About Jpetals
Joined July 2008
Wealthy Affiliate has been my gateway to earning online. My business partner Dale and I have now been bringing in a consistent, steady income with affiliate marketing. We can do you it, you can do it.

How? Do something. Trust me, you have likely already read enough. Time to jump into action and start putting stuff out there. When you are stuck or need further information, then start reading again.

Below, I will share the various tools and I sites I have found interesting. I like to use Squidoo for this because it really puts it out there for others to see and read. I love hearing from people so do not hesitate to message me at anytime. Pay it forward.


You can also find me on twitter @jpetals .
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HealthSupplier Premium
To jpetals:

Welcome to the WAU! May you find success in IM.
The WAU will definitely help you find success if you
are willing to invest your time into learning from the
resources that are available and from fellow members.


jpetals Premium
Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself. If you have any advice, feel free to share. :)
TJ Books Premium
Welcome to WA! Work hard and use the forums. You will learn here!

John T Jones, Ph.D.
TJ Books Premium
Stay focused and work hard. Try to do something everyday to start the cash coming in. And make sure you stay in contact with Kyle or Carson. Click on their links and ask a question. They have been a great help to me.
TJ Books Premium
Hi, JP! For your info, after my first four months at WA, I made almost $700 in Sept. I couldn't have done it without Carson and I did it all with Bum Marketing. How are you coming along? John
TJ Books Premium
Thanks for telling me about my "weak link." Anyway, I got a new tiny url and it seems to work fine so you can try that if you like. John
TJ Books Premium
Have some Au! John
TJ Books Premium
Happy New Year, Jodie! You are a great help to everyone. John
TJ Books Premium
I may have to have success. My company, Lenox China, is in receivership. The retirement fund is in trust and is supposed to be safe, but you never know these days.
Thanks for the kind and sweet note. John
TJ Books Premium
Have some Au coins. John
TJ Books Premium
I put a post on your forum question on EZA. When you edit and resubmit an article at EZA, the editorial process and everything else seems to start over again. You can actually have an article removed because it doesn't meet current guidelines. I have a bunch of articles like that and I've been warned by EZA not to modify them. I suggest that you send a message at EZA to Kirk. He knows what is going on over there and he has helped me a lot. Read more at the post if you like. The problem with those forum post is that I have a heck of a time finding my past submissions. John
TJ Books Premium
Too bad that baby didn't get quite into the pic. John
TJ Books Premium
Also, my dismal fate when I make more money writing letters than writing articles. From that I get a small monthly income. I only know one letter site. Do you know any? John
TJ Books Premium
Hi, Jodie!
Well, things are picking up. I made three sales to my surprise. I also put up a new tutorial to glean a little gold and to help others get going.
TJ Books Premium
Short Trip! We are back! John
TJ Books Premium
I sold http://tinyurl.com/474rsv, Jodie. Yeh!
TJ Books Premium
Thanks' Kid! I was able to delete that Squidoo lens that has been hanging in limbo for so long. I then was able to grab the URL like you said and republish. Still tons to do on getting more traffic to these lenses. I did get a hit from a twitter & WA member. John
TJ Books Premium
Spending a lot of time helping new members. Always amazed at what hinders some of them. Well, I can help them count to three. And they have the two big boys too. John
TJ Books Premium
Updating my lenses and adding more keywords seem to be working, etc. I'm getting some hits! John
TJ Books Premium
Well, I screwed up again. I put up all those keywords on my squidoo lenses but for some I hit publish before I hit save and the keywords, zillions of them, went off into cyberspace. There warning should say SAVE and Publish, not just publish for we nuts who forget to hit save. So, guess what I was doing all morning. Fortunately, I had the keywords saved, or most of them anyway. Senile in Idaho John
TJ Books Premium
Well, I caught back up. Fortunately I had most all of the keywords stored. The rest I could easy generate. But I hate having so many lenses that require updating. EZA never told me to update. I guess that is the difference between a web page and an article. Also, while I was updating, I saved the names of 4 or 5 new lenses which Squidoo is bugging me to publish. The wind bloweth here in Idaho! It's going to blow us away! John
TJ Books Premium
More Au to You! Gold, that is! Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle! John
TJ Books Premium
Hi, Kid! I've got three sales at CB this week and it is only Thursday, over one hundred bucks in commissions. John
TJ Books Premium
I'm still reading my mail here so you can contact me with a PM, etc. I'm on a money-making mission from Kyle. Nice sale this morning. John
TJ Books Premium
Happy Cinco de Mayo! John
TJ Books Premium
Here come your 42 Au Coins! John
TJ Books Premium
Don't spend it all in one place! John
TJ Books Premium
Because you are so helpful and kind to this senile old man. I'm sending you a note to tell you my latest screw up. John
TJ Books Premium
My last 5 gold coins to you! I removed all of my tutorials so I'm not gleaning gold. Still on Kyle's assignment. Will renew for another year in a couple of weeks. John
TJ Books Premium
Land Ho! Well, not yet! John
TJ Books Premium
Have some Au! John
TJ Books Premium
Happy Fathers Day to Dad up there. John and Pat
TJ Books Premium
Have a little AU! John
TJ Books Premium
When I was a young minister, a funeral director asked me to hold a grave side service for a homeless man with no family or friends. The funeral was to be at a cemetery way out in the country. This was a new cemetery and this man was the first to be laid to rest there.

I was not familiar with the area and became lost. Being a typical man, of course, I did not ask for directions. I finally found the cemetery about an hour late. The back hoe was there and the crew was eating their lunch. The hearse was nowhere to be seen.

I apologized to the workers for being late. As I looked into the open grave, I saw the vault lid already in place. I told the workers I would not keep them long, but that this was the proper thing to do. The workers, still eating their lunch, gathered around the opening.

I was young and enthusiastic and poured out my heart and soul as I preached. The workers joined in with, "Praise the Lord," "Amen," and "Glory!" I got so into the service that I preached and preached and preached, from Genesis to The Revelation.

When the service was over, I said a prayer and walked to my car. As I opened the door, I heard one of the workers say, "I never saw anything like that before and I've been putting in septic systems for twenty years."

Keep Smiling! John
TJ Books Premium
Wow! I'm gold rich today! I thank ya, Mamm! John
TJ Books Premium
Happy Birthday, Jodie! Have some gold. John
jpetals Premium
Thank you for introducing yourself. I've already started using the forums and I'm blown away by all the information on this site. I'm not new to internet marketing, but the information provided in WA is amazing and I'm happy I joined after only three days of being a member.

jpetals Premium
Good to hear you are still on your adventure John. Make sure to yell when you see land. =)
jpetals Premium
You just made my day by your post on myspace. Thank you for all the smiles you have ever given me John. =) You are such a special man!! THANK YOU!!!!! I'm giving you a little treat for all you have done for my mental well being.
JasonS Premium
Welcome to WA
jpetals Premium
Thanks for stopping by and greeting me. Seems like a lot of friendly people here. :)

bennyhowe Premium
Hi Jodie,
You just added me on twitter....so i thought i would perv ur links lol! Can I just say that ur squidoo articles rock and your general overview and energy are great.......shh.....no tellin....but someone to kinda look up to :) Thanks for the add and thanks for the great reads, don't mind if i add u here too?? :)
jpetals Premium
Thanks for adding me on Twitter. Just one of my few addictions. Happy you liked my Squidoo lens. I have been told by a few newbies that they found it really helpful. Kinda sound like I'm strutting my stuff at the moment, but truly am just happy that some find it helpful.

alfredfernandes Premium

Welcome to WA family. Wishing you and your two young sons every success and happiness.
jpetals Premium
Thank you for your warm welcome. :) I'm sure I'll be seeing you around.