Im getting there!

Last Update: June 04, 2012
One step at a time right? I may be spending more time on some steps then others have, but I really want to make sure I do this right.

I have wasted too much time saying "One day I'm going to do this"!
Well I finally am, I am finally creating a website about something that I love!

So far, even though I am only a few days into the training, I find the information invaluable. I can't tell you how many times I have tried to start a website, but have gotten so lost in the marketing aspect of it, and just given up.

So far I love how everything is broken down so simply, step by step.

I've been a Stay at home mom for many years, but in this economy I really can't afford to be. The catch22 is that, because I was a stay at home mom for so long, I have no marketable skills to find a good paying job.

I am excited that I now have a creative outlet that will also allow me to contribute, even if it is only a little to help my family financially.

I am Excited! I cannot wait to really take off into this program, but have made a commitment to be patient so that I can learn all that I need to along the way to be successful.
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Carson Premium
ClickChick Premium
Thank you, I am excited to learn everything that I can :)
tport144 Premium
Way to go! Keep at it and you will be AMAZED at what you can accomplish!
ClickChick Premium
Thank you :)