Perfect WP theme?

Last Update: April 15, 2012

The Quest for the Perfect WP Theme is ongoing.  I thought I'd found it yesterday, however, for some reason I couldn't get Adsense to work.  Since I just discovered that I have actually been making money on Adsense for the last 6 months (how embarrassing! I didn't realise until just now), its kind of essential.  I really LIKED that theme...

I’m pretty excited about the Adsense earnings.  Its not enough to reach the payout threshold yet, but I will be working on that (so long as my blog cooperates!).  Its so easy to get bogged down in looking for the perfect theme and getting your featured images just so.  I need to knuckle down and do some real work!

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techhound Premium
I have been running into a situation lately that's disturbing. I have installed legitimate plugins and/or themes that are causing my sites to be banned by Google and Bluehost. Bluehost gave me no warning whatsoever. To me that is really bad business practice. I am also looking at the possibility of legal action to stop them from inadvertently suspending accounts at will.

It would be different if I was deliberately putting up malware. But I am not. I am simply using the themes or plugins.

I was wondering if anyone else has run into this situation and what you've done about it.

May I suggest taking a look at this?

I know it's not free, only a small yearly payment, but you can get soem really good, highly customizable themes. Check on Apina's review, in my opinion, its worth the money :)
Marad Premium
These themes are just beatiful!
They are aren't they Marad, and you get them all for a small yearly membership! I'm using the Chameleon theme at the moment for my website, really like it!
D Premium
Congratulations! BTW, what's the payment threshold with AdSense? Has anybody ever heard whether an AdSense code might work on some sites but not others?
Cie Premium
payment threshold is $100...once you reach that they transfer the money into your account...very nice when that happens. I use the suffusion theme for has lots of options (it's a little overwhelming at first)...and any time I've had a problem they are very responsive via the forum. BTW i have had very few problems...and the biggest one was my fault...:)
CathyLou Premium
Thanks for the tip! I have noticed that theme, I think I might use it for my next site. I really want a theme with a 'slider' for this particular site I am working on now but I'll definitely try it out next time.
JonnyX Premium
I believe the Heatmap theme is the best one designed for ad-sense, but as long as you can get traffic to your page and have them see the ad-sense ads clearly and quickly or alternatively engage your visitors with value content and thus priming them for a 'warm ad-sense click', it should not matter what theme your really using!