Is building a web site and getting it noticed like the story of the hare and the tortoise?

Last Update: January 19, 2011

I have been working on my website and trying to get it noticed using article marketing methods for months and months now. Maybe at last there are a few green shoots in the ground. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">


I was wondering if some people get their web sites up and get tons of visits really fast without using pay per click. And I was also wondering if sometimes that same website declines just as quickly like the story of the tortoise and the hare where the hare is caught napping.


Actually I don’t much care about the hare because I seem to be a tortoise – will a quality website that takes time to build and market win out over the long term?


I do hope so as there seems to be no way that I can be the hare so I hope the tortoise will eventually luck out.

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phildeeze Premium
Patience and persistence are the best tools you can have. Unfortunately it can feel like your running in place but you have to stick to it. As far as the tortoise and the hare, every niche, site, keyword, and google listing is different. I had great success with my site in just a month, yet I have a extremely specific niche with very little competition so I didn't have to fight for my spot. On the downside to this, even having a top spot on google still only yields small amounts of traffic. I believe that when you do eventually reach the top listings for your site (which is a given if you continue to implement the techniques you have learned, especially with your dedication) then it just takes a bit of patience to maintain your dominance. It will take a lot of work for you to take the top spot on google, but it should be just as hard to take it away from you once you get there. Please before I end up writing a two page essay to you :) feel free to PM me. I created a training lesson here at WA about page optimization which are the techniques I used just before it seemed my site took off and never stopped so it may be helpful to check out. If you can't find it just ask and I will find you the link, and I hope this at least helps you feel at ease because your hard work definitely counts for something even though it can seem otherwise.