My Journey through WA :)

Last Update: May 21, 2012
Day 1- Confused, yet excited.

I am hopeful that I have finally found not only an outlet for all the ideas running around in my head, but also a way to generate an income for my family.

Today I signed up for the 10 day trial, and I am currently chatting with a couple of people in the chat on WA.

My husband is skeptical, but Im not :) I will just have to prove him wrong :)

So today I completed the 1st day training.

I am trying to pick a name for my 1st domain. I will have a few, as I have topics on several subjects I would like to write about or share.

But 1st, My photography :)

Wish me luck.
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Stacydee Premium
Welcome to WA, speak up when you need help.
veronica.l Premium
Best of luck! Let us know if you have any questions.
Sielke Premium
Good luck! You're ready to write and thats a good thing. You'll have some fun for sure.
You're at the right place. Good luck, ask questions