeting ...say ...network marketers? 

Is your plan targeting a combination of affiliate marketing with other methods of monetizing your sites, or are you mainly promoting yourself to small businesses?

These are the kinds of considerations you should make before you scale beyond a few sites.

E) Your blueprint should spell out how you spread your risk across the Internet so that you will minimize your chances of Google de-indexing your sites, in the event your sites look the same from one site to another.

As an Internet marketer, you want to vary the look of your sites so that they each carry their own appeal.

F) Your blueprint should talk about the safe, legal use of alias names. 

This prevents competitors (and less than honest marketers) from tracking your whereabouts online.

In network marketing, you can use your real name to position yourself in the industry.

In affiliate marketing, you should use alias names to expand business operations safely and securely.

G) Your blueprint should talk about the kind of early investment budget you must set aside to construct, reinvestment, and grow your campaign from local to national levels.

H)  Your blueprint should tell you what happens if you want to later on sell your sites (as an exit strategy). 

All wise marketers eventually plan for an exit point once their businesses mature.

I)  Your blueprint should cover outsourcing. 

The reality is that many Internet marketers cannot do all of the work that's required to set up a healthy, functioning online business.  At some point in your growth, you'll have to pay for expertise.

J)  Your blueprint should talk about who you can leverage as a trusted, proven outsourced entity. 

You don't want to hire out your precious work to just anyone.  If it's hiring someone to write 50 articles for 5 of your sites, there are very specific instructions you'll have to spell out to the authors bidding for your job.

K)  Your blueprint should talk about how to place your websites across different web hosts so that no one server is down for very long.   This also prevents competitors from copying your most profitable campaigns across the net.

And the list goes on.  I'm only bringing up a few starter points you can't know about unless someone shows you what's involved.

IIn prior posts, I have talked about spending time researching and assessing who's doing what online.  Try not to spend thousands of $$'s for some guru blueprint to discover that you've been handed is a pile of empty content.  I cite content that carries no specific step-by-step help.  Many of these blueprints don't tell you what's really needed to make a successful go of it online.

Your objective is to choose the action plan most suited to your lifestyle, prior experience, managerial level, and financial needs so that you can safely (and happily) operate your businesses online, without risking your home or family life to do it.   They are out there.  

You will want to research Q's answered along these business lines:

1) legal and accounting

2) daily business ...how to offset slow periods of business VS. busy times of the year

3) getting paid without Google shutting you down...and protecting your affiliate links...

4) layering your operations so you eventually build into your total marketing portfolio...Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, and Plan D.

Start with one plan first.  Implement.  Scale it up...then add Plan B...and so on.  Focus on 1 campaign at a time before moving onto the next one.

5) scaling operations up so that you can be the 1% succeeding online

6) building your own marketing teams

7) helping others grow in ways you might not initially consider, to name a few.

I hope some of this content makes sense.

What I'm giving you here is the mastered template ...not just for business..but for sound and highly successful business.   This is the milloinaire template. 

If you want to make life better for yourself and your children, then you have to think beyond usual marketing levels. 

You deserve the best !!!

Absolutely Toasting Your Success Online,

bkb2012...Barbara...The Non-Guru, Guru






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Wow! This post is very insightful! I always looked at gurus as having been through the hard times, finally reaching their place in life to such that all they have to do is make a grunt sound into their e-mail editor, send it out and make a million off it...and then tell the world how easy it is for them to do the same thing...horse manure! They conveniently leave out the hard times episode! That is a wonderful point you made about the illusionist stand some gurus take with regard to what is really behind the scenes!