Back For The 1st Time

Last Update: April 18, 2010

I don't know what it is but i really like the subject title :). Anyways as the title states i am back for the 1st time and ready to get this underway once again. Only thing is things are way different. How so? well I'm more focused and dedicated before and determined to see this thing through. You may ask well weren't you like that before and i will tell you i thought i was but truthfully i couldn't have been. I let myself down on more than one occasion and allowed myself to be overwhelmed and do nothing. I know now i cannot do that. If something is looking a little foreign to me i will ask about it or research about it. I won't let little things stop me from accomplishing my big ideas :). I'm on the move and the direction I'm heading towards is success there is no stopping now i just have to make it and i will give it my all. Times have changed it's well into the new year and there are several different things going on in my life and the lives of others that are related to me. My tour in Iraq is almost over and i am looking forward to it. Although i may have to seek out other income opportunities because the money i thought i was going to have saved i did not quite save. I blame myself for that but what is done is done all i can do is move on and keep planning ahead. Now as far as my internet marketing endeavors i will start with the action plan for now. See, one of my biggest problems is taking action and seeing it through. I have low tolerance and little patience at times and i cannot afford to have that not doing this. So I'm prepared to shake up the world and do something brand new to me take action and make things happen. No one will do it for me and come to think of it i wouldn't want it to happen that way anyways. So today is April 19th 2010 8:24 am where i  am at. I'm off from work today and have this whole day to dedicate myself to this. I will use this time wisely :).

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jatdebeaune Premium
Good idea to write and broadcast your commitment. It helps. All the best to you in achieving your goals. You'll do it.