About Bybonline
Joined November 2009
Hello WA Family!

My name is Fred, I am 31 years old and live in Bend Oregon. I am a happily married man with two wonderful children who I adore and love very much. My dream is to make this work online and have the opportunity to give my family everything they wont and more. I am a very supportive wife who believes in me and knows that if I put my mind to it, I can achieve my goals and make this work for us.

Currently I am on disability after injuring my back last year. I just recently had back surgery and I am on my way to recovery. One of my goals is to take the time that I have now to work on this and get things rolling before I need to go back to work. Who knows, maybe this will be my work and I will be able to stay home with the kids!!

I have dabbled in IM in the past, but never really had any direction. So I am really praying that WA will be my answer to that and I will be able to buckle down and start moving forward as I start achieving some of my goals. I will work on posting my goals here so I can have all my friends on here hold me to them...:)

Please don't be shy to say hello, we are all here to make friends and help each other out...if I can help you in anyway, I would love to help!

God bless,

Fred Williams
Bend. Oregon
Bybonline's Accomplishments

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StorminNorman Premium
hey Fred welcome to WA. I'm new too!
bybonline Premium
Thanks for the welcome...:)
Internetgranny Premium
Hi Fred, and welcome.

To be honest are just came by because I was nosey. Wanted to have a closer look at your little one. She certainly looks wonderful. Wishing you all the best.
bybonline Premium
Well thank you very much. She is my pride and joy...:)
Manker521 Premium
Welcome to WA. This is a great place to be. Best of luck. if you have any questions just ask. :)
bybonline Premium
Thanks so much!
music_mom30 Premium
Welcome! Cute pic :) Good luck to you here, happy to help if you need it!
bybonline Premium
Thanks so much for the message and the compliment on the pic..:) right back at ya!
Garrd Premium
Welcome to WA this is the place that gives and gives study and you will succeed just remember nothing will happen with out work, this is not a quick event but it is a place that will teach you any thing you need to be successful.

God's blessings to you and your family.
bybonline Premium
Thanks very much for your post! I am looking forward to everything that I have to learn and where this road is going to be leading me.