What happened during the past months?

Last Update: October 19, 2011

 I'm already turning 4 months this coming October 22 and I think I'll just make another blog post to update myself and share to the WA community what happened to me so far. Another thing is that, I've been here for a while and I can still see my blogs empty (I mean only few posts are there) so let me just add one now. 

 When I was doing my success in 30 days, I was always excited to wake up in the morning to see my assignment for the day. I religiously followed the schedule even if sometimes I really have to work hard for it. I mean work hard to the point that there are already times where in I had a little misunderstanding and adjustment with my girlfriend because my time now is limited. Before joining WA, I used to play with my niece also during my free times. Today however, I don't have enough time anymore so a little gap was already made. 

Well, sacrifices were made really but I learned a lot. This is a lot better than any schooling I got before. I know nothing about internet marketing before but now I can say a lot about it already. Writing also already became my daily routine and I enhanced my writing skill further through internet marketing.

 Well, like almost everybody though, I failed a lot as well. In fact, I bought 3 domain names that just went to nothing. The first website I worked so hard during my first month was also given up because I bought a wrong domain name. I bought another domain name and too bad the niche was so broad and it only has few monthly searches. There were already times that I was about to give up actually. It's not because WA is not a great place. It was because I'm really worried that I can't make money soon and I'll not have any money anymore to pay my monthly dues. I was thinking of going out from WA and just do the things I learned outside. Well, thanks to those WA writing jobs I had because they provided my needs. 

Throwback came and of course I was really hot to join. I didn't have enough money though that time so I was planning to talk to my girlfriend and ask some help from here to borrow money from the bank. Thank God she agreed so I was able to join. All the more, I didn't expect that my friend whom I'm always telling things about WA is also interested to join. We joined the throwback together during the last day of the offer. He joined through my link and that was my very first WA sale! (it was not yet approved though, Kyle said it will be after 60 days)

I then continued to make new websites so now I'm currently running four. It's a bit hard to manage my time for all of them and sadly, I don't have the budget yet to outsource some of my works. I just made a schedule for my writing jobs for each of them. My oldest site is already in the front page of google but it is always being hit by panda because of some duplicate contents I made before (I didn't know what I was doing that time). My two other sites are now in page two and I'm really working so hard to push them more upwards.

Bruce posted an offer here during the past week and I immediately grabbed it. I read that eBook written by Dan and I was more encouraged to make more mini sites. I wanted now to focus on popular physical products and make real money. The problem was that, when I became hot to buy a new domain name, my visa card had a problem. I'm going back and forth to the bank to fix it and yet nothing is happening until now. I think I just have to open a new one.

I mentioned in my first post before that I wanted to make some money for our incoming wedding this December. Well, I'm running out of time and I'm not sure if the mini site I'll be making can make some money in just two months left. If not, then it will be fine too. I'll just make things really work as soon as we start to stay together as a couple . 

So far so good. I'm really glad I made it here. I've learned a lot and still currently learning. I just made some 3 amazon sales so far last month and they are not yet big enough for a living. I'm just happy that few things worked so far. I'm really looking forward for bigger sales soon. I don't want to repeat those mistakes of buying non converting domain names and setting up broad niches already. Now I wanted to focus more on a very particular niche. I also wanted to go for physical products for now. I'm currently selling some softwares and the problem sometimes is that, not all people who are searching for softwares are buying them. They just get information and then download the pirate version. I think physical product is the key to success for now.  


October 19, 2011 

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muskyblood Premium
Great post cham, and glad to have you here for the entire year. Keep up the hard work, set a schedule and you will do fine. Make some time to do some fun things with your family like you were before, that is important. If you burn out you will not be productive at all. A day or 2 off can really help clear the brain, and then you come back fresh and ready to roll. Best of luck to you here, and keep plugging away! Congrats on your WA sale, and your Amazon sales too!
chamaltatis Premium
Thanks Josh! Yeah I really have to make some sched for those breaks too.