About HealthSupplier
Joined June 2008
Hi everybody! I have a BS degree in food service, online degree in nutrition / wellness, and a minor in marketing. I plan on continuing my education in the future. I am thinking of the possibility of starting my own health club, with a small health store and deli. Anyone else have plans / goals in the food or health field? I want to help you have a healthy, successful life. It would be great to hear from anyone; I have many interests. Also, feel free to add me to your buddy list.
Teamwork is a key to success.
HealthSupplier's Accomplishments

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Recent messages
prlace Premium
I just started with WA today, but already had a couple of ideas about possible affiliate marketing sites. It seems that your focus on health products is similiar to mine. Do you have any suggestions?
morewisdom Premium
I have added you to my buddy list. I am a newbie and I am interested in alternative medicine and I thought you might be also.
labo Premium
I'm also from the health industry and want to get more interested in nutrition and complementary medicine. We could make a good team, although I'm a newbie and pretty new to the internet marketing world. Lets bud up.
Good luck
silverlotus Premium
Hi HealthSupplier,
Welcome to Wealthy Affiliates. I'm sure you'll excell here. Actually, it appears, from your About Me space, that you would excell anywhere. We have strong common interests in the health field. I think we could give each other great feedback. I'll check out your Squiddo Lens for you. I need to go over there anyway, to follow up on my own.
HealthSupplier Premium
Hi Silverlotus!
Thanks for the encouraging message on my space, adding me as a buddy, and checking out my squidoo lenses.
When you get a chance you should add your squidoo lens to your sites list.
Also, I added you to my buddy list as well.
Dennis Premium
Hey there Shawn i would really like to do a transaction with you i have this lens that i wrote on a health product and i did it out of curiosity and i see you have a good niche there. dude its really booming with traffic, all i need from you is just some gold and thats it, nothing more and i will give you the lens. are you up for it?
Check it out)
success Healthsupplier
Dennis Premium
Hey there sorry for replying late i was kind off busy with other material. I have had to take down my site and was really buzzed. Anyway have some gold from me. feel free to return the favour. hehe.
Dennis Premium
Wassup healthy dude. Is been a long time since i heard from you. Watch upto men? Hope all this is going on just fine. You can make it just keep on. Other wise have some gold
HealthSupplier Premium
Hi Dennis,

Thanks for adding me as a buddy!
What are your current plans / goals in IM?