So This Time It's Personal

Last Update: May 04, 2010

So I have been away for a while being overseas sometimes your schedule can be unpredictable and well i been going through some things. My wife and I havent been getting along due to some financial issues and me possibly extending. My mind has been far from clear and it seems like i was heading for divorce. This isn't something i ever wanted to happen to me but it seemed that our goals were different and being away from her we just sort of drifted apart. I couldn't focus at work i was messing up big time and stepping on some toes. I guess i needed help or some kind of guidance to figure out what it is that i want to do. I know i love internet marketing and helping people it's what i want to do and what I am going to do. I'm down for serving my country and all but it seems that being away has torn my life apart i'm missing out and alot of bad things are happening. Now some may say well being there what would you do? What difference would it make? I tell those same people this there is nothing more dangerous than a man willing to do anything to protect his family. Am I that kind of man? you bet I am! I am sure there are many men and women that feel the same. My goal in this life is to provide financial security for my family. My dream is to do internet marketing. My hope is that i accomplish both and live to see it through. My tour over here is almost over I am less than 90 days out. I was considering extending because we could use the extra money. I mean jobs aren't guaranteed  nowadays veteran or not. So i wanted to keep financial stability for a little while longer while i get this marketing thing going. Of course there were disagreements about my decision between me and my wife. I mean what wife would want to be away for their husband for two years. Granted there are some spouses who are away from their spouses through multiple tours. That doesn't mean that it's alright or that it's something you should do. My wife couldn't handle that we are newly wedded it was too much of a strain. I understood that but the survivalist instinct inside me told me to do this anyway it was the only logical choice. I mean I didn't want to come home struggling or anything that would defeat the purpose.So i go with my instincts of course against my better judgment. Well i thought I was going to at least. You see it took something really extreme to happen to my wife not one but two times for me to understand one simple fact. Money cannot replace family. Trading my time for a false sense of financial security while maniacs run around doing whatever they please is not the right answer. Now am I talking down on what I do? No! Of course not i am a professional soldier and I love it. But I don't love being away from my family and bad things happening and I am as helpless as the lamb before the slaughter. Now you may wonder why I am choosing to post something like this here what does this have to do with internet marketing exactly? Well friends for me the experience has reassured me that internet marketing is what i must do. This a way to help my family financially while giving me the freedom to stay at home with them. There is nothing I want more than to be able to provide for my family and keep them safe from harm. Life is crazy at times you never know what will happen. You can try to be prepared for things but when that curve ball comes what do you do then? You still gotta swing right? So let me ask you fine people a simple question i asked my commander. What is more important to you? Providing for your family or being there for your family? I used to think providing is everything until something like this happened what do you guys think?

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