About Carin
Joined April 2008
Kyle and Carson,

Thanks for eveything, you guys really have a wealth of information here at WA. I wish you the best of luck in your business endeavours in the future. I will take what I have learned here and apply it to my own business. Thanks!

Carin C.
Carin's Accomplishments

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TJ Books Premium
Hi, Caren! You have been here for over 4 months. Tell me how you are doing money-wise on WA. I've been here for two months and I am now making more money by using PPC, article writing (of which I have many) and with Adsense.

You made a wonderful decision to Learn to Earn. This is the only place on the net that you get free
tutoring along with the lessons. You are never left on your own here. I've been here for about nine or ten weeks. My income is rising like seas from melting glaciers but as you go along and learn more, the more money you make. It is a good feeling to know that what you are doing is right and what you are doing is profitable. It
may take a while to really get going but read every lesson and do every task, then go back and do it again. You Will Make Money if you are devoted to making money and you use Kyle or Carson to help you. Don't for get the Share Zone either.

Full Speed Ahead!
jpetals Premium

hcloward Premium
Happy Birthday! Here is some gold to help you celebrate!
hcloward Premium
Thank you so much!
Carin Premium
Thanks for the Birthday wish and gold. Here is some gold for you too!
Moses Premium
Welcome to WA. I am blown that their is a lot of information here.
Can I add you to my buddy list to follow our progress? I just joined a few days ago.
welcome aboard.
Moses Premium
Just raising my hands and asking, how everyone in my buddy list is doing? I am just trying to say hi and learn what you are doing with the lessons. What is happening and how is is going? Drop a line when you have time.
Smile -)
Moses Premium
Good Job Carin. Please announce the site when is done. I would love to see it.
Smile :-)
Moses Premium
Carin..wow.. the site is good...you have a lot of info. I just did a quick glance but I will spend some time maybe tomorrow to give you my opinion. I am totally impressed with the content, and idea. I will see it tomorrow.
Moses Premium
Hi Carin,
I apologize for not responding quickly, I was very busy at work and did not even have time to log in to WA.
Any way I checked your site. As I said before you have a lot of content and the idea is very good. I think you need to market it well. Here are some items I thought might help. If you agree with me it iw worth working on them to improve your site.

You need a "Start here" or "FAQ" to new user as it seem it is difficult to find where to start.
Do we start by creating account or other link. What will be the best stating point to benefit from the site.

Navigation to the main page is hitting back button many times.
For example if I click to "Book Reviews" and click few links back I have to hit the back arrow many times to come home.
Suggestion - why don't you make the logo "Cute Librarian" become a link to return users back the home.
The above comments also applies for the link to forum.
Both of the links "Books Reviews" and "Forums" looks like an external link to "yuku.com",
so you can open a new window for them leaving the main window intact.

Are you trying to help the MM design group. YOu can make their logo a bit smaller.
Smile :-)
Moses Premium
Carin, how are you. I will check in few days. I am in semi vacation mode. I am not rich yet, but taking my yearly vacation. So staying away from laptop, but I sneak when I see one.
I will send you an email later.
Smile :-)
Moses Premium
Carin, - I am back. I checked your site and it looks great. I like your links to Amazon, and the big logo brings you back to the main site from the review and discussion pages. Good. Now you can advertise it by dropping the url in email and other groups, forum and etc.. Good job.

Smile :-)
Carin Premium
Yes you can add me as a buddy......I just love it here at WA. I have only been a member for about 3 days now. I have begun the tutorials and am learning lots of new and interesting things. This is such a fascinating time to be on the web and in IM. Good luck with all you do and keep me updated on your progress. Cheers!
Carin Premium
Thanks for dropping in ... I have been very busy with creating my website. I hope to have it up and runnign by the end of the week, just in time for my vacation. Which is a much needed vacation. I will be using the the tools I learn at WA to help promote my site. My site will be a combination of a few things, I am using my passion for reading and my drive to communicate with others to make my site a great place. When it is up and running I will let you know. Thanks for stopping by and I hope all is well with you too! :)
Carin Premium
Good evening Moses ... just dropping by to let you know my site is done. The address is www.cutelibrarian.com. I still have some bugs to work out but that is all part of the job. Please let me know what you think. Enjoy! :)
Carin Premium
Thanks Moses for the input ... I will make the changes this weekend ... busy , busy, busy. As time goes by I will figure this all out. : )
Carin Premium
Moses ... finally I have the updated changes on my site. Please check it out. There is one glich with the web designers logo not showing on all of the pages but this is minor and fixable. Have a look and let me know what you think of the new look.


Carin Premium
Have a great vacation Moses talk to you when you get back!! :)
redpacheco Premium
Hello Carin, welcome to WA family. I'm also new here too, started just a couple of weeks ago and I was impressed about the people here as well as the knowledge we can acquire. Keep up the good work and the enthsiasm.
Carin Premium
Hi Red, thanks for the nice welcome. I am loving it here too. The forums are awesome and the resources offered by K&C are amazing. Good luck with your endeavors and stay in touch. Carin