Worthwhile Business Never Comes Easy

Last Update: February 03, 2010

Worthwhile Business Never Comes Easy

Hello Fellow WA Buddies,

Today's post addresses some of the natural frustration I see inside of our WA blogging groups.

 1. If you feel like you're struggling --

It's not your imagination. Your business is like an infant. It requires constant nurturance.

 2. Develop a steady head --

If you have small gains at first but then notice you're sliding backwards too, there is a learning curve involved.

3. Will your dreams be worth the work and wait?

Absolutely, but you have to build the success in your mind, first.  The mind is the inward reality of an outward state. Very few business people ever go from $1 to a $million overnight. And if they do, they usually lose it. True gains are made steadily, over time.

By natural law, your business grows as you grow. Sounds dumb, but it's true.

4. You have to become an expert before others will follow --

That means you'll need to learn new skills, develop solid relationships, study a lot of people online to see what they're doing, go through some head-banging trial-and-error, and then maybe..., you'll eventually bug some people to death (Hint: Head for the top guys). If you can't do this inside of WA (suggesting that you definitely can), then work within a system where these people will make themselves available to you. They will be willing to work with you if you consistently apply yourself.

5.  You are not alone --

This is the biggest point I can make. You are not alone. We are here to help. Reach out, but post quality information and post decent questions. If you're busy cussing all over the place, you're going to attract a similar element. I will tell you that by working with marketers who make as much as $10K an hour and more, they don't do this.

Always be very professional in everything you do.

6. Laugh a lot --

Can you be patient with yourself while giving yourself the time you need to build something you can be proud and highly profitable?

Internet marketing is profitable, but you have to spell out your progress. I'll give you an example. In one of my campaigns, I contact people each day. I do it in a variety of ways, but the goal is to directly visit with people one-on-one. I use e-mail, connections, comments, helpful research, offer tips, phoning and social marketing. Then, I aim for 5 people each day. The goal is to close 1 person per week for a period of 4 weeks. 

Sounds like nothing, doesn't it?

Not really.

If I'm moving a service that pays a $1,500 commission for every close, that's a tidy sum each month. I haven't ramped up my website traffic yet. I'm interested in being consistent first...to meet that demand and service those people I'm bringing aboard. If I can't do that, how will I grow towards the next level? It's that kind of thinking that your brain will need to digest.Use numbers. Numbers are always highly motivational. Use a calendar if need be. Do whatever works for you.

If you're moving WA memberships, you can move a small-cost service to a larger number of people, but you first have to start small. Start anywhere. I will share news along those lines within the next day or so, telling you how I made my first WA sale so feel free to stay tuned.

7. Have fun --

If you're not having fun with what you're doing, find something that really sets you ablaze. This is very important so that you can relate to people from sound places. They need to know you care, and they want to know that you'll be available.

8.  Work like a dog and trust your abilities --

You've already been gifted with the things you need today. Take your marketing work day-by-day. If you hit a brick wall, I will tell you that I took 2 months off from my marketing work. It was during November and December because I couldn't type one word more or talk to one more person or join another teleconference. Sure...your standing will fall a bit, but if you're in this business for the long haul, you'll make up your differences.

I'll stop there. Just know that you're on a profound path, and know that there's huge room for more affiliates online. Don't give up on your dreams for one frustrating moment because your ego will win if you let it rule you. Keep a humble attitude and keep learning. Then..., ask others to help you implement. My mainstay for work is to workout often. Get outdoors to recharge yourself. It's perfectly okay to do that. If memory serves correct, Kyle is an avid runner!

P.S. -- If you have to keep a part-time job going to finance this dream, it's well worth the effort and cost.

Supporting Your Success Using Proven Means,



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