The start of my 1st year in IM

Last Update: July 06, 2012
Well, my 10-day free trial finished yesterday and I have decided to take the plunge and have signed up for the years membership.That was a big decision but I figured if I can't make any success in a year then I never will. I plan to put in 15 hours a week whilst I have a job, then when my current work contract runs out in 3 months I will go full time on this. I am fortunate to be in a position where I can do this as I have saved enough to see me through the year. It's encouraging to see lots of people who started out with little or no IM skills getting good results and helps me realise anyone can do it if they have determination.

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Good luck man. Stay focused and keep executing
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA. Glad you decided to take the plunge. I'm pretty sure you will find it to be everything you hope for.
nana-diana Premium
ALSO T.J.Brooks & Labman have proved to be interesting & willing to help/explain - ka kite ano
nana-diana Premium
greetings mapongaj - i am new as of june this year - there is so much information & so many helpful and encouraging people, that is can feel overwhelming - my advice is to start the 10 Day Training Course & tune into the CHAT from time to time - one-wee-step-at-a-time!!! best wishes - nana-diana is following you
mapongaj Premium
Hallo I'm new here please help me how to start
CosmicCowboy Premium
Hi mapongaj, the first thing I did when I started which was only 10 days ago was work through the 10-day training course which is under the training link down the left hand side of the website. This is a good way to get to know the site and also get you on the way to creating your website site.