Why Publishing Your Own Content Is Everything

Last Update: October 21, 2011

Hello WA Buddies!

I have been hard at work delving into retail/Internet marketing aspects of successful billion dollar retail business in an effort to offer you genuine clarity in your own Internet marketing.

The bottom line is this --

*  Whenever you have a web presence, you must have a website people can find, easily read, and follow

*  Then you must have a blog to add weight to that website.

Content on the blog will be different than content appearing on the website.  These two campaign elements marry together to drive traffic to other portions of your online marketing campaign (whether it is Facebook or some type of social media).


Your website and blog should strive to cover these basics:

1)  Build your credibility online so that people will want to know what you are about and represent

2)  Describe what it is that you are offering and build your list of qualified leads

3)  Engage your audience in captivating ways to keep, hold, and maintain their attention

4)  Inspire purchases so that return inquiries will convert into real and lasting business

5)  Drive continuous traffic to various back end offers 

6)  Convert existing buyers into golden buyers




If these points are still foggy, the bottom line leading to your success is --

1)  Get accurate contact information of the interested party looking at your cite/blog

To Build your lead list connected to A-Weber...

To Obtain legal permission so that you can build rapport with your list

2)  Convert people into buyers


Rules A. O. C. --

Ask For Information...Offer Your Business...Close Deals ASAP (when the customer is enthusiastic)

At first you'll feel odd...but the more you do it...the better you get.


Those are your main objectives.


Offering Another Unrelated Point About Website/Blog Ownership --

*  It is important that you track everything you set up and publish online

* One of the best advantages of WA membership is that Kyle & Carson set the professional mood and tone for proper business setup, operations, and security

* Security online is important !



* Protect your lead list and never sell your leads

*  Anyone attempting to generate leads from content you paid for and/or published without your express or written consent is benefitting from your hard work...without giving you any credit;

You've paid for your content so make the other guy/gal buy his/her own.


What You Can Do If This Happens

If you publish a blog over at Google, for example, you have the power to report the impersonator. 

Step 1)  All you have to do is find the URL illegally using your content (especially if this content is paid).

Step 2)  Click on applicable offense with Google

Step 3)  Cut/paste the illegal URL connected to your blog

Step 4)  Go over to the illegal domain...click on the article that is yours...check wording...then cut/paste that URL and place it in the Google complaint box.

They'll look into the issue asap and hopefully remove the illegal URL.

This happens a lot don't be surprized if you face this challenge.

Step 5)  If there is a duplicate website stealing your content, you can contact the offender directly, ask them to remove your content, or report the website URL to appropriate authorities (whether it's the URL's web host..., your web host, or any other service connected to website advertising).

Feel free to post your comments/suggestions.  I am most interested in bringing you CEO assistance others may not readily know about...but you can also contact Kyle & Carson anytime you have a pressing issue.  They are tops at what they do!  Stopping here.  It's a lot to digest...but keep the ball rolling.  No matter how long it takes to learn this stuff (Internet Marketing)...don't give it up for anything.  It's a real opportunity!  Your success sits in your hands...based on a higher ability to follow your own instincts.  That is a truism.

Yours In Marketing Success,

bkb2012...The non-guru guru.






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burntout Premium
My instinct is to cut and run. None the less there is an unusual quality to affiliate marketing that keeps me hanging on. I will apply these unsettling truths and succeed. At last.
Labman_1 Premium
Thank-you. Yet another insight that will help me/us along the right path.