Happy 1st Year WA Birthday to me!

Last Update: June 22, 2012
It's June 22, 2012 here in my timezone (probably still 21 for most of you guys) and it's been a year since I joined Wealthy Affiliate University!

Gonna Start Working At Home At Last!

Before going back to my experiences during the whole year, I just wanna say that starting next week, I'll be working at home, with all the comfort of my own schedule and everything. We will be buying an i7 computer tomorrow and I will be doing my video editing job at home plus my online business. I'm really excited! (I might make another blog soon about my first days of working at home).

My Brief One Year WA Story

Time travel to last year, I remember that afternoon when I made a significant decision in joining WA, since I lost my teaching job. You can read my very first blog here that I made last year if you want to know why am I here. Throughout all those days, I really learned a lot! I experienced some failures and success and all the efforts were really worth it. Let me tell you some of the highlights in my internet marketing journey...

I made my first income online not from affiliate marketing but from writing an article for another WA member. It was $5 and it made me realize that making money online is possible. Though some of my works got rejected, article writing plus few web design became my constant resource in paying my WA membership since then. I made my first affiliate sale at Amazon after two months and it also made me see the potential of earning through affiliate marketing.

Though I was really excited at first, thinking that I will become rich soon, time came that I also got discouraged. I already knew that success on IM does not happen overnight but I'm thinking that I'll be making stable income maybe after some months... it did not happen. There were even times wherein I'm thinking of going out from WA already... Thanks to throwback offer of Kyle and Carson last September 2011. I signed up for a platinum account for the whole year. I actually borrowed money from the bank just for me to join this promo.

I got married last December 2011 and so I became more serious in making money for our new family. I partnered with my friend and we set up an SEO and writing company. We also set up new sites and one of them is already constantly making us money. We then trained our own writers and they are now responsible for writing most of our articles in our sites. They were glad that we are helping them to make some money as well.

Last month, we also started an authority site that reviews many kinds of products. We are still currently developing the site and we know that we have a long way to go. I'm just very positive that maybe next year, this site will gain more...

My Jobs And Income

To be honest, I'm not yet rich... However, I'm sure that I'm making more money and have more freedom today compared to the days when I was just a slave employee (call center agent, TV video editor, Instructor, video editor). I'm still doing my video editing job now because it is one of my passions. Most of my income however are now coming from my article writing job. Some of them are from our online business. What I like about IM is that, as days go by, money is growing and time is also becoming more available.

Thanks To People In WA

First off, I wanna thank Steve for bringing me here (BIG HUG for you). I also want to thank Kyle and Carson for teaching me how to do IM. Thanks also for those personal helps you gave. Of course, how can I forget Jay and all his webinars. Those webinars alone make the education here priceless!... I wanted to mention more names but I just can't remember all of you guys. Anyway, all the members of WA are in my heart.

More To Go!

After a year, I still feel like I'm a baby. I learned a lot yet there are still many things that I have to learn. IM is really great I really thank the Lord for bringing me here.

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TduhT182 Premium
Oh and Happy WAbirthDay!
chamaltatis Premium
TduhT182 Premium
Very inspiring for a 6 month-er to read! Thank you for sharing some of the light of persistence. It really was perfect timing as I'm struggling a bit at the moment and occasionally lose sight of my intentions and where I would like to wind up!.
chamaltatis Premium
I fully understand that discouragement is coming sometimes. It happened to me a lot of times actually. But as long as we will not quit, something good will surely happen along the way...
TJ Books Premium
All things come to those who waitith if they work like hell while they waitith? This business does take patience and you stuck it out. I've been here four years and enjoyed every minute of it. Congrats! John
chamaltatis Premium
Thanks TJ! Wow, 4 years is really great!
opemot Premium
I'm so happy for you because I was getting discourage after 3days here..lol but reading this would surely keep me going..
chamaltatis Premium
Yeah, it's really overwhelming at first but as long as you will not give up, you will find your way to success...
BIS Premium
Congratulations. It's nice to hear about your success
chamaltatis Premium
Thanks BIS!