Starting to work things out! YAY!

Last Update: October 10, 2009

As of 2 days ago I got my very first domain name. It is I went on the hosting and added it to the hosting here, however, I am having problems since i understand nothing about why it is telling me to change the DNS or any of the options they are giving me... i guess i need a tutorial on the hosting as well... lol.

I am now an affiliate with sort of by default since it gives you that option easily if you have a site or domain with them. I keep wondering if maybe it would have been a better idea just to get the hosting there as well then i wouldnt have to know all this file transfer stuff and perhaps non of that dns or other programing stuff. 

I am going to be signing up for the affiliate program as soon as i get something on my website. I think its got to have some prior content in order to be a affiliate with the one i had decided to use.

half the affiliate programs i have looked into ended up having huge catches in their terms of service that made me feel like i would never actually earn any money. some required that in order for you to recieve any money they had to be a "active" user meaning not just signing up with them but also logging in and having one of their products on their site and all this and that... things that looked like excellent affiliate programs really turned out to be things that were deffinately not going to make me money.

I was a bit discouraged. But i think i am going to do fine now. I have some questions i have to ask some people on here... but otherwise, things are running smoothly. Even though i am slower on the uptake than others things are finally comming around. 

I cannot wait for my first sale. That will truely be a monumental achevement for me. I am excited to get things going. well i shouldnt sit around here too long, theres work to be done.

Oh yes and lastly I am doing a aids walk this weekend on sunday. I am doing it with my children. If anyone wants to donate money to sponcer my walking or my childrens walking then that would be awsome.

It is of course a possibe tax write off it goes to helping people who have aids get the medicine they need even if they dont have money and also goes to prevention measures. It is a excellent cause. If you want you can donate any amount you want. when you hit the donate button some fast amounts come up that you can check the box next to or if you go down the page a little there is a box to write in an amount. Any amount given is helpful to someone who is in need even dollars add up with many people donating so if you are interested in donating to me or my kids here is our webpages though the aids walk site to donate on:

casandra's page:

My team page (the page where you can see a picture of my sons and sponcer one of them in the walk):

At any rate thats all. I appreicate everyone who reads my blogs and helps me out. Everyone here is so awsome. I plan on staying at wealthy affiliate for a long time to come.  


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Allen Premium
Hey there..

The 2 key help pages you need to setup your new domain here at WA are as follows:

This first link is to change your name servers at so your domain is pointed to WA hosting.

The second link will help you setup your domain in your WA Hosting.

Hope that helps.
