The Importance of Focus

Last Update: April 25, 2012

There is always a new ‘shiny’ online. New products, new trends, new offers, new training, new techniques... and they all seem too good to miss out on! It makes it very difficult to focus which makes it very difficult to actually succeed...

I came to a realisation yesterday. There are ALWAYS going to be these new shiny things to distract me. I'm not going to 'miss out' on my 'one and only opportunity' to succeed because there ISN'T just one. The more I flail about trying to do everything (or at least the easy and fun parts of everything :p), the LESS likely I am to actually succeed at anything.

I think I need to tattoo this inside my eyeballs...

Focussing is not easy. It is especially difficult when you have to write articles or whatever your least favourite part of this business is.

Thats why I need a plan. I had a plan, but I ignored it... haha! Time for a new plan.

Whew! I feel so much better now that I posted this. I think it has crystallised my thoughts and shown me the direction I need to be going in.

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fishing Premium
I kinda have a look but don't touch is helpful to let go some newsletters, I am sure we all are quilty of that having way to much info being sent to us...usually my first stop is WA to stay on track with my plan...but it will always fluctuate thats the good part of doing IM for yourself it can fluctuate it is not neccesarly a bad thing in small doses...
andre.ramos Premium
you're absolutely right! you've openned my eyes, i aprecciate it!
jchilders Premium
I hear ya! When I came back to WA, I unsubscribed from all but 2 or 3 mailing lists I was on. This DRASTICALLY cut down on the number of shiny objects put in front of me.

But like Jatdebeaune said, I occasionally join one of the few webinar offers I see just to see if there's anything ground breaking. As she said, it turns into the typical 'here's a bit of info, now buy my product to make it easier or whatever'
A method I've been using if I am interested in the the first part and as soon as they start the 'pitch', simply leave the webinar. You got the information you wanted and don't have to worry about being swayed by the sales pitch because you won't watch it.

You seem to be on the right path though, so keep it up!! :)
BIS Premium
You are not the only one. Been there - done that - got the T-Shirt and become very hardened to it - but not entirely immune. However - I do have a plan and planning is everything in my view. (and taking action of course!)
jatdebeaune Premium
It's not only shiny objects, it's the trend now to offer webinars, usually culminating in an offer of some sort. I join thinking I'm going to learn something, but it's usually a sales pitch. Went to one last night given by Brian Tracy. I like him, so figured it was worth a shot. It was more of an interview and he was good as usual, but still, he's selling a $500 course on book publishing.

You do have to put blinders on and stick to your plan and try not to get seduced. We're all vulnerable to that.