Stuck and right at the beginning! : (

Last Update: October 02, 2009

UPDATE: Thanks to many wonderful WA Members who answered my "cry for help" here, I was able to understand what was going on and know what my next steps should be. I am so lucky that so many others here love to help people too. I hope that i can be like you all who helped me some day and help others here as well. Thank You to everyone who wrote me to help me with this!


Original Entry:

First off I would like to say i am truely lucky to have meet so many people willing to help me on wealthy affiliate. I truely appreciate it. I have sent off letters about this and am sure ill get the answer to my problem pretty soon but it is still a little frustrating

I read all of the Action Plan front to back and wrote notes on most of the steps and printed off the others. after all those lessons... I still felt I was missing something. I went back though and copied most of the links within the action plan off so that i could read those as well and will be doing so in the mean time between now and waiting for my question to be answered.

My first campaign is going to be in the e-card industry. I will be affiliating myself with a e-card site. I have looked at many affiliate programs though e-card sites and many look good to me. However, I cannot pick the ones I want because the majority of them require websites when you sign up. I didnt know that would be a requirement of being a affiliate. My questions were:

does a blog count as a website to give to a affiliate program that says you need a website to sign up?

does that mean I have to buy a domain name before i can become a affiliate for the majority of programs?

and finally 

what type of content would i put on a site that i am starting for the purpose of the affiliate business but cannot be a affiliate until I have a site? At that point I would have no idea what to write about especially since the best thing is to have a website be highly relevant however, how do you do that if you have to make content before you become the affiliate to begin with? or is just a blank unfuntioning site good enough to sign up for a affiliate program they just need you to have a link? 

I just dont understand. I want to do this correctly and I want to eventually have my own website for reviews of products that i have affiliated with. However, starting seems to truely be the hardest part, 

I would start writing articles but I think I ought to sign up for the program first before i try to write anything right? I could i sopposed pick one spicific program to start with for sure... study the site and write a couple articles that would be unpublishable until I was a affiliate with them. I wonder if thats the best course of action.

I just want to start doing now... I feel like I have been sort of left behind for all the people who have started a month ago like me seem to have already started their marketing. I know everyone works at their own pace and i am fine with where i am at now... so long as i can keep pushing forward instead of just standing still. I will be reading some tonight while i am waiting for the answer. I used up all my printer paper and ink printing out the learning materials because it takes longer for me to read and write notes from online reading than it does to read printed material and highlight and I want to make the best use of my time so I can get this ball rolling so to speak.

I am excited to finally be started. I know that failure is part of the learning process, and I am sure i will have many learning experiences like this, however, as I said before I am determined to succeed. I will make this work and i will be able to write my success story. 

well thats it

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dgpwrrichesunow Premium
Hi ! Casandra
Your a little confused I can see about becoming an affiliate. It's confusing a little at first. For the most part "No" you do not have to own a Website to become an Affiliate. PM me or write me back I will walk you through it. Also check your WA Forum messages I left one for you in there that you haven't read yet I think. Don't get discouraged ok? Where have you been? Haven't seen you on lately. I haven't been on much lately and doing my best to use time management with all that I am doing on the net. I am taking a couple of other coaching classes.

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