About Corletters
Joined March 2008
Hi My name is Graeme

I am 37 years old joined WA to be part of a support system and to help me to move towards my goals and dreams of being a successful internet marketer.

My interests are: Photography, rugby, fitness training, playing a djembe drum, catching up with my friends and spending quality time with friends and traveling.

I am currently in sales in the sunshade industry.
I have done a lot of traveling around the globe, the best thing ever!!
Thats my beautiful wife in the other photo.....shes my best friend and is real supportive with the IM idea!

The thought of having time freedom and controlling my own destiny and a growing income to support my family and while having time to help others, makes my heart sing!

Best Regards and best of success to you all, love to be your buddy!
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HealthSupplier Premium
To corletters:

Hi! How are you doing in your IM goals? By the way... I read your "7 minutemuscle" link... interesting info. I agree that at times people do not have much time to work out and working out for at least 7 minutes is definitely better than not working out at all... but, there is more to gaining muscle than how long one works out. Although, you did mention that it is important to work different muscle groups and maintain a consistent schedule... which are definitely good tips.
I enjoy working out by studying tae kwon do.


kevinng Premium
Hi Corletters,

Welcome to WA.

I've been fortunate to leave my day job for internet marketing and all I have to say to you is "never give up!"

Take care dude, nice to have you here!
corletters Premium
Hi Kevin

Thank you for your warm welcome.
I have bought some expensive programs before which left me confused and it all seemed too hard. I have ended up procrastinating and confused about what the next step is in the past 12 months. That is about to change!!!
I am really looking forward to learning heaps through WA and support from other WA's
I am excited about the journey ahead of me and getting to know some great people who are seeking the same types of vision, which I suppose that is the reason why we have all joined.
Speak again soon Kevin.

Kind Regards
corletters Premium
Thanks for your offer to help when when I need it. Thats awesome.
Speak again soon.
Take care
corletters Premium
Hey Kyle

that was great, thanks for your feed back I really appreciate that!! That was certainly helpful
I am definately going the BUM way etc!!

Have an awesome week!
corletters Premium
Yeh, I know what you mean about the sleeping thing, my eyes are hanging out in the mornings, all I want to do is IM,
My mind is exploding with all this information, its amazing what is in WA!!!

Take care Bro!
corletters Premium
I have found the forums very valuable with all the wisdom of information there. There is so many resources here, I am finding It a bit challenging to move forward at the moment as there are soooo many choices. But that is pretty normal to start with as over whelm hits in!!
WA members are here to help each other and share, which is so worth being part of WA!! My next step is to search for a niche and the right key words.
keep in touch and all the best Hillary.
corletters Premium
Yeh man, I thought I better include and mention my wife as she is great support!

How are you going? How are you finding WA so far?
corletters Premium
Hi Cash

Thanks for your message and keeping in touch. I have feeling very overwhelmed with all the information, forums, offers etc. I am finding it hard make a decision on a niche and finding it challenging to find the right key words, but I will get there with persistence.
There really is a huge amount of info eh!!!

How are you going?

corletters Premium
Blessing to you too> he sure is amazing with the opportunities he puts in front of us!!